Aquiline nose

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An "aquiline" nasal profile Aquiline (PSF).png
An "aquiline" nasal profile
From parody nose classification Notes on Noses: "It indicates great decision, considerable Energy, Firmness, Absence of Refinement, and disregard for the bienseances of life". Class I nose.svg
From parody nose classification Notes on Noses : "It indicates great decision, considerable Energy, Firmness, Absence of Refinement, and disregard for the bienseances of life".

An aquiline nose (also called a Roman nose) is a human nose with a prominent bridge, expressed in a convex eagle-like manner. But the overall shape is undulating and straight. [2] [3] [4] The word aquiline comes from the Latin word aquilinus ("eagle-like"), an allusion to the curved beak of an eagle. [5] [6] While some have ascribed the aquiline nose to specific ethnic, racial, or geographic groups, and in some cases associated it with other supposed non-physical characteristics (i.e. intelligence, status, personality, etc., see below), no scientific studies or evidence support any such linkage. As with many phenotypical expressions (e.g. 'widow's peak', eye color, earwax type) it is found in many geographically diverse populations.


Among different populations

In racist discourse, especially that of post-Enlightenment Western writers, a Roman nose has been characterized as a marker of beauty and nobility, [7] but the notion itself is found early on in Plutarch, in his description of Mark Antony. [8] The supposed science of physiognomy, popular during the Victorian era, made the "prominent" nose a marker of Aryanness: "the shape of the nose and the cheeks indicated, like the forehead's angle, the subject's social status and level of intelligence. A Roman nose was superior to a snub nose in its suggestion of firmness and power, and heavy jaws revealed a latent sensuality and coarseness". [9] Racial theorist William Z. Ripley (2006) argued that it is characteristic of peoples of Teutonic descent. [10]

Among Mediterraneans

A publication on rhinoplasty in 2022, stated that Mediterranean noses are characterized by a "convex dorsum appearance, a pseudo-droopy tip, and a short upper lip often associated to a retrogenia", and is more or less identical with the "textbook Semitic nose". [11] But there is variation, especially in Mediterranean Europe, due to continuous migrations within the region. [12] Whilst the same applies to Mediterranean Middle East, a nose that's characterized by "large size, prominent arched dorsum, and a naso-labial angle ≤90°" are common. This also applies to populations further east in the Middle East such as Iraqis, Kurds and Persians. [13]

Among Native Americans

Chief Henry Roman Nose Henry Roman Nose.jpg
Chief Henry Roman Nose

The aquiline nose was deemed a distinctive feature of some Native American tribes, members of which often took their names after their own characteristic physical attributes (i.e. The Hook Nose, or Chief Henry Roman Nose). [14] In the depiction of Native Americans, for instance, an aquiline nose is one of the standard traits of the "noble warrior" type. [15] It is so important as a cultural marker that Renee Ann Cramer, a non-Native legal scholar, argued in Cash, Color, and Colonialism (2005), that tribes without such characteristics have found it difficult to receive "federal recognition"/"acknowledgement" (which are specific/significant terms) from the US government, resulting in failure to win benefits including tax-exempt status, reclamation rights, and the right to administer and profit from casinos. [16]

Among populations in Africa

Mummy of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and father of Merneptah, Ramses II with an aquiline, "hook nose" Ramses II - The mummy.jpg
Mummy of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and father of Merneptah, Ramses II with an aquiline, "hook nose"

The flat, broad nose is ubiquitous among most populations in Sub-Saharan Africa, [17] and is noted by nineteenth-century writers and travelers (such as Colin Mackenzie) as a mark of "Negroid" ancestry. [18] It stands in opposition to the narrow aquiline, straight or convex noses (lepthorrine), which are instead deemed "Caucasian". [17] Aquiline noses in Africa are largely restricted to populations from North Africa and the Horn of Africa, but they are generally less common in these areas than are narrow, straight noses. Nonetheless, aquiline noses were said to be more prevalent among Egyptian, Tunisian, Moroccan, Sudanese, Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali people, than among even Southern Europeans. [19] [20] Among the Copts and Fellahin of Egypt, two distinct nasal types reportedly exist: one with a narrow, aquiline nose accompanied by a slim face, slender jaw and thin lips; the other with a slightly lower rooted, straight-to-concave nose, accompanied by a wider and lower face, a strong jaw, prominent chin, and moderately full lips. [21]

In the 1930s, an aquiline nose was reported to be regarded as a characteristic of beauty for girls among the Tswana and Xhosa people. However, a recent scholar could not discern from the original study "whether such preferences were rooted in precolonial conceptions of beauty, a product of colonial racial hierarchies, or some entanglement of the two". [22] A well-known example of the aquiline nose as a marker in Africa contrasting the bearer with their contemporaries is the protagonist of Aphra Behn's Oroonoko (1688). Although an African prince, he speaks French, has straightened hair, thin lips, and a "nose that was rising and Roman instead of African and flat". [23] These features set him apart from most of his peers, and marked him instead as noble and on par with Europeans. [24] [25] [26]

