Choice function

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Let X be a set of sets none of which are empty. Then a choice function (selector, selection) on X is a mathematical function f that is defined on X such that f is a mapping that assigns each element of X to one of its elements.


An example

Let X = { {1,4,7}, {9}, {2,7} }. Then the function f defined by f({1, 4, 7}) = 7, f({9}) = 9 and f({2, 7}) = 2 is a choice function on X.

History and importance

Ernst Zermelo (1904) introduced choice functions as well as the axiom of choice (AC) and proved the well-ordering theorem, [1] which states that every set can be well-ordered. AC states that every set of nonempty sets has a choice function. A weaker form of AC, the axiom of countable choice (ACω) states that every countable set of nonempty sets has a choice function. However, in the absence of either AC or ACω, some sets can still be shown to have a choice function.

Choice function of a multivalued map

Given two sets and , let be a multivalued map from to (equivalently, is a function from to the power set of ).

A function is said to be a selection of , if:

The existence of more regular choice functions, namely continuous or measurable selections is important in the theory of differential inclusions, optimal control, and mathematical economics. [2] See Selection theorem.

Bourbaki tau function

Nicolas Bourbaki used epsilon calculus for their foundations that had a symbol that could be interpreted as