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Scientific classification

Jankowski, 1973 [1]

Cavichona is a genus of ciliates in the family Spirochonidae.

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Spirotrich Class of single-celled organisms

The spirotrichs are a large and diverse group of ciliate protozoa. They typically have prominent oral cilia in the form of a series of polykinetids, called the adoral zone of membranelles, beginning anterior to the oral cavity and running down to the left side of the mouth. There may also be one or two paroral membranes on its right side. The body cilia are fused to form polykinetids called cirri in some, and are sparse to absent in others.

Heterotrich Class of single-celled organisms

The heterotrichs are a class of ciliates. They typically have a prominent adoral zone of membranelles circling the mouth, used in locomotion and feeding, and shorter cilia on the rest of the body. Many species are highly contractile, and are typically compressed or conical in form. These include some of the largest protozoa, such as Stentor and Spirostomum, as well as many brightly pigmented forms, such as certain Blepharisma.

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Colpodea A class of protists in the ciliates phylum

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Simple columnar epithelium Tissue type

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<i>Chilodonella uncinata</i> Species of single-celled organism

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  1. Taxonomic revision of subphylum Ciliophora Doflein, 1901. AW Jankowski, Zool. Zh, 1973
  2. Ultrastructure of the sessile ciliate Cavichona elegans (Chonotricha). I. BP Karadzhan - Non-dividing animals. (In Russian.) Acta Protozool, 1976