2009 Speedway Grand Prix of Latvia

Last updated
Flag of Latvia.svg 2009 Speedway Grand Prix of Latvia
2009 FIM Latvijas Mobilais Telefons Speedway Grand Prix
Date1 August 2009
City Flag of Latvia.svg Daugavpils
Event6 of 11 (117)
Referee Flag of Hungary.svg István Daragó
Jury President Flag of Germany.svg Wolfgang Glas
Stadium details
Stadium Latvijas Spidveja Centrs
SGP Results
Best Time
Gold medal icon.svg Winner Flag of the United States.svg Greg Hancock
Silver medal icon.svg Runner-up Flag of Denmark.svg Kenneth Bjerre
Bronze medal icon.svg 3rd place Flag of Poland.svg Kenneth Bjerre

The 2009 FIM Speedway World Championship Grand Prix of Latvia was the sixth race of the 2009 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on 1 August in the Latvijas Spidveja Centrs in Daugavpils, Latvia. [1]


The Latvian Grand Prix was won by American Greg Hancock, who beat Kenneth Bjerre, Tomasz Gollob and GP leader Jason Crump in the final. [2]


2008 World Champion Nicki Pedersen was injured at 2009 Speedway World Cup Event 1 (undergoing skin graft surgery on burns to his left leg). On Monday 20 July he had an operation. Pedersen said, "The wounds need to be completely healed before I get back on the bike, otherwise I could risk having problems for the rest of the season". At the Latvia SGP Pedersen will be replaced by first Qualified Substitutes Niels Kristian Iversen, Dane also. [3] The Speedway Grand Prix Commission nominated Grigory Laguta as a Wild Card, and Maksims Bogdanovs and Vjačeslavs Giruckis, both as Track Reserve. [4] The riders' starting positions draw for Grand Prix meeting was made on 31 July by Jānis Lāčplēsis, the President of Latvian Track Racing Commission. [5]

Heat details

114 Flag of the United States.svg (4) Greg Hancock 201332211233
27 Flag of Denmark.svg (12) Kenneth Bjerre 15133029422
315 Flag of Poland.svg (3) Tomasz Gollob 163213211131
42 Flag of Australia (converted).svg (2) Jason Crump 10103318820
54 Flag of Australia (converted).svg (6) Leigh Adams 11322031031
63 Flag of Russia.svg (15) Emil Sayfutdinov 1021132961
76 Flag of Denmark.svg (5) Hans N. Andersen 902313950
81 Flag of Denmark.svg (19) Niels Kristian Iversen 800233870
912 Flag of Poland.svg (8) Rune Holta 72121179
1016 Flag of Poland.svg (13) Grzegorz Walasek 603003610
1113 Flag of Sweden.svg (7) Andreas Jonsson 623010611
128 Flag of Poland.svg (14) Sebastian Ułamek 630201612
1310 Flag of Russia.svg (16) Grigory Laguta 63111X613
145 Flag of Sweden.svg (10) Fredrik Lindgren 621021614
159 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (11) Chris Harris 512020515
1611 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (9) Scott Nicholls 300120316
1717 Flag of Latvia.svg (17) Maksims Bogdanovs --17
1818 Flag of Latvia.svg (18) Vjačeslavs Giruckis --18

e: retired or mechanical failure • m: exclusion for exceeding two minute time allowance • t: exclusion for touching the tapes • x: other exclusion • f: fell
ns: non-starter • nc: non-classify
Semi-finals: Heat 21: Riders placed 1st, 4th, 6th & 7th in the intermediate classification (after 20 heats)
Heat 22: Riders placed 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 8th in the intermediate classification (after 20 heats)
Big Final (heat 23): The first and second placed riders in each of the Semi-Finals

