| ||||
Cardinal | sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-six | |||
Ordinal | 65536th (sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-sixth) | |||
Factorization | 216 | |||
Divisors | 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536 | |||
Greek numeral | ͵εφλϚ´ | |||
Roman numeral | LXVDXXXVI | |||
Binary | 100000000000000002 | |||
Ternary | 100222200213 | |||
Senary | 12232246 | |||
Octal | 2000008 | |||
Duodecimal | 31B1412 | |||
Hexadecimal | 1000016 |
65536 is the natural number following 65535 and preceding 65537.
65536 is a power of two: (2 to the 16th power).
65536 is the smallest number with exactly 17 divisors (but there are smaller numbers with more than 17 divisors; e.g., 180 has 18 divisors) (sequence A005179 in the OEIS ).
65536 is , so in tetration notation 65536 is 42.
When expressed using Knuth's up-arrow notation, 65536 is , which is equal to , which is equivalent to or .
As is also equal to 4, or ,
can thus be written as , or , or as the pentation, (hyperoperation notation).
65536 is a superperfect number – a number such that σ(σ(n)) = 2n. [1]
A 16-bit number can distinguish 65536 different possibilities. For example, unsigned binary notation exhausts all possible 16-bit codes in uniquely identifying the numbers 0 to 65535. In this scheme, 65536 is the least natural number that can not be represented with 16 bits. Conversely, it is the "first" or smallest positive integer that requires 17 bits.
65536 is the only power of 2 less than 231000 that does not contain the digits 1, 2, 4, or 8 in its decimal representation. [2]
The sum of the unitary divisors of 65536 is prime (1 + 65536 = 65537, which is prime). [3]
65536 is an untouchable number.
65,536 (216) is the number of different values representable in a number of 16 binary digits (or bits), also known as an unsigned short integer in many computer programming systems.
This number is a limit in many common hardware and software implementations, some examples of which are:
In computer architecture, 8-bit integers or other data units are those that are 8 bits wide. Also, 8-bit central processing unit (CPU) and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) architectures are those that are based on registers or data buses of that size. Memory addresses for 8-bit CPUs are generally larger than 8-bit, usually 16-bit. 8-bit microcomputers are microcomputers that use 8-bit microprocessors.
A computer number format is the internal representation of numeric values in digital device hardware and software, such as in programmable computers and calculators. Numerical values are stored as groupings of bits, such as bytes and words. The encoding between numerical values and bit patterns is chosen for convenience of the operation of the computer; the encoding used by the computer's instruction set generally requires conversion for external use, such as for printing and display. Different types of processors may have different internal representations of numerical values and different conventions are used for integer and real numbers. Most calculations are carried out with number formats that fit into a processor register, but some software systems allow representation of arbitrarily large numbers using multiple words of memory.
Large numbers, far beyond those encountered in everyday life—such as simple counting or financial transactions—play a crucial role in various domains. These expansive quantities appear prominently in mathematics, cosmology, cryptography, and statistical mechanics. While they often manifest as large positive integers, they can also take other forms in different contexts. Googology delves into the naming conventions and properties of these immense numerical entities.
16 (sixteen) is the natural number following 15 and preceding 17. It is the fourth power of two.
In mathematics, Knuth's up-arrow notation is a method of notation for very large integers, introduced by Donald Knuth in 1976.
255 is the natural number following 254 and preceding 256.
Conway chained arrow notation, created by mathematician John Horton Conway, is a means of expressing certain extremely large numbers. It is simply a finite sequence of positive integers separated by rightward arrows, e.g. .
In computer science, primitive data types are a set of basic data types from which all other data types are constructed. Specifically it often refers to the limited set of data representations in use by a particular processor, which all compiled programs must use. Most processors support a similar set of primitive data types, although the specific representations vary. More generally, primitive data types may refer to the standard data types built into a programming language. Data types which are not primitive are referred to as derived or composite.
A power of two is a number of the form 2n where n is an integer, that is, the result of exponentiation with number two as the base and integer n as the exponent.
64 (sixty-four) is the natural number following 63 and preceding 65.
256 is the natural number following 255 and preceding 257.
In computer architecture, 128-bit integers, memory addresses, or other data units are those that are 128 bits wide. Also, 128-bit central processing unit (CPU) and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that size.
In mathematics, pentation is the fifth hyperoperation. Pentation is defined to be repeated tetration, similarly to how tetration is repeated exponentiation, exponentiation is repeated multiplication, and multiplication is repeated addition. The concept of "pentation" was named by English mathematician Reuben Goodstein in 1947, when he came up with the naming scheme for hyperoperations.
65535 is the integer after 65534 and before 65536.
In computing, bit numbering is the convention used to identify the bit positions in a binary number.
60,000 is the natural number that comes after 59,999 and before 60,001. It is a round number. It is the value of (75025).
In number theory, a superperfect number is a positive integer n that satisfies
The number 4,294,967,295 is a whole number equal to 232 − 1. It is a perfect totient number, meaning it is equal to the sum of its iterated totients. It follows 4,294,967,294 and precedes 4,294,967,296. It has a factorization of .
In computer architecture, 16-bit integers, memory addresses, or other data units are those that are 16 bits wide. Also, 16-bit central processing unit (CPU) and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that size. 16-bit microcomputers are microcomputers that use 16-bit microprocessors.