In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, a t-biclique-free graph is a graph that has no Kt,t (complete bipartite graph with 2t vertices) as a subgraph. A family of graphs is biclique-free if there exists a number t such that the graphs in the family are all t-biclique-free. The biclique-free graph families form one of the most general types of sparse graph family. They arise in incidence problems in discrete geometry, and have also been used in parameterized complexity.
According to the Kővári–Sós–Turán theorem, every n-vertex t-biclique-free graph has O(n2 − 1/t) edges, significantly fewer than a dense graph would have. [1] Conversely, if a graph family is defined by forbidden subgraphs or closed under the operation of taking subgraphs, and does not include dense graphs of arbitrarily large size, it must be t-biclique-free for some t, for otherwise it would include large dense complete bipartite graphs.
As a lower bound, Erdős, Hajnal & Moon (1964) conjectured that every maximal t-biclique-free bipartite graph (one to which no more edges can be added without creating a t-biclique) has at least (t− 1)(n + m−t + 1) edges, where n and m are the numbers of vertices on each side of its bipartition. [2]
A graph with degeneracy d is necessarily (d + 1)-biclique-free. Additionally, any nowhere dense family of graphs is biclique-free. More generally, if there exists an n-vertex graph that is not a 1-shallow minor of any graph in the family, then the family must be n-biclique-free, because all n-vertex graphs are 1-shallow minors of Kn,n. In this way, the biclique-free graph families unify two of the most general classes of sparse graphs. [3]
In discrete geometry, many types of incidence graph are necessarily biclique-free. As a simple example, the graph of incidences between a finite set of points and lines in the Euclidean plane necessarily has no K2,2 subgraph. [4]
Biclique-free graphs have been used in parameterized complexity to develop algorithms that are efficient for sparse graphs with suitably small input parameter values. In particular, finding a dominating set of size k, on t-biclique-free graphs, is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by k + t, even though there is strong evidence that this is not possible using k alone as a parameter. Similar results are true for many variations of the dominating set problem. [3] It is also possible to test whether one dominating set of size at most k can be converted to another one by a chain of vertex insertions and deletions, preserving the dominating property, with the same parameterization. [5]
In combinatorics, Ramsey's theorem, in one of its graph-theoretic forms, states that one will find monochromatic cliques in any edge labelling (with colours) of a sufficiently large complete graph. To demonstrate the theorem for two colours (say, blue and red), let r and s be any two positive integers. Ramsey's theorem states that there exists a least positive integer R(r, s) for which every blue-red edge colouring of the complete graph on R(r, s) vertices contains a blue clique on r vertices or a red clique on s vertices. (Here R(r, s) signifies an integer that depends on both r and s.)
In the mathematical field of graph theory, a complete bipartite graph or biclique is a special kind of bipartite graph where every vertex of the first set is connected to every vertex of the second set.
In graph theory, a proper edge coloring of a graph is an assignment of "colors" to the edges of the graph so that no two incident edges have the same color. For example, the figure to the right shows an edge coloring of a graph by the colors red, blue, and green. Edge colorings are one of several different types of graph coloring. The edge-coloring problem asks whether it is possible to color the edges of a given graph using at most k different colors, for a given value of k, or with the fewest possible colors. The minimum required number of colors for the edges of a given graph is called the chromatic index of the graph. For example, the edges of the graph in the illustration can be colored by three colors but cannot be colored by two colors, so the graph shown has chromatic index three.
In mathematics, a dense graph is a graph in which the number of edges is close to the maximal number of edges. The opposite, a graph with only a few edges, is a sparse graph. The distinction of what constitutes a dense or sparse graph is ill-defined, and is often represented by 'roughly equal to' statements. Due to this, the way that density is defined often depends on the context of the problem.
The Zarankiewicz problem, an unsolved problem in mathematics, asks for the largest possible number of edges in a bipartite graph that has a given number of vertices and has no complete bipartite subgraphs of a given size. It belongs to the field of extremal graph theory, a branch of combinatorics, and is named after the Polish mathematician Kazimierz Zarankiewicz, who proposed several special cases of the problem in 1951.
In graph theory, the Grundy number or Grundy chromatic number of an undirected graph is the maximum number of colors that can be used by a greedy coloring strategy that considers the vertices of the graph in sequence and assigns each vertex its first available color, using a vertex ordering chosen to use as many colors as possible. Grundy numbers are named after P. M. Grundy, who studied an analogous concept for directed graphs in 1939. The undirected version was introduced by Christen & Selkow (1979).
