2019 European Parliament election in Sardinia

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The European Parliament election of 2019 took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

In Sardinia the League, which included the Sardinian Action Party, came first with 27.7% of the vote (country-level result 34.3%), slightly ahead of the Five Star Movement (25.7%) and the Democratic Party (24.3%). Forza Italia came a distant fourth (7.8%), ahead of Brothers of Italy (6.2%), The Left (2.2%), More Europe (2.1%) and Green Europe (1.6%). No Sardinian candidate was elected to the European Parliament, due to the strength of Sicilians in the Islands constituency. [1]


League 135,49627.7
Five Star Movement 126,30125.7
Democratic Party 119,26024.3
Forza Italia 38,3897.8
Brothers of Italy 30,6816.2
The Left 10,7102.2
More Europe 10,2692.1
Green Europe 7,8631.6

Source: Ministry of the Interior

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The European Parliament election of 2019 took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

The European Parliament election of 2019 took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

The 2019 European Parliament election in Italy took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

The 2019 European Parliament election took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

The European Parliament election of 2019 took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.

The European Parliament election of 2019 took place in Italy on 26 May 2019.


  1. "Europee: Sardegna fuori dall'europarlamento. La Corsica con 330mila abitanti elegge un rappresentante | Cagliari - Vistanet". 28 May 2019.