Ashta Pradhan

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Durbar of Peshwa Madhavrao II in Pune by by Thomas Daniell c. 1790 Thomas Daniell, Sir Charles Warre Malet, Concluding a Treaty in 1790 in Durbar with the Peshwa of the Maratha Empire.jpg
Durbar of Peshwa Madhavrao II in Pune by by Thomas Daniell c. 1790

Ashta Pradhan (literally, 'Council of Eight') was the cabinet of the Maratha Confederacy. [1] The council is credited with having implemented good governance practices in the Maratha heartland, as well as for the success of the military campaigns against the Mughal Empire.



The coronation of Shivaji was held in 1674, at the fort of Raigad in present-day Indian state of Maharashtra. On that occasion, Shivaji formalized the institution of a council of eight ministers to guide the administration of his nascent state. This council came to be known as the Ashta Pradhan. Each of the ministers was placed in charge of an administrative department; thus, the council heralded the birth of a bureaucracy.

The formalization of an administrative mechanism was of a piece with other measures, indicative of the formalization of a sovereign state, which were implemented on the occasion of Shivaji's coronation: coinage bearing his insignia (the copper Shivrai and the gold hon) were issued, and a new era, the Rajyabhishek era, was proclaimed on the occasion.


The Ashta Pradhan was designed to encompass all the primary administrative functions of the state, with each minister being given charge of one role in the administration. Ministerial designations were drawn from the Sanskrit language; the eight ministerial roles were as follows:

Continued conflict with the Mughal Empire meant that military matters remained exceedingly important to the affairs of the nascent state. Hence, with the notable exception of the priestly Panditrao and the judicial Nyayadisha, the other pradhans held full-time military commands, and their deputies performed their civil duties in their stead. In the later era of the Maratha Empire, these deputies and their staff constituted the core of the Peshwa's bureaucracy.

During Shivaji rule

Coronation of Shivaji by M. V. Dhurandhar The Coronation Durbar with over 100 characters depicted in attendance.jpg
Coronation of Shivaji by M. V. Dhurandhar
Designation/TitleOffice HolderAppointmentSuccessorNotes
Pantpradhan / Peshwa (Prime Minister) Moropant Trimbak Pingle 1674 Moreshvar Pingale
Amatya / Mujumdar (Finance Minister)Nilo Sondeo1662 Ramchandra Pant Amatya
Shurunavis/Sacheev (Secretary) Annaji Datto Sacheev 1662Ragho Annaji
Waqia-Navis (Interior Minister)Dattoji pant
Sar-i-Naubat / Senapati (Commander-in-Chief) Hambirao Mohite 1674 Mhaloji Ghorpade
Sumant / Dabir - (Foreign Minister)Sonopant Trimbakpant DabirTrimbakpant Dabir
Nyayadhish (Chief Justice)Niraji Ravaji Pralhad Niraji
Panditrao (High Priest)Raghunathrao PanditraoMoreshvar Raghunath

After Shivaji

Shivaji son Sambhaji, (ruled 1680–89) reduced the powers of the council. Over time, council positions became hereditary, ceremonial positions at court with nominal powers, if any. Beginning 1714 AD, a prime minister appointed by Shivaji's grandson Shahu gradually arrogated power. Within a short period, de facto control of the Maratha state passed to his family. This family of hereditary prime ministers retained the title of Peshwa. However, the Ashta Pradhan council was never revived to fill the functions it discharged for the last decade of Shivaji reign.

Positions Equal to the Ashtapradhan

Also See: Khando Ballal Chitnis

Also see: Bahirji Naik



  1. "Ashta Pradhan | Marathi council".
  2. "KKHSOU".