1994 German presidential election

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1994 German presidential election
Flag of Germany.svg
  1989 23 May 1994 1999  
  Roman Herzog.jpg Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F073494-0025, Bundespressekonferenz, Bundestagswahlkampf, Rau.jpg Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F049586-0029, Frankfurt, FDP-Bundesparteitag, Hamm-Brucher.jpg
Nominee Roman Herzog Johannes Rau Hildegard Hamm-Brücher
Electoral vote604 (1st round)
622 (2nd round)
696 (3rd round)
505 (1st round)
559 (2nd round)
605 (3rd round)
132 (1st round)
126 (2nd round)

  Bundesarchiv Bild 183-1989-1104-036, Berlin, Demonstration, Rede Jens Reich.jpg
Nominee Jens Reich Hans Hirzel
Party Greens REP
Electoral vote62 (1st round)12 (1st round)
11 (2nd round)
11 (3rd round)

President before election

Richard von Weizsäcker

Elected President

Roman Herzog

An indirect presidential election (officially the 10th Federal Convention) was held in Germany on 23 May 1994 and the first after the reunification. Incumbent president Richard von Weizsäcker was term-limited and could therefore not stand for reelection. Roman Herzog, candidate for the Christian Democratic Union, was elected in three rounds of voting. [1]


Composition of the Federal Convention

The president is elected by the Federal Convention consisting of all the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates representing the states. These are divided proportionally by population to each state, and each state's delegation is divided among the political parties represented in its parliament so as to reflect the partisan proportions in the parliament.

By partyBy state
CDU/CSU 620 Bundestag 662
SPD 502 Baden-Württemberg 79
FDP 112 Bavaria 96
Greens 43 Berlin 28
PDS 34 Brandenburg 22
Republicans 8 Bremen 5
Independents4 Hamburg 13
DVLH 1 Hessen 46
Total1324 [2] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 16
North Rhine-Westphalia 141
Rhineland-Palatinate 32
Saarland 9
Saxony 41
Saxony-Anhalt 25
Schleswig-Holstein 23
Thuringia 23
Total1324 [2]


Berlin, 23 May 1994 – Total votes 1324 – Absolute majority 663
CandidateFirst RoundSecond RoundThird RoundNominating Party
Votes %Votes %Votes %First RoundSecond RoundThird Round
Roman Herzog 60445.6%62247.0%69652.6% CDU/CSU CDU/CSU, FDP
Johannes Rau 50538.1%55942.2%60545.7% SPD
Hildegard Hamm-Brücher 13210.0%1269.5% FDP
Jens Reich 624.7% Alliance '90/The Greens
Hans Hirzel 120.9%110.8%110.8% The Republicans
Valid votes1,315100%1,318100%1,312100%


  1. Billing, Werner (1995). The struggle to fill the highest state office: Selection and election of the Federal President 1994. Journal for Parliamentary Questions. pp. 595–620.
  2. 1 2 Eine Dokumentation aus Anlass der Wahl des Bundespräsidenten from 18 March 2012