Alexandru Codreanu

Last updated
  1. HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 706 din 06.08.2010 cu privire la numirea domnului Alexei CRACAN în funcţia de Ambasador Extraordinar şi Plenipotenţiar al Republicii Moldova în Republica Letonia
  2. "Moldovan government approves candidacies of six ambassadors". Archived from the original on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2010-08-19.
  3. "Government approves decision on pre-university education institutions". Archived from the original on 2011-07-22. Retrieved 2010-08-19.
  4. "Government approves Igor Munteanu for post of Ambassador to U.S." Archived from the original on 2010-09-09. Retrieved 2010-08-19.

CV ?

Alexandru Codreanu
Moldovan Ambassador to the Czech Republic and the Holy See
In office
1 July 2020 30 July 2024
Flag of Moldova.svg

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