Asa White Kenney Billings (February 8, 1876 – November 3, 1949) was an American hydroelectric engineer and a pioneer of the electrification of Brazil, where he spent nearly all of the last 27 years of his life. He is best remembered today for the Represa Billings (Billings Reservoir), the largest urban reservoir in São Paulo, which he played a large role in creating and bears his name.
Born to Albert Stearns Billings and Abbie Althea Billings (née Park) in Omaha, Nebraska, Asa Billings attended Omaha High School. At age 14, he began working part-time at the local electrical plant. He attended Harvard University and received a bachelor's degree in 1895 and a master's degree in 1896, being awarded a Bowdoin prize and $100 (about $3100 in 2020, when adjusted for inflation) for his senior class dissertation. [1] He married Edna Peabody in New York City on December 17, 1900, and their son Asa White Kenney Billings Jr. was born on September 20, 1901. Later in life he was married to Josephine J. Billings, and other children included Mary Warner and John J. [2]
After graduating, he worked on electrical projects in many different locations around the world, including Pittsburgh and Cuba, and he worked for Frederick Stark Pearson on projects in Texas and Texas and the Catalan Pyrenees, in the Barcelona Traction project. Upon the entry of the United States into World War I, he joined the civil engineering corps of the US Navy, and for his services received the Navy Cross for "supervision of construction work of naval air stations in Europe", [3] and the chevalier rank of the Légion d'honneur.
In February 1922 he arrived in Brazil, where he would spend all but the last few months of the rest of his life. He worked for the "Light" company (Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company, later known as Brascan), which operated the São Paulo Tramway, Light & Power Company, Ltd. and Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company, Ltd., and set to work creating hydroelectric power projects for the benefit of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. After some initial projects, beginning in 1927 he planned and oversaw the construction of a dam across the Rio Grande (today known as the Rio Pinheiros) in São Paulo. Completed between 1935 and 1937, it created the 127 km2 reservoir (Represa Billings) that today bears his name. He continued to work on subsequent phases of this and similar hydroelectric projects, continually adding to the hydroelectric power capacity of both São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In 1944 he became president of the "Light" company, retiring in 1946.
He received an honorary electrical engineering degree from Tufts University in 1929. In 1936, he was invited to give a lecture to the Institution of Civil Engineers in London on "Water-Power in Brazil", which was published and used for teaching purposes. In 1947, he became an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. In 1946, he was awarded the commander (comendador) rank of the Order of the Southern Cross, the highest civilian award given to foreigners by Brazil.
On May 12, 1949, during a ceremony which he attended, the Represa Rio Grande was renamed Represa Billings in his honor. Soon after, he left Brazil for La Jolla, California, where he died a few months later in November 1949.
The Avenida Engenheiro Billings ("Engineer Billings Avenue") in central São Paulo is named for him.
Transport infrastructure in Brazil is characterized by strong regional differences and lack of development of the national rail network. Brazil's fast-growing economy, and especially the growth in exports, will place increasing demands on the transport networks. However, sizeable new investments that are expected to address some of the issues are either planned or in progress. It is common to travel domestically by air because the price is low. Brazil has the second highest number of airports in the world, after the USA.
The Itaipu Dam is a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. It is the third largest hydroelectric dam in the world, and holds the 45th largest reservoir in the world.
Brookfield Corporation is a Canadian multinational company that is one of the world's largest alternative investment management companies, with over US$725 billion of assets under management in 2022. It focuses on direct control investments in real estate, renewable power, infrastructure, credit and private equity. The company invests in distressed securities through Oaktree Capital, which it bought in 2019. Brookfield's headquarters are in Toronto.
Fred Stark Pearson was an American electrical engineer and entrepreneur.
The Tietê River is a Brazilian river in the state of São Paulo.
Light Serviços de Eletricidade S.A. is an electric company based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is controlled by Rio Minas Energia Participações S.A.
The Reservoir of Guarapiranga is a reservoir in the southern area of the city of São Paulo, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Enel Distribuição São Paulo(Enel Distribution São Paulo), former Eletropaulo Metropolitana and AES Eletropaulo, is a major Brazilian power distributor in the state of São Paulo, created in the breakup of the old state-owned power distribution company Eletropaulo that monopolized electricity distribution in São Paulo from 1981 to 1999. The similarity of the names makes most old customers call it simply Eletropaulo.
Rio Grande da Serra is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. It is located approximately 49 kilometres (30 mi) by road southeast of the centre of the city of São Paulo. It is part of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The population is 51,436 in an area of 36.34 km2.
Rail transport in Brazil began in the 19th century and there were many different railway companies. The railways were nationalized under RFFSA in 1957. Between 1999 and 2007, RFFSA was broken up and services are now operated by a variety of private and public operators, including Rumo Logística, Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos and SuperVia.
Light S.A. is a private sector public utility company of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Founded in 1904 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Co. Ltd., it was authorized to operate in Brazil in 1905.
Water management in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil faces several challenges, including pollution of drinking water reservoirs that are surrounded by slums, water scarcity leading to conflicts with the Campinas Metropolitan area to the north, inefficient water use, and flooding. The sprawling Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) with close to 20 million people is the seventh most populous urban area in the world and the economic, financial and technical hub of Brazil. The main stakeholders in water management in MRSP are the state government, the state water and sanitation utility Sabesp and 39 municipal governments. A basin committee for the Alto Tietê basin, which covers the entire area of the MRSP and supplies half of its water, brings together all stakeholders. It has drawn up two master plans for the management of water resources in the basin. The first was approved in 2003 and focused on urban sprawl. The second was approved in 2009 and focused on water use conflicts.
The Billings Reservoir is the largest reservoir in São Paulo, Brazil, covering a total of 127 km2. It is named after Asa White Kenney Billings, the American hydroelectric engineer who was instrumental in building it. The Portuguese word represa also means "dam".
The Engineer Sérgio Motta Dam, formerly known as the Porto Primavera Dam, is an embankment dam on the Paraná River near Rosana in São Paulo, Brazil. It was constructed between 1980 and 1999 for hydroelectric power production, flood control and navigation. An estimated 11 million tropical trees were submerged.
Two Minas Geraes-class battleships were built for the Brazilian Navy in the early twentieth century. Named Minas Geraes and São Paulo, these "dreadnought" warships were intended to be Brazil's first step towards becoming an international power, and they consequently initiated a South American naval arms race.
São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company, also known as Light São Paulo or simply Light, was a privately owned utility company operating in São Paulo, Brazil from 1899 until 1981.
The 2014–17 Brazilian drought is a severe drought affecting the southeast of Brazil including the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. In São Paulo, it has been described as the worst drought in 100 years. The metropolis of São Paulo appeared to be affected the most and by the beginning of February many of its residents were subjected to sporadic water cutoffs. Rain at the end of 2015 and in early 2016 brought relief, however, long term problems in water supply remain in São Paulo state.
João Augusto Chagas Pestana was a Brazilian engineer and business leader. A key player in the partial privatization of Brazil's energy sector at the turn of the century, Pestana was the first Chairman of the Board of the company Rio Grande Energia, now part of CPFL Energia.
São João Marcos was a former municipality in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. It was depopulated and demolished in the 1940s due to the formation of the Ribeirão das Lages Dam for the production and supply of electricity to the city of Rio de Janeiro.