Carl Boggs

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Carl Boggs (born July 22, 1937) is a social science and film studies professor at the National University in Los Angeles. [1]


He received a Ph. D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1970. He has also taught at the University of South Carolina and Washington University. [2] [3]

He has written numerous books on subjects including social theory, European and American politics, and military policy. He has contributed to several socialist organizations and journals, [4] such as Solidarity, the LA Socialist Community School, [5] and the Free Speech Movement. [6]

He received a Charles A. McCoy Career Achievement Award. [7] [8]



Translated into Chinese by Jun Li and Hairong Cai 知识分子与现代性的危机 / Zhi shi fen zi yu xian dai xing de wei ji Nanjing, 2002 ISBN   978-7-214-03093-1
Review, by H Kitschelt - American Political Science Review, , Volume 83 , Issue 1 , March 1989 , pp. 316 - 317 doi : 10.2307/1956492
Translated into Korean by Mun-gu Kang as 다시그람시에게로 / Tasi Gŭramsi egero

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  1. "Carl Boggs – New Politics" . Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  2. "Carl Boggs". Guilford Press. Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  3. "About". Carl Boggs. Retrieved 2022-02-16.
  4. "» Author » Carl Boggs". 30 November 2019. Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  5. Socialist Community School Committee list, Fall 1979
  6. "An Evening With VC Alum Carl Boggs". Ventura College Foundation. Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  7. "American Political Science Association > MEMBERSHIP > Organized Sections > Organized Section 27: Charles A. McCoy Career Achievement Award". Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  8. "Dr. Carl Boggs". National University. Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,33 Google Scholar Author page, Accessed Oct. 24 2021
  10. "The crimes of empire : rogue superpower and world domination". WorldCat. Retrieved 28 June 2024.