1703 in art

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List of years in art (table)

Events from the year 1703 in art.





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  1. Explorations in St Petersburg and Saint Petersburg: Museums, Palaces, and Historic Collections say 1703; Petriva dates it to 1707
  2. The Companion Guide to St Petersburg
  3. Bulletin. City Art Museum of St. Louis. 1996. p. 31.
  4. William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck Duke of Portland; Charles Fairfax Murray (1894). Catalogue of the Pictures Belonging to His Grace the Duke of Portland: At Welbeck Abbey, and in London. 1894. Pr. at the Chiswick Press. p. 165.
  5. Gaze, Delia; Mihajlovic, Maja; Shrimpton, Leanda (1997). Dictionary of women artists. London: Fitzroy Dearborn. p. 462. ISBN   978-1-88496-421-3.
  6. Émile Bellier de La Chavignerie et Louis Auvray, Dictionnaire général des artistes de l'École française, Paris, Renouard, 1882-1885, p. 132.