Baer ring

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In abstract algebra and functional analysis, Baer rings, Baer *-rings, Rickart rings, Rickart *-rings, and AW*-algebras are various attempts to give an algebraic analogue of von Neumann algebras, using axioms about annihilators of various sets.


Any von Neumann algebra is a Baer *-ring, and much of the theory of projections in von Neumann algebras can be extended to all Baer *-rings, For example, Baer *-rings can be divided into types I, II, and III in the same way as von Neumann algebras.

In the literature, left Rickart rings have also been termed left PP-rings. ("Principal implies projective": See definitions below.)


  1. the left annihilator of any single element of R is generated (as a left ideal) by an idempotent element.
  2. (For unital rings) the left annihilator of any element is a direct summand of R.
  3. All principal left ideals (ideals of the form Rx) are projective R modules. [1]
  1. The left annihilator of any subset of R is generated (as a left ideal) by an idempotent element.
  2. (For unital rings) The left annihilator of any subset of R is a direct summand of R. [2] For unital rings, replacing all occurrences of 'left' with 'right' yields an equivalent definition, that is to say, the definition is left-right symmetric. [3]

In operator theory, the definitions are strengthened slightly by requiring the ring R to have an involution . Since this makes R isomorphic to its opposite ring Rop, the definition of Rickart *-ring is left-right symmetric.



The projections in a Rickart *-ring form a lattice, which is complete if the ring is a Baer *-ring.

See also


  1. Rickart rings are named after Rickart (1946) who studied a similar property in operator algebras. This "principal implies projective" condition is the reason Rickart rings are sometimes called PP-rings. ( Lam 1999 )
  2. This condition was studied by ReinholdBaer  ( 1952 ).
  3. T.Y. Lam (1999), "Lectures on Modules and Rings" ISBN   0-387-98428-3 pp.260

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  1. .

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In mathematics, an AW*-algebra is an algebraic generalization of a W*-algebra. They were introduced by Irving Kaplansky in 1951. As operator algebras, von Neumann algebras, among all C*-algebras, are typically handled using one of two means: they are the dual space of some Banach space, and they are determined to a large extent by their projections. The idea behind AW*-algebras is to forgo the former, topological, condition, and use only the latter, algebraic, condition.
