Bible desecration

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A Bible desecration is the treatment of the Bible in a way that is intended to be disrespectful or insulting. Bible desecration is considered to be blasphemous and sacrilegious in Christianity.[ citation needed ]


Such incidences have resulted in legal repercussions, with notable cases occurring in 2007, [1] 2011, [2] 2012, [3] and in 2018. [4] In April 2023, Satanist leaders desecrated the Bible at The Satanic Temple convention in Boston; [5] [6] in the same year, at least four churches were arsoned and Bibles were desecrated in Jaranwala, Pakistan in the month of August. [7]

Notable instances of desecration

2007: Gdynia

Adam Darski, on September 3, 2007, tore up a Bible while performing onstage. He was prosecuted by the government of Poland for causing offense to the Catholic Church. He was brought to court in 2010, 2011, and again in 2012 for the Bible desecration, with his punishment being up to two years of prison time. [1]

2011: Lahore

On April 8, 2011, factory worker Mohammad Akhtar tore up a copy of the Bible at the gate of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Lahore. He was charged with blasphemy and jailed by the Punjab Police. He was forgiven by Church leaders for the Bible desecration. [2]

2012: Cairo

In September 2012, Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Abdallah tore up a copy of the Bible outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo in Egypt. He underwent a blasphemy trial on October 21, 2012, and the court building was cordoned off due to rioting. [3]

2014: Selangor

Three hundred and twenty-one Bibles were stamped with warnings after being seized by authorities from the State of Selangor, causing outrage among Malaysian Christians. [4] [8]

2023: Boston

On April 28, 2023, at the SatanCon in Boston, which was held by The Satanic Temple, a Satanic leader desecrated a Bible by ripping pages out of it and then throwing it on the floor while chanting "Hail Satan!". [5] [6]

2023: Jaranwala

On August 16, 2023, in the city of Jaranwala, Pakistan, hundreds of Muslims engaged in church arsons and Bible desecrations. These included at least twenty-one churches. [9] According to the BBC, "police appear[ed] to watch on" as this took place. [7]

See also

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In the Jaranwala church arsons, 26 Christian churches in Jaranwala, Punjab, Pakistan were burnt down by acts of arson, and homes belonging to Christian families were looted and destroyed by rioters on August 16, 2023; Bible desecration was committed as well. The attacks were carried out by mobs of Muslims who were enraged by allegations that a Christian man had desecrated the Quran. No deaths were reported. More than a hundred rioters, that included members of the far-right group Tehreek-e-Labbaik, have since been arrested.


  1. 1 2 Michaels, Sean (October 31, 2012). "Polish singer faces two years in jail over Bible-tearing stunt". The Guardian .
  2. 1 2 "Church forgives Bible desecration". Union of Catholic Asian News . April 11, 2011.
  3. 1 2 Al-Youm, Al-Masry (October 14, 2012). "Abu Islam Bible desecration trial postponed to 21 October". Egypt Independent.
  4. 1 2 "Malaysian Christians furious over hundreds of desecrated Bibles". AsiaNews . December 11, 2014.
  5. 1 2 Law, Jeannie Ortega (May 4, 2023). "Boston SatanCon: Satanist rips pages from the Bible in act of rebellion, shouts 'hail Satan'". The Christian Post .
  6. 1 2 Brown, Jon (April 30, 2023). "Boston SatanCon-goers shred Bible, pro-cop flag during opening ritual: 'Hail Satan!'". Fox News.
  7. 1 2 Wright, George (August 16, 2023). "Pakistan: Mob burns churches over blasphemy claims". BBC News.
  8. "Malaysian Christians Furious over Hundreds of Desecrated Bibles". International Christian Concern . December 11, 2014.
  9. "Over 100 arrested, probe ordered in attacks on churches and homes of Christians in Pakistan". The Economic Times. August 17, 2023.