Aspect (computer programming)

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In computer programming, an aspect of a program is a feature linked to many other parts of the program, but is not related to the program's primary function. An aspect crosscuts the program's core concerns, therefore violating its separation of concerns that tries to encapsulate unrelated functions. For example, logging code can crosscut many modules, yet the aspect of logging should be separate from the functional concerns of the module it cross-cuts. Isolating such aspects as logging and persistence from business logic is at the core of the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) paradigm. [1]

Aspect-orientation is not limited to programming since it is useful to identify, analyse, trace and modularise concerns through requirements elicitation, specification, and design. Aspects can be multi-dimensional by allowing both functional and non-functional behaviour to crosscut any other concerns, instead of just mapping non-functional concerns to functional requirements.[ citation needed ]

One view of aspect-oriented software development is that every major feature of the program, core concern (business logic), or cross-cutting concern (additional features), is an aspect, and by weaving them together (a process also called composition), one finally produces a whole out of the separate aspects. This approach is known as pure aspect programming, but hybrid approaches are more common. It is possible for functional concerns to crosscut non-functional or functional concerns (e.g., the need for more features harms mobility). A uniform approach to representation and composition, similar to the pure approach in AOP, is termed multidimensional representation.[ citation needed ]

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In aspect-oriented programming, a pointcut is a set of join points. Pointcut specifies where exactly to apply advice, which allows separation of concerns and helps in modularizing business logic. Pointcuts are often specified using class names or method names, in some cases using regular expressions that match class or method name. Different frameworks support different Pointcut expressions; AspectJ syntax is considered as de facto standard. Frameworks are available for various programming languages like Java, Perl, Ruby, and many more which support pointcut.

AspectJ is an aspect-oriented programming (AOP) extension for the Java programming language, created at PARC. It is available in Eclipse Foundation open-source projects, both stand-alone and integrated into Eclipse. AspectJ has become a widely used de facto standard for AOP by emphasizing simplicity and usability for end users. It uses Java-like syntax, and included IDE integrations for displaying crosscutting structure since its initial public release in 2001.

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Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) presents the principle of the separation of concerns, allowing less interdependence, and more transparency. Thereby, an aspect is a module that encapsulates a crosscutting concern, and it is composed of pointcuts and advice bodies. The interception of an aspect is performed in a join point, and defined inside a pointcut. Whenever the application execution reaches one pointcut, an advice associated with it is executed. However, this implementation does not take into account separation of concerns in distributed settings.


  1. Awais Rashid (2004). Aspect-Oriented Database Systems. Springer. ISBN   3-540-00948-5.