2016 Jalalabad suicide bombing

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Jalalabad suicide bombing

Nangarhar in Afghanistan.svg

Location of Nangarhar Province in Afghanistan
Location Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan
Date 11 April 2016
Target Afghan National Army soldiers
Attack type
suicide bomb
Deaths 12+
Non-fatal injuries
Perpetrators Afghan Taliban

On April 11, 2016, a Taliban suicide bomber on a motorcycle killed at least 12 Afghan Army recruits on a bus bound for training in Kabul, Afghanistan. [1]

Afghan National Army branch of the Afghan Armed Forces

The Afghan National Army (ANA) is the land warfare branch of the Afghan Armed Forces. It is under the Ministry of Defense in Kabul and is largely trained by US-led NATO forces. The ANA is divided into six corps, with the 201st in Kabul followed by the 203rd in Gardez, 205th in Kandahar, 207th in Herat, 209th in Mazar-i-Sharif and the 215th in Lashkar Gah. The current Chief of Staff of the ANA is Lieutenant General Mohammad Sharif Yaftali.

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On 15 May 2016, a suicide bombing in the southern Yemeni port city of Mukalla, the capital of the Hadhramaut province, killed at least 47 police and injured over 60. The bombing was preceded by an attack, where 15 Yemeni troops were killed in attacks on army positions outside Mukalla. ISIL said, one of its militants blew up a vehicle, packed with explosives, in an army base in the Khalf district at the city's eastern outskirts.

Kunduz-Takhar highway hostage crisis

On May 31, 2016, Taliban militants posing as government officials kidnapped around 220 civilians at a fake checkpoint along the Kunduz-Takhar highway near Arzaq Angor Bagh in Kunduz province, Afghanistan, on the outskirts of the city of Kunduz.

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