In the mathematical area of graph theory, a triangle-free graph is an undirected graph in which no three vertices form a triangle of edges. Triangle-free graphs may be equivalently defined as graphs with clique number ≤ 2, graphs with girth ≥ 4, graphs with no induced 3-cycle, or locally independent graphs.
In a graph, a maximum cut is a cut whose size is at least the size of any other cut. That is, it is a partition of the graph's vertices into two complementary sets S and T, such that the number of edges between S and T is as large as possible. Finding such a cut is known as the max-cut problem.
In the mathematical fields of graph theory and combinatorial optimization, the bipartite dimension or biclique cover number of a graph G = (V, E) is the minimum number of bicliques (that is complete bipartite subgraphs), needed to cover all edges in E. A collection of bicliques covering all edges in G is called a biclique edge cover, or sometimes biclique cover. The bipartite dimension of G is often denoted by the symbol d(G).
Property testing is a field of theoretical computer science, concerned with the design of super-fast algorithms for approximate decision making, where the decision refers to properties or parameters of huge objects.
In extremal graph theory, the forbidden subgraph problem is the following problem: given a graph , find the maximal number of edges an -vertex graph can have such that it does not have a subgraph isomorphic to . In this context, is called a forbidden subgraph.
In graph theory, an area of mathematics, an equitable coloring is an assignment of colors to the vertices of an undirected graph, in such a way that
In graph theory, a k-degenerate graph is an undirected graph in which every subgraph has a vertex of degree at most k: that is, some vertex in the subgraph touches k or fewer of the subgraph's edges. The degeneracy of a graph is the smallest value of k for which it is k-degenerate. The degeneracy of a graph is a measure of how sparse it is, and is within a constant factor of other sparsity measures such as the arboricity of a graph.
Bidimensionality theory characterizes a broad range of graph problems (bidimensional) that admit efficient approximate, fixed-parameter or kernel solutions in a broad range of graphs. These graph classes include planar graphs, map graphs, bounded-genus graphs and graphs excluding any fixed minor. In particular, bidimensionality theory builds on the graph minor theory of Robertson and Seymour by extending the mathematical results and building new algorithmic tools. The theory was introduced in the work of Demaine, Fomin, Hajiaghayi, and Thilikos, for which the authors received the Nerode Prize in 2015.
In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, the Erdős–Hajnal conjecture states that families of graphs defined by forbidden induced subgraphs have either large cliques or large independent sets. It is named for Paul Erdős and András Hajnal, who first posed it as an open problem in a paper from 1977.
In graph theory, a family of graphs is said to have bounded expansion if all of its shallow minors are sparse graphs. Many natural families of sparse graphs have bounded expansion. A closely related but stronger property, polynomial expansion, is equivalent to the existence of separator theorems for these families. Families with these properties have efficient algorithms for problems including the subgraph isomorphism problem and model checking for the first order theory of graphs.
In graph theory, a branch of mathematics, a half graph is a special type of bipartite graph. These graphs are called the half graphs because they have approximately half of the edges of a complete bipartite graph on the same vertices. The name was given to these graphs by Paul Erdős and András Hajnal.
In graph theory, an odd cycle transversal of an undirected graph is a set of vertices of the graph that has a nonempty intersection with every odd cycle in the graph. Removing the vertices of an odd cycle transversal from a graph leaves a bipartite graph as the remaining induced subgraph.
In combinatorial mathematics and extremal graph theory, the Ruzsa–Szemerédi problem or (6,3)-problem asks for the maximum number of edges in a graph in which every edge belongs to a unique triangle. Equivalently it asks for the maximum number of edges in a balanced bipartite graph whose edges can be partitioned into a linear number of induced matchings, or the maximum number of triples one can choose from points so that every six points contain at most two triples. The problem is named after Imre Z. Ruzsa and Endre Szemerédi, who first proved that its answer is smaller than by a slowly-growing factor.
In graph theory, the Graham–Pollak theorem states that the edges of an -vertex complete graph cannot be partitioned into fewer than complete bipartite graphs. It was first published by Ronald Graham and Henry O. Pollak in two papers in 1971 and 1972, in connection with an application to telephone switching circuitry.