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Coat of arms of the Balbi family of Venice Coa fam ITA balbi5.jpg
Coat of arms of the Balbi family of Venice

Balbi (Known also as Balbis,Balby, Balbus, Valbi or Valvis) is the surname of the ancient noble Roman Family of Balbi where after the fall of the Western part of the Roman Empire and during the middle ages expanded in Venice, Genoa, Constantinople, Greece, Spain, Germany, Malta and other places. Balbi is one of the few surnames that has remained unchanged over the centuries and was one of the most famous prominent and wealthy families in Italy. Members of the Balbi family held high rank positions and noble titles such as Patrician, Senators, Dukes, Doge, Barons, Marchese, Lords e.t.c in the Maritime Republics of Venice and Genoa, the Eastern Roman and Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, enganed in piracy, maritime trade, stock market and war activities where acquired wealth and power. Later in history many Balbi's participated in historical events such as revolutions, battles or served as Generals, Members of Parliament and Prime Ministers in many countries. [1]


Famous Balbis

Palazzo Balbi on Grand Canal Palazzo Balbi (Venice).jpg
Palazzo Balbi on Grand Canal

Geographical features

See also

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This is an alphabetical index of people, places, things, and concepts related to or originating from the Republic of Venice. Feel free to add more, and create missing pages.

Loredan is a Venetian surname. The House of Loredan is an aristocratic Venetian family that included various doges of the Republic of Venice, and the surname is almost exclusively associated with the family. The surname most likely originated from the toponym Loreo, which itself originated from its Latin name Lauretum, meaning laurel. Another theory of the origin of the surname, though most likely legendary, is that it comes from the Latin epithet Laureati, given to ancestors of the Loredan family due to their historical glory in ancient Rome and the many victories they achieved in battles. The surname is spelled Loredano or Loredan in Italian, Lauredano or Lauredanus in Latin, and Lorentano (Λορεντάνο) in Greek, though it is also historically found as Lordas (Λορδᾶς) and Lordano (Λορδάνο). The feminine name Loredana, common in Italy and Romania, was likely inspired by the surname.

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  1. The Balbi Family (7 November 2023). "The Balbi Family". The Balbi Family.
  2. Irene Alm (1992), "Balbi, Giovan Battista", vol. 1, pp., 284–285, in The New Grove Dictionary of Opera , four folumes, edited by Stanley Sadie. London: Macmillan. Online (2001) (2002), Grove Music Online.