238 (number)

Last updated

238 (two hundred [and] thirty-eight) is the natural number following 237 and preceding 239.

In mathematics

237 238 239
Cardinal two hundred thirty-eight
Ordinal 238th
(two hundred thirty-eighth)
Factorization 2 × 7 × 17
Prime no
Greek numeral ΣΛΗ´
Roman numeral CCXXXVIII
Binary 111011102
Ternary 222113
Senary 10346
Octal 3568
Duodecimal 17A12
Hexadecimal EE16

238 is an untouchable number. [1] There are 238 2-vertex-connected graphs on five labeled vertices, [2] and 238 order-5 polydiamonds (polyiamonds that can partitioned into 5 diamonds). [3] Out of the 720 permutations of six elements, exactly 238 of them have a unique longest increasing subsequence. [4]

There are 238 compact and paracompact hyperbolic groups of ranks 3 through 10. [5]

Related Research Articles

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1000 or one thousand is the natural number following 999 and preceding 1001. In most English-speaking countries, it can be written with or without a comma or sometimes a period separating the thousands digit: 1,000.

300 is the natural number following 299 and preceding 301.

400 is the natural number following 399 and preceding 401.

500 is the natural number following 499 and preceding 501.

700 is the natural number following 699 and preceding 701.

900 is the natural number following 899 and preceding 901. It is the square of 30 and the sum of Euler's totient function for the first 54 positive integers. In base 10 it is a Harshad number. It is also the first number to be the square of a sphenic number.

142 is the natural number following 141 and preceding 143.

132 is the natural number following 131 and preceding 133.

229 is the natural number following 228 and preceding 230.

185 is the natural number following 184 and preceding 186.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">146 (number)</span> Natural number

146 is the natural number following 145 and preceding 147.

216 is the natural number following 215 and preceding 217. It is a cube, and is often called Plato's number, although it is not certain that this is the number intended by Plato.

233 is the natural number following 232 and preceding 234.

205 is the natural number following 204 and preceding 206.

209 is the natural number following 208 and preceding 210.

232 is the natural number following 231 and preceding 233.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">5</span> Integer number 5

5 (five) is a number, numeral and digit. It is the natural number, and cardinal number, following 4 and preceding 6, and is a prime number. It has garnered attention throughout history in part because distal extremities in humans typically contain five digits.

60,000 is the natural number that comes after 59,999 and before 60,001. It is a round number. It is the value of (75025).


  1. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA005114(Untouchable numbers: impossible values for sum of aliquot parts of n)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.
  2. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA013922(Number of labeled connected graphs with n nodes and 0 cutpoints (blocks or nonseparable graphs))". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.
  3. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA056844(Number of polydiamonds: polyominoes made from n diamonds)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.
  4. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "SequenceA167995(Total number of permutations on {1,2,...,n} that have a unique longest increasing subsequence)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences . OEIS Foundation.
  5. Carbone, Lisa; Chung, Sjuvon; Cobbs, Leigh; Mcrae, Robert; Nandi, Debajyoti; Navqi, Yusra; Penta, Diego (March 2010). "Classification of hyperbolic Dynkin diagrams, root lengths and Weyl group orbits" (PDF). Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 43 (15): 30. arXiv: 1003.0564 . Bibcode:2010JPhA...43o5209C. doi:10.1088/1751-8113/43/15/155209. MR   2608277. S2CID   16946456 . Retrieved 2022-11-01.