gate A – insidegate Bgate Cgate D – outside

Heat after heat

  1. Adams, Sayfutdinov, Crump, Iversen
  2. Ułamek, Lindgren, Bjerre, Andersen
  3. Laguta, Holta, Harris, Nicholls
  4. Gollob, Jonsson, Hancock, Walasek
  5. Jonsson, Harris, Lindgren, Iversen
  6. Hancock, Andersen, Laguta, Crump
  7. Bjerre, Gollob, Sayfutdinov, Nicholls
  8. Walasek, Adams, Holta, Ułamek
  9. Andersen, Iversen, Nicholls, Walasek
  10. Crump, Holta, Gollob, Lindgren
  11. Hancock, Ułamek, Sayfutdinov, Harris
  12. Bjerre, Adams, Laguta, Jonsson
  13. Iversen, Hancock, Holta, Bjerre
  14. Crump, Nicholls, Jonsson, Ułamek
  15. Sayfutdinov, Lindgren, Laguta, Walasek
  16. Gollob, Harris, Andersen, Adams
  17. Iversen, Gollob, Ułamek, Laguta (X)
  18. Walasek, Bjerre, Crump, Harris
  19. Andersen, Sayfutdinov, Holta, Jonsson
  20. Adams, Hancock, Lindgren, Nicholls
  21. Gollob, Bjerre, Sajfutdinov, Iversen
  22. Hancock, Crump, Adams, Andersen
    The Final:
  23. Hancock (6 pts), Bjerre (4 pts), Gollob (2 pts), Crump (0 pts)

The intermediate classification

Qualifies for next season's Grand Prix series
Full-time Grand Prix rider
Wild card, track reserve or qualified reserve
Pos.RiderPoints CZE
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Poland.svg
Flag of Sweden.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flag of Latvia.svg
Flag of Sweden.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of Slovenia.svg
Flag of Italy.svg
Flag of Poland.svg
1 Flag of Australia (converted).svg (2) Jason Crump 108142216222410     
2 Flag of the United States.svg (4) Greg Hancock 7910165141420     
3 Flag of Russia.svg (15) Emil Sayfutdinov 771792014710     
4 Flag of Poland.svg (3) Tomasz Gollob 69717713916     
5 Flag of Sweden.svg (7) Andreas Jonsson 57111612756     
6 Flag of Sweden.svg (10) Fredrik Lindgren 5519293166     
7 Flag of Denmark.svg (12) Kenneth Bjerre 5310588715     
8 Flag of Denmark.svg (1) Nicki Pedersen 5212913108     
9 Flag of Denmark.svg (5) Hans N. Andersen 476656159     
10 Flag of Australia (converted).svg (6) Leigh Adams 4213636311     
11 Flag of Poland.svg (8) Rune Holta 413811577     
12 Flag of Poland.svg (14) Sebastian Ułamek 41586886     
13 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (11) Chris Harris 35655595     
14 Flag of Poland.svg (13) Grzegorz Walasek 31656716     
15 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (9) Scott Nicholls 20411563     
16 Flag of Denmark.svg (16) (19) Niels Kristian Iversen 19118     
17 Flag of Sweden.svg (16) Antonio Lindbäck 1717     
18 Flag of Poland.svg (16) Jarosław Hampel 99     
19 Flag of Russia.svg (16) Grigory Laguta 66     
20 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (16) Edward Kennett 44     
21 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg (16) Matěj Kůs 11     
Rider(s) not classified
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg (17) Luboš Tomíček, Jr. ns     
Flag of Poland.svg (17) Damian Baliński ns     
Flag of Sweden.svg (17) Ricky Kling ns     
Flag of Denmark.svg (17) Patrick Hougaard ns     
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (17) Tai Woffinden ns     
Flag of Latvia.svg (17) Maksims Bogdanovs ns     
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg (18) Adrian Rymel ns     
Flag of Poland.svg (18) Janusz Kołodziej ns     
Flag of Sweden.svg (18) Thomas H. Jonasson ns     
Flag of Denmark.svg (18) Nicolai Klindt ns     
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (18) Simon Stead ns     
Flag of Latvia.svg (18) Vjačeslavs Giruckis ns     
Pos. RiderPoints CZE
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Poland.svg
Flag of Sweden.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flag of Latvia.svg
Flag of Sweden.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of Slovenia.svg
Flag of Italy.svg
Flag of Poland.svg

See also


  1. "Supplementary Regulations" (PDF). FIM-live.com. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-10. Retrieved 2009-07-12.
  2. "Gollob trzeci w GP Łotwy, wygrana Hancocka" (in Polish). SportoweFakty.pl. 2009-08-07. Retrieved 2009-08-02.
  3. "Nicki out of Latvian GP". SpeedwayGP.com. 2009-07-26. Archived from the original on 2009-08-05. Retrieved 2009-07-26.
  4. "Grigorij Laguta z dziką kartą / Iversen za Nickiego" (in Polish). SportoweFakty.pl. 2009-07-27. Archived from the original on 2009-08-05. Retrieved 2009-07-27.
  5. "2009 – Round 6 Draw". SpeedwayGP.com. 2009-07-31. Archived from the original on 2009-08-02. Retrieved 2009-07-31.