Fisher's inequality

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Fisher's inequality is a necessary condition for the existence of a balanced incomplete block design, that is, a system of subsets that satisfy certain prescribed conditions in combinatorial mathematics. Outlined by Ronald Fisher, a population geneticist and statistician, who was concerned with the design of experiments such as studying the differences among several different varieties of plants, under each of a number of different growing conditions, called blocks.



To be a balanced incomplete block design it is required that:

Fisher's inequality states simply that



Let the incidence matrix M be a v × b matrix defined so that Mi,j is 1 if element i is in block j and 0 otherwise. Then B = MMT is a v × v matrix such that Bi,i = r and Bi,j = λ for ij. Since r ≠ λ, det(B) ≠ 0, so rank(B) = v; on the other hand, rank(B) ≤ rank(M) ≤ b, so vb.


Fisher's inequality is valid for more general classes of designs. A pairwise balanced design (or PBD) is a set X together with a family of non-empty subsets of X (which need not have the same size and may contain repeats) such that every pair of distinct elements of X is contained in exactly λ (a positive integer) subsets. The set X is allowed to be one of the subsets, and if all the subsets are copies of X, the PBD is called "trivial". The size of X is v and the number of subsets in the family (counted with multiplicity) is b.

Theorem: For any non-trivial PBD, vb. [1]

This result also generalizes the Erdős–De Bruijn theorem:

For a PBD with λ = 1 having no blocks of size 1 or size v, vb, with equality if and only if the PBD is a projective plane or a near-pencil (meaning that exactly n  1 of the points are collinear). [2]

In another direction, Ray-Chaudhuri and Wilson proved in 1975 that in a 2s-(v, k, λ) design, the number of blocks is at least . [3]


  1. Stinson 2003 , pg.193
  2. Stinson 2003 , pg.183
  3. Ray-Chaudhuri, Dijen K.; Wilson, Richard M. (1975), "On t-designs", Osaka Journal of Mathematics, 12: 737–744, MR   0592624, Zbl   0342.05018

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