Book of Mormon rulers

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This article is a list of rulers in the Book of Mormon, including kings and chief judges among the Lamanites, Nephites, and Jaredites. [1]


Dates cited below generally accord with those found in the Latter-day Saint scripture index. [2]


According to the Book of Mormon the Nephites had kings to begin with, then judges, then a brief period of anarchy, then self-governance, initially organized by Jesus's instructions.

Nephite Kings in the Land of Nephi

Nephite Kings in Zarahemla

Nephite Kings in the Land of Lehi-Nephi

The kingdom was a Nephite enclave within Lamanite Territory.

Nephite Judges in the Land of Zarahemla


According to the Book of Mormon the Lamanites appear to have had multiple regional kings ruling concurrently.

Lamanite Kings in the Land of Lehi-Nephi

Significant Jaredite kings

See also


  1. Peterson, Christopher J. (2019-07-01). "Our Leaders Were Mighty": Identifying Modern Leadership Philosophies in the Book of Mormon (MA thesis). Brigham Young University. hdl:1877/etd10921.
  2. Intellectual Reserve, Inc. (24 March 2015). "Index to the Triple Combination".
  3. 1 Ne. 1:1-3, 16-17; 1 Ne. 2:4-7, 16-24; 1 Ne. 3-4; 1 Ne. 5:1, 7, 20-22; 1 Ne. 6-7, 9; 1 Ne. 10:1, 17; 1 Ne. 11-19, 22; 2 Ne. 1:10, 24; 2 Ne. 4:13-35; 2 Ne. 5, 11-33; Jacob 1:1-12, 18; Jacob 3:14; Mosiah 10:13-16; Hel. 8:22; D&C 98:32
  4. Kerr, Todd R. (1992). "Ancient Aspects of Nephite Kingship in the Book of Mormon". Journal of Book of Mormon Studies. 1 (1): 85–118. ISSN   1065-9366. JSTOR   44758623.
  5. Omni 1:12-23; Mosiah 2:32
  6. Omni 1:23-25; W of M 1:3, 10-18; Mosiah 1–5; Mosiah 6:1-5; Mosiah 8:3; Mosiah 26:1; Mosiah 29:13; Hel. 5:9
  7. Mosiah 1:10, 18; Mosiah 2:30; Mosiah 6:3–7; Mosiah 7:1–2; Mosiah 21:28; Mosiah 22:14, 25; Mosiah 25:1–7, 18–19; Mosiah 26:12; Mosiah 27:1–3; Mosiah 28:11–20; Mosiah 29:11-47; Alma 1:1; Alma 10:19; Alma 11:4
  8. Omni 1:29-30; Mosiah 7:9, 13, 21; Mosiah 8:2; Mosiah 9:1–22; Mosiah 10:18–20; Mosiah 11:1
  9. Mosiah 7:9; Mosiah 11:1–27; Mosiah 12:9-18; Mosiah 13:1-12; Mosiah 17:1; Mosiah 18:1-4, 31-33; Mosiah 19:1-20; Mosiah 23:9–20; Alma 5:4
  10. Mosiah 7:7–33; Mosiah 8; Mosiah 19:16-17, 26-29; Mosiah 20:6–16, 23–26; Mosiah 21, 22; Mosiah 25:16-18; Mosiah 28:11
  11. Mosiah 27:8-37; Mosiah 28:20; Mosiah 29:42-44; Book of Alma, Hel. 4:21, et seq.
  12. Alma 50:37-39
  13. Alma 50:39-40; Alma 51:2-8, 15-16; Alma 59:3; Alma 60-61; Alma 62:1-26, 44; Hel. 1:2
  14. Hel. 1:3-11
  15. Hel. 1:2-6, 13, 18-21
  16. Alma 63: 11-13; Helaman 2:3-12; Helaman 3:20, 37; Helaman 5:5-13
  17. Hel. 3:21, 37; Hel. 4:14; Hel. 5; Hel. 6:6; Hel. 7-10; Hel. 11:3–23; Hel. 16:1–5; 3 Ne. 1:2-3; 3 Ne. 2:9
  18. Helaman 5:1; Helaman 6:15
  19. Hel. 6:15
  20. Helaman 8:27-28
  21. See also Helaman 9:20-37
  22. 3 Ne. 1:1; 3 Ne. 3:1-17, 22-25; 3 Ne. 6:6, 19
  23. 3 Nephi 3:17-26; 3 Nephi 4:4, 7-18, 21-27; 3 Nephi 6:6
  24. 3 Ne. 6:19
  25. 1 Ne. 2:5, 9, 11–14, 16, 18, 21-24; 1 Ne. 3:2-5, 9–14, 21-31; 1 Ne. 4:4-5, 28-30; 1 Ne. 5:7; 1 Ne. 7:1-7, 16-22; 1 Ne. 8:35–36; 1 Ne. 15:2-9, 20-26, 31; 1 Ne. 16:1-5, 7, 18-22, 32, 36–39; 1 Ne. 17:17–22, 48-55; 1 Ne. 18:1, 4-21; 1 Ne. 22:1; 2 Ne. 1:24–29; 2 Ne. 4:13; 2 Ne. 5:1-3, 21; Alma 3:7; Alma 18:38
  26. Mosiah 7:21-22; Mosiah 9:5-7, 10-13; Mosiah 10:6, 18
  27. Mosiah 10:6; Mosiah 23:39; Mosiah 24:1-4, 9
  28. Alma 46:3-11, 28-33; Alma 47-49; Alma 51; Alma 52:3
  29. Alma 52:3-12; Alma 54-57; Alma 59; Alma 62, et seq.
  30. Hel. 1:16-17
  31. Mormon 2:9; Moroni 9:17
  32. Ether 1:32–43; Ether 2:1, 13; Ether 6:4–14, 19–21, 24, 29
  33. Omni 1:21-22; Ether 12:1-2; Ether 13:15-31; Ether 14-15