Anaerobutyricum hallii

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Anaerobutyricum hallii
Scientific classification Red Pencil Icon.png
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Firmicutes
Class: Clostridia
Order: Lachnospirales
Family: Lachnospiraceae
Genus: Anaerobutyricum
A. hallii
Binomial name
Anaerobutyricum hallii
Shetty et al. 2018

Eubacterium hallii

Anaerobutyricum hallii (formerly Eubacterium hallii) [1] is an anaerobic bacterium that lives inside the human digestive system. [2]

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  1. Shetty, Sudarshan A.; Zuffa, Simone; Bui, Thi Phuong Nam; Aalvink, Steven; Smidt, Hauke; De Vos, Willem M. (2018-12-01). "Reclassification of Eubacterium hallii as Anaerobutyricum hallii gen. nov., comb. nov., and description of Anaerobutyricum soehngenii sp. nov., a butyrate and propionate-producing bacterium from infant faeces". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 68 (12): 3741–3746. doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.003041. hdl: 10138/289230 . ISSN   1466-5026.
  2. Bunesova, Vera; Lacroix, Christophe; Schwab, Clarissa (2018-01-01). "Mucin Cross-Feeding of Infant Bifidobacteria and Eubacterium hallii". Microbial Ecology. 75 (1): 228–238. doi:10.1007/s00248-017-1037-4. ISSN   1432-184X.