182 (number)

Last updated
181 182 183
Cardinal one hundred eighty-two
Ordinal 182nd
(one hundred eighty-second)
Factorization 2 × 7 × 13
Divisors 1, 2, 7, 13, 14, 26, 91, 182
Greek numeral ΡΠΒ´
Roman numeral CLXXXII
Binary 101101102
Ternary 202023
Senary 5026
Octal 2668
Duodecimal 13212
Hexadecimal B616
Hebrew קפב (Kuf Peh Bet)
Ge'ez numeral ፻፹፪
Chinese numeral 百八十二
Fibonacci 001000010011

182 (one hundred [and] eighty-two) is the natural number following 181 and preceding 183.


In mathematics

In astronomy

In the military

In music

In transportation

In other fields

182 is also:

See also

Related Research Articles

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500 is the natural number following 499 and preceding 501.

700 is the natural number following 699 and preceding 701.

600 is the natural number following 599 and preceding 601.

800 is the natural number following 799 and preceding 801.

900 is the natural number following 899 and preceding 901. It is the square of 30 and the sum of Euler's totient function for the first 54 positive integers. In base 10 it is a Harshad number. It is also the first number to be the square of a sphenic number.

2000 is a natural number following 1999 and preceding 2001.

3000 is the natural number following 2999 and preceding 3001. It is the smallest number requiring thirteen letters in English.

131 is the natural number following 130 and preceding 132.

152 is the natural number following 151 and preceding 153.

136 is the natural number following 135 and preceding 137.

138 is the natural number following 137 and preceding 139.

141 is the natural number following 140 and preceding 142.

165 is the natural number following 164 and preceding 166.

230 is the natural number following 229 and preceding 231.

280 is the natural number after 279 and before 281.

290 is the natural number following 289 and preceding 291.

258 is the natural number following 257 and preceding 259.


  1. "Sloane's A005282 : Mian-Chowla sequence". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-26.
  2. "Sloane's A005277 : Nontotients". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-26.
  3. "Sloane's A002378 : Oblong (or promic, pronic, or heteromecic) numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-26.
  4. "Sloane's A007304 : Sphenic numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-26.
  5. "Sloane's A002858 : Ulam numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-26.