1974 West German presidential election

Last updated

1974 West German presidential election
Flag of Germany.svg
  1969 15 May 1974 1979  
  Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1989-047-20, Walter Scheel.jpg Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-F040153-0028, Bonn, Pressekonferenz CDU-Vorstand, Weizsacker.jpg
Nominee Walter Scheel Richard von Weizsäcker
Electoral vote530498
NominatorsFDP, SPD CDU/CSU

President before election

Gustav Heinemann

Elected President

Walter Scheel

An indirect presidential election (officially the 6th Federal Convention) was held in West Germany on 15 May 1974. Though not term limited, incumbent Gustav Heinemann chose not to seek a second term. The government parties (SPD and FDP) nominated Vice-Chancellor Walter Scheel; the Christian Democratic Union nominated Richard von Weizsäcker. Scheel won the election by 32 votes on the first ballot. [1] He served as president until 1979. [2] Weizsäcker would later serve as president from 1984 to 1994. [3]


Composition of the Federal Convention

The president is elected by the Federal Convention consisting of all the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates representing the states. These are divided proportionally by population to each state, and each state's delegation is divided among the political parties represented in its parliament so as to reflect the partisan proportions in the parliament.

By PartyBy State
CDU/CSU 501 Bundestag 518
SPD 470 Baden-Württemberg 75
FDP 65 Bavaria 91
Total1036 Berlin 17
Bremen 6
Hamburg 15
Hesse 46
Lower Saxony 62
North Rhine-Westphalia 143
Rhineland-Palatinate 33
Saarland 10
Schleswig-Holstein 22

Source: Eine Dokumentation aus Anlass der Wahl des Bundespräsidenten am 18. März 2012


Walter Scheel FDP, SPD 53051.2
Richard von Weizsäcker CDU/CSU 49848.1
Invalid votes00.0
Not present30.3
Source: Bundestag


  1. Whitney, Craig R. (16 May 1974). "SCHEEL IS ELECTED PRESIDENT IN BONN". The New York Times. Retrieved 6 March 2025.
  2. Schudel, Matt (24 August 2016). "Walter Scheel, influential West German president and foreign minister, dies at 97". The Washington Post. Retrieved 6 March 2025.
  3. "Richard Von Weizsäcker". Oxford Reference. doi:10.1093/oi/authority.20110803120238422.