1970 Arab League summit

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Arab League Summit
Host country United Arab Republic
DateSeptember 27, 1970 (1970-09-27)
Cities Cairo

The 1970 Arab League summit was held on September 27 in Cairo, United Arab Republic as an extraordinary Arab League Summit. [1] [2] [3]


The summit came in the aftermath of the bloody events of the Jordanian Civil War, and the clashes between the Palestinian Liberation Organization and King Hussein of Jordan. Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser succeeded in getting both King Hussein of Jordan and Yasser Arafat, the chairman of the PLO, to end the bloody battle between Jordanians and the Palestinian fedayeen. The summit concluded its work on September 28, hours before Nasser died. The summit was boycotted by Ba'athist Iraq, Syria, Algeria and Morocco.

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  1. "Arab League Summit Conferences, 1964–2000". The Washington Institute. Archived from the original on 2018-04-14. Retrieved 2023-11-30.
  2. "مؤتمر القمة العربي غير العادي الأول بالقاهرة 1970". Africa news - أفريكا نيوز (in Arabic). 2022-10-08. Retrieved 2023-11-30.
  3. "Egypt and the Arab League". Nasser Youth Movement. 2023-06-10. Archived from the original on 2024-06-11. Retrieved 2023-11-30.