Among South Asian peoples

Head of a bodhisattva, a depiction of Aquiline noses in Greco-Buddhist art of the ancient Gandhara civilisation of South Asia Head of a bodhisattva, Gandhara, Pakistan, Sahri Bahlol, c. 100 AD, schist - San Diego Museum of Art - DSC06345.JPG
Head of a bodhisattva, a depiction of Aquiline noses in Greco-Buddhist art of the ancient Gandhara civilisation of South Asia

Among South Asian ethnic groups, the aquiline nose type is most common among the peoples of Afghanistan, Dardistan, the Pamirs, also frequent in Kashmir as well as among the Hindus of various castes in rest of India, [27] [28] as well as a prominent feature in the Greco-Buddhist statuary of Gandhara (a region spanning the upper Indus and Kabul River valleys throughout northern Pakistan and north-east Afghanistan). [29] The ethnographer George Campbell, in his Ethnology of India, stated:

The high nose, slightly aquiline, is a common type [among Kashmiri Pandit]. Raise a little the brow of a Greek statue and give the nose a small turn at the bony point in front of the bridge, so as to break the straightness of the line, you have the model type of this part of India, to be found both in living men and in the statues of the Peshawar Valley. [30]

Among East and Southeast Asian peoples

Clyde H. Ishii (2014) states that peoples of Japanese ancestry generally have "noses with adequate dorsal height, angularity and even dorsal convexity" compared to peoples of Chinese ancestry. But nasal diversity still exists in East and Southeast Asian populations due to ancient migrations and interracial marriages. A lower radix is also characteristic of most East and Southeast Asian noses, compared to European noses, [31] which creates a "pseudo hump" appearance, [32] similar to what is found among peoples of Latin European, Middle Eastern [33] and Mestizo ancestry. [34] Yong Ju Jang and Hyun Moon, however, classify the humpness of East Asian noses as being generalized, isolated or relative with a low tip. [35]

See also

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  22. Thomas, Lynn M. (2006). "The Modern Girl and Racial Respectability in 1930s South Africa". The Journal of African History . 47 (3): 461–90. doi:10.1017/s0021853706002131. JSTOR   4501073. S2CID   163074804.
  23. Behn, Aphra (1987). Adelaide P. Amore (ed.). Oroonoko, Or, The Royal Slave: A Critical Edition. UP of America. p. 10. ISBN   9780819165299.
  24. Gates, Henry Louis (1998). "Introduction". In Henry Louis Gates; William L. Andrews (eds.). Pioneers of the Black Atlantic: Five Slave Narratives from the Enlightenment, 1772-1815. Civitas. pp. 1–30. ISBN   9781887178983.
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  27. Roy, Sarat Chandra (1940). Man in India. A.K. Bose. p. 32. ...aquiline nose, eagle nose and owl nose. These nasal forms are to be found in Aghanistan, Dardistan and on the Pamirs.. They may also be found in Kashmir frequently and in the remainder of India amongst the Hindus of different castes..
  28. Meyer, Johann Jakob (1971). Sexual Life in Ancient India: A Study in the Comparative History of Indian Culture. Motilal Banarsidass Publication. ISBN   9788120806382.
  29. Bamzai, P. N. K. (1994). Culture and Political History of Kashmir. M.D. Publications Pvt. Ltd. ISBN   9788185880310.
  30. Kaw, M. K. (2001). Kashmiri Pandits: Looking to the Future. APH Publishing. pp. 13, 32. ISBN   9788176482363.
  31. Ishii, Clyde H. (2014). "Current Update in Asian Rhinoplasty". Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open. 2 (4) via NCBI.
  32. Kim, Baek-Kyu; Han, Jihyeon (2019). "Use of an Augmentation Spreader Graft for Management of Nasofacial Angle in Patients With Pseudo-Hump". Annals of Plastic Surgery. 82 (4): 369–374 via ResearchGate.
  33. Niechajev, Igor (2018). "Prominent nose, its modalities and their treatment". European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 41: 543–556 via Springer Link.
  34. Castro-Govea, Yanko; del Valle, Sergio Ayuzo; Kardasch, Victor Cervantes; Eparza, Erick Phillips; Costilla, Osvaldo Vazquez (2015). "Diced and Crushed Cartilage Plus Autologous Fibrin Matrix Obtained by a Simple Process for Dorsal Augmentation of the Mestizo Nose". Facial Plastic Surgery. 31 (2): 164–171 via ResearchGate.
  35. Jang, Yong; Moon, Hyun (2020). "Special Consideration in the Management of Hump Noses in Asians". Facial Plastic Surgery. 36 (5): 554–562 via NCBI.

Further reading