2007 Speedway World Cup Event 2

Last updated

2007 Speedway World Cup Event 2
Date 16 July 2007
City Coventry
Event 2 of 4 (29)
Referee Istvan Darago
Stadium details
Stadium Brandon stadium
SWC Results
Attendance 5,000
Best Time Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Chris Harris
59.68 secs (in Heat 6)
WinnerFlag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain - 60 pts
Runner-upFlag of Sweden.svg  Sweden - 49 pts
3rd placeFlag of Russia.svg  Russia - 27 pts
4th placeFlag of the United States.svg  United States - 20 pts

The 2007 Speedway World Cup Event 1 was the first race of the 2007 Speedway World Cup season. It took place in July 2007 in the Brandon stadium in Coventry, Great Britain. [1] [2]



Pos.National teamPts.
1Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 60
2Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 49
3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 27
4Flag of the United States.svg  United States 20

Heat details

PlacingTeam / Rider NameTotal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425
1Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain 600258111417192225283031343739414446495253545760
(1) Lee Richardson 1103323
(2) Simon Stead 1023221
(3) Edward Kennett 1032131
(4) Chris Harris 1433323
(5) Scott Nicholls 1533333
(6) Oliver Allen -
2Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 491468101011141617192528282831323437394144464849
(1) Fredrik Lindgren 12123123
(2) Peter Karlsson 931032
(3) Antonio Lindbäck 22F
(4) Mikael Max 821221
(5) Jonas Davidsson 16236J32
(6) Magnus Karlsson 20-2
PlacingTeam / Rider NameTotal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425
3Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 272334566779111212141516192020212224242527
(1) Denis Gizatullin 11212312
(2) Sergey Darkin 2101F/-
(3) Emil Saifutdinov 6022JX2
(4) Roman Ivanov 411110
(5) Renat Gafurov 21E01-
(6) Daniil Ivanov 211
4Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2033444688999913141616161617171717202020
(1) Greg Hancock 15324J213
(2) Charlie Venegas 0000-0
(3) Chris Kerr 211XX00
(4) Tommy Hedden000--0
(5) Billy Janniro 30210X0
(6) Matt Browne -
PlacingTeam / Rider NameTotal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324 25

M - exclusion for exceeding two minute time allowance • T - exclusion for touching the tapes • X - other exclusion • E - retired or mechanical failure • F - fell

Helmet colours was permanent for each teams (Red, Blue, White and Yellow/Black). Colours in diagrams means gate positions:
gate A – insidegate Bgate Cgate D – outside


  1. speedwayworld.tv Archived 2007-08-01 at archive.today ; Retrieved on 2008-12-28
  2. Świat Żużla, No 4 (72) / 2007, page 56, ISSN   1429-3285

See also