Aulus Allienus

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Aulus Allienus was the name of two ancient Romans who lived roughly around the 1st century BC, and who may have been the same person:

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  1. Smith, William (1867). "A. Allienus (1)". In William Smith (ed.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology . 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 132.
  2. Cicero, ad Qu. Fr. i. 1. § 3.
  3. Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum x. 15.
  4. Hirt. Bell. Afr. 2, 34
  5. Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares xiii. 78, 79
  6. Smith, William (1867). "A. Allienus (2)". In William Smith (ed.). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology . 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. p. 132.
  7. Appian, Civil Wars iii. 78, iv. 59
  8. Cicero, Philippicae xi. 12, 13
  9. Cassius, ap. Cic. ad Fam. xii. 11, 12

PD-icon.svg  This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain :  Smith, William, ed. (1870). "A. Allienus". Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology .