Anne Davaille

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Anne Davaille is a French geophysicist and director of research at the CNRS, France in the field of Earth Sciences. Davaille is known for her innovative experiments using thermochemical convection in fluids to simulate the mantles of planets. She uses these experiments to analyze fluid mechanics that create a new understanding of convective regimes in Earth and other planets.


Education and career

Anne Davaille states that her interest in Earth Science was sparked in her childhood by the project FAMOUS scientific exploration. [1] Davaille graduated from ESPCI in 1988. [2] She defended her PhD thesis, Thermal convection in a variable viscosity fluid. Applications to the Earth in 1991, under the supervision of Claude Jaupart at University Paris VI and IPGP. [3]

Davaille is a director of research at the FAST laboratory (Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques) of the Université Paris-Sud. [4] [5] Her work focuses on the understanding of fluid mechanics in the mantle of planets, with an emphasis on laboratory experimentation. She has worked extensively on the physics of mantle plumes on Earth [6] as well as on other rocky planets. [7]

Awards and honors

Davaille is the recipient of the 2019 Augustus Love medal of the European Geosciences Union for her innovative experiments and analysis of fluid mechanics to understand convective regimes in the mantle and magmatic systems of the Earth and other planets. [8]

In 2019 Anne Davaille was awarded the Augustus Love Medal of the European Geosciences Union “for her experiments and analysis of fluid mechanics to understand convective regimes in the mantle and magmatic systems of Earth and the solar system”. The Augustus Love Medal is “awarded to a distinguished scientist in the field of geodynamics, comprising mantle and core convection, tectonophysics, post-glacial rebound and Earth rotation.” [9]


As a Senior Researcher and Director of Research of the FAST lab at Paris-Sud University, Anne Davaille’s work is centered around fluid mechanics. Her research emphasizes unique laboratory experimentation through innovative and creative ideas. She has done extensive work on the physics of mantle plumes on Earth and other rocky planets (planetary dynamics). Her research has led to new interpretations for the origin of hot spots and superswells [10] as well as isotopic anomalies within the Earth’s mantle.

Some of her highlighted work include studying the onset of small-scale convection [11] beneath the lid of layers with strongly temperature dependent viscosity. Anne has also detailed the existence of a doming regime in fluids above a lower density layer at the base of mantles in rocky planets. She has also introduced new techniques [12] to accurately measure temperatures, compositions, and velocities within fluid masses like that of the mantle Earth. Anne’s work with other rocky planets has contributed to a greater understanding of the onset of subduction on Venus. [13]

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  1. Beniest, Anouck; Fernández-Blanco, David (5 March 2019). "Meeting Plate Tectonics – Anne Davaille". Retrieved 5 March 2020. Interview of Anne Davaille for the European Geoscience Union
  2. "ESPCI Alumni - Promotion 103:Anne Davaille". Retrieved 5 March 2020.
  3. La convection thermique dans un fluide a viscosite variable. Application a la terre par Anne Davaille. (These de doctorat). January 1991. French doctoral thesis data base
  4. "Fluides, Automatique et Systèmes Thermiques". Retrieved 5 March 2020. FAST Laboratory, UMR 7608
  5. "Anne Davaille - CNRS". Retrieved 5 March 2020. CNRS directory
  6. Sacco, Laurent (1 February 2008). "La stabilité des points chauds du manteau terrestre enfin expliquée ?" (in French). Retrieved 5 March 2020.
  7. Choi, Charles Q. (24 April 2017). "Mysteries of Crown-like Structures on Venus' Surface Unveiled in New Study" . Retrieved 5 March 2020.
  8. "European Geoscience Union Awards and Medals". Retrieved 5 March 2020. 2019 Awards and Medals of the European Geoscience Union
  9. "Anne Davaille". European Geosciences Union (EGU). Retrieved 2022-12-08.
  10. Davaille, Anne (December 1999). "Simultaneous generation of hotspots and superswells by convection in a heterogeneous planetary mantle". Nature. 402 (6763): 756–760. Bibcode:1999Natur.402..756D. doi:10.1038/45461. ISSN   1476-4687. S2CID   4422278.
  11. Davaille, Anne; Jaupart, Claude (August 1993). "Transient high-Rayleigh-number thermal convection with large viscosity variations". Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 253: 141–166. Bibcode:1993JFM...253..141D. doi:10.1017/S0022112093001740. ISSN   1469-7645. S2CID   122899719.
  12. Mittelstaedt, Eric; Davaille, Anne; van Keken, Peter E.; Gracias, Nuno; Escartin, Javier (October 2010). "A noninvasive method for measuring the velocity of diffuse hydrothermal flow by tracking moving refractive index anomalies: DIFFUSE FLOW VELOCIMETRY". Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 11 (10): n/a. doi: 10.1029/2010GC003227 . S2CID   15234847.
  13. . doi: 10.17658/issn.2058-5462/issue-03/ahartog/p11{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Missing or empty |title= (help)