Baseball IQ

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Baseball IQ is an American television game show airing on the cable channel MLB Network. The show debuted on January 24, 2012, and its first season ended on February 23, 2012, with the season championship. The show is hosted by MLB Network anchor Matt Vasgersian. The show's focus is baseball trivia.



The show features 32 contestants (each of whom works for one of the 30 Major League Baseball teams as well as one from and one from the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum) in a bracket-style tournament for up to USD 45,000 for their teams' designated charities. Each episode's winner receives USD 5,000 for the charity and the season champion receives USD 25,000 for the charity. The season runner-up's charity receives USD 15,000.


The gameplay starts with the "Lead-off Home Run" question. The player who buzzes in gets the chance to answer. If the player is correct, they score the first run and control of a board with 8 categories to be used in the first 8 rounds ("innings"8 or 9 "innings" per episode). If the player who buzzes in is incorrect, their opponent gets the first run and control of the board. For the first 8 innings, the player in control picks a category and the subject of a list-based question is given. Players alternate giving answers in the category until one either gives an incorrect answer, repeats a previously given answer, or runs out of time trying to come up with an answer. At that point, the other player wins the inning and is given the option to use their one "Big Inning" (each player in each episode gets one) and gives four more answers to earn 2 runs. However if the player uses their Big Inning and fails to get 4 correct answers, he loses the amount of runs he was awarded in the inning. The number of runs for winning the inning outright is determined by how deep the players went in the inning. After 8 innings, if one player is ahead of his opponent by more runs than can be scored in the ninth inning, the "mercy rule" goes into effect and no ninth inning is played.

In the ninth inning, the two players would bid on the number of correct answers they can give in the final category. If the player who wins the bidding gives the number of correct answers that they bid would score the runs and, if they bid enough, would win the game. If the ninth inning ends in a tie, one more buzz-in question is asked. If the player who buzzes in gets the answer correct, they get the run, win the game, and advance in the tournament. The other player scores and wins if the buzz-in player answers incorrectly.

The first tournament was won by Shane Demmitt, representing the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, who defeated Ben Baumer, representing the New York Mets, in the final round.


Angels Shane DemmittAssistant Equipment ManagerWon tournament
Astros Benjamin CoburnTicket Sales RepresentativeLost in 1st round to Josh DeFamio
Athletics David NostiAccount ManagerLost in 1st round to Tony Blengino
Blue Jays Howard StarkmanVice President, Special ProjectsLost in 1st round to Curt Nelson
Braves Mark LehmanCorporate Partnerships ManagerLost in 2nd round to Ben Baumer
Brewers Jeff HibickeSenior Account Executive, Client ServicesLost in 1st round to Samuel Mondry-Cohen
Cardinals Brian FinchManager of Stadium Tours/Museum OutreachLost in 1st round to Ryan Balogh
Cubs Ryan BaloghAccount Executive, Corporate PartnershipsLost in quarterfinals to Ben Baumer
Diamondbacks Josh DeFamioSupervisor, dbTV GraphicsLost in semifinals to Shane Demmitt
Dodgers Seth BlumanDirector of Ticket OperationsLost in 2nd round to Aaron Heinrich
Giants Greg MarinecManager of Client RelationsLost in 1st round to Seth Bluman
Hall of Fame Craig MuderDirector of CommunicationsLost in quarterfinals to Shane Demmitt
Indians Jeff StockerSeason Ticket Account ExecutiveLost in 1st round to Craig Nordquist
Mariners Tony BlenginoSpecial Assistant to the GMLost in 2nd round to Shane Demmitt
Marlins Dan NoffsingerAssistant Director of Pro ScoutingLost in 1st round to Mark Lehman
Mets Ben BaumerStatistical AnalystLost in final round to Shane Demmitt Cory SchwartzVP of StatisticsLost in 1st round to Craig Muder
Nationals Samuel Mondry-CohenBaseball Operations AnalystLost in 2nd round to Ryan Balogh
Orioles Jay MoskowitzCoordinator, Baseball InformationLost in 1st round to Shawn Hoffman
Padres Fred GersonExecutive VP and CFOLost in 1st round to Aaron Heinrich
Phillies Jay McLaughlinBaseball Information AnalystLost in 1st round to Ben Baumer
Pirates Steve MorseAccount Manager, Premium SeatingLost in 1st round to Rich Linville
Rangers Chuck MorganSenior Vice President, Ballpark EntertainmentLost in 1st round to Shane Demmitt
Rays Shawn HoffmanAssistant, Baseball Research & DevelopmentLost in 2nd round to Billy Broadbent
Reds Rich LinvilleScoreboard OperatorLost in 2nd round to Josh DeFamio
Red Sox Billy BroadbentVideo CoordinatorLost in quarterfinals to Dan Fabian
Rockies Aaron HeinrichDirector of Retail OperationsLost in quarterfinals to Josh DeFamio
Royals Curt NelsonDirector of Royals Hall of FameLost in 2nd round to Dan Fabian
Tigers Ron WadeDirector of MarketingLost in 1st round to Dan Fabian
Twins Craig NordquistGuest ServicesLost in 2nd round to Craig Muder
White Sox Dan FabianDirector of Baseball OperationsLost in semifinals to Ben Baumer
Yankees Brian RichardsMuseum CuratorLost in 1st round to Billy Broadbent