Cavling Prize

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The Cavling Prize (Danish : Cavlingprisen) is a Danish journalist award. It is awarded annually in January to "a journalist or a group of journalists who have shown initiative and talent in the past year." [1]


The Prize commemorates Henrik Cavling, founder of the Danish Journalists Confederation.

The prize consists of 20,000 kroner and a statuette made by George Rode depicting Henry Cavling. The prize is awarded by a committee appointed by the Danish Union of Journalists' executive committee. The prize fund is sponsored in part by the Danish Union of Journalists, and in part by the two newspapers Politiken and Berlingske [2]


The prize was founded on 18 December 1944. The prize fund was created by Danish Union of Journalists, Politiken and Berlingske Tidende. [3]


1945 Henrik V. Ringsted Politiken
1946 Ole Vinding
1947 Gunnar R. Næsselund
1948 Nele Topsøe (Nele Poul Sørensen)
1949 Poul Dalgaard / Anders B. Nørgaard Social-Demokraten
1950 Mogens Bostrup Nationaltidende
1951 Niels Blædel
1952 Aage Hastrup
1953 Per Arboe Rasmussen
1954 Robert Kjældgård Social-Demokraten
1955not given
1956Røde Kors Ungarn-indsamlingen (eng: Red Cross Hungary-fund raiser)
1957 Ole Hansen
1958not given
1959 Dan Larsen
1960 Viggo Duvå Social-Demokraten
1961 Willy Reunert Danmarks Radio
1962 Jørgen Hartmann-Petersen Politiken
1963 Poul Trier Pedersen Danmarks Radio
1964 Knud Poulsen -
1965 Poul Dalgaard Ekstra Bladet
1966 Herbert Pundik Politiken
1967 Hans V. Bischoff -
1968 Erik Nørgaard Politiken
1969 Thyra Christensen -
1970 Leif Blædel -
1971 Torgny Møller Dagbladet Information
1972 Leif Kjeldsen Politiken
1973The chief editors of Vejle Avis Vejle Avis
1974 Anne Wolden-Ræthinge Politiken
1975 Nele Rue Danmarks Radio
1976Harry RasmussenNæstved Tidende
1977 Jacob Andersen / Søren Jacobsen Ekstra Bladet
1978 Svend Bedsted / Jens Otto Kjær Hansen Jyllands-Posten
1979 Jørgen Flindt Pedersen / Erik Stephensen Danmarks Radio
1980 Hanne Dam Dagbladet Information
1981 Henning Thøgersen / Jan Michaelsen Ekstra Bladet
1982 J. B. Holmgård Politiken
1983 Hanne Reintoft Danmarks Radio
1984 Sten Bådsgård / Jørgen Pedersen Danmarks Radio
1985 Allan Graubæk / Gunner Nielsen / Henrik Thomsen Holbæk Amts Venstreblad
1986 Alex Frank Larsen Dagbladet Information
1987-The magazine Press
1988 Jens J. Espersen Ritzau
1989 Anders Peter Mathiasen / Jeppe Juhl Ekstra Bladet
1990 Erik Eisenberg / Ulrik Haagerup / Martin Uhlenfeldt Jyllands-Posten
1991 Leif O. Dahl / Claus G. Theilgaard Vendsyssel Tidende
1992 Nils Ufer (posthumous) Weekendavisen
1993 Mikkel Hertz Jyllands-Posten
1994 John Mynderup Dagbladet Børsen
1995 Christian Nordkap / Lars Rugaard / Erik Valeur Danmarks Radio
1996 Henrik Grunnet / Michael Klint TV2 Nordisk Film Broadcast
1997 Poul Brink Danmarks Radio
1998 Tonni Vinkel Sørensen Bagsværd/Søborg Bladet
1999 Søren Funch / Jens Chr. Hansen / Erik Eisenberg Jyllands-Posten
2000 Kim Dahl Nielsen / Kasper D. Borch Jydske Vestkysten
2001 Poul Høi Berlingske
2002 Morten Pihl / Jakob Priess-Sørensen B.T.
2003 Charlotte Aagaard / Jørgen Steen Nielsen / Bo Elkjær Dagbladet Information and Ekstra Bladet
2004 Miki Mistrati / Thomas Stokholm / Jeppe Facius / Anders-Peter Mathiasen Bastard Film and Ekstra Bladet
2005 Christian Andersen  [ da ] / Michael Klint Danmarks Radio
2006 Miriam Dalsgaard / Olav Hergel Politiken
2007 Peter Øvig Knudsen -
2008 Morten Crone / Morten Frich / Erik Refner / Jesper Woldenhof Berlingske
2009 Jesper Tynell Danmarks Radio
2010 Lars Nørgaard Pedersen / Asger Westh / Stine Larsen Jyllands-Posten
2011 Ulrik Dahlin / Anton Geist Dagbladet Information
2012 Asbjørn With Nordjyske Medier
2013Jeppe Gaardboe, Frederik Brun Madsen, Søren Kristensen, Michael Klint og Steen Jensen Danmarks Radio [4]
2014 Morten Pihl Jyllands-Posten [5]
2015 Puk Damsgård Danmarks Radio [6]
2016 Chris Kjær Jessen, Michael Lund / Lars Nørgaard Pedersen Berlingske
2017 Camilla Stockmann / Janus Køster-Rasmussen Politiken and DR
2018 Eva Jung / Simon Bendtsen / Michael Lund Berlingske
2019 Tea Krogh Sørensen / Morten Pihl Jyllands-Posten
2020Anders Legarth Schmidt Politiken
2021 Nagieb Khaja, Jeppe Findalen, Thomas Foght and Magnus Mio Ekstra Bladet
2022 Frederik Hugo Ledegaard Thim DR Dokumentar [7]
2023Astrid Fischer, Laura Marie Sørensen, Jonas Deiborg [8] DR

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  1. Dansk Journalistforbund. "Cavling". Archived from the original on 17 December 2010. Retrieved 22 March 2011.
  2. "Cavlingprisen - Danmarks mest prestigefyldte journalistpris". Dansk Journalistforbund.
  3. "Cavlingprisen - Danmarks mest prestigefyldte journalistpris". Dansk Journalistforbund.
  4. "DR-journalister får Cavlingprisen". DR. 10 January 2014. Retrieved 5 June 2016.
  5. "Journalist Morten Pihl får Cavlingprisen 2014". DR. 9 January 2015. Retrieved 5 June 2016.
  6. "DR's Puk Damsgård får Cavlingprisen". DR. 8 January 2016. Retrieved 5 June 2016.
  7. Therkildsen, Bo (6 January 2023). "Frederik Hugo Ledegaard Thim vinder Cavlingprisen 2022". Dansk Journalistforbund. Retrieved 7 January 2023.
  8. "Journalisterne bag afdækningen af kræftsagen på AUH vinder Cavlingprisen 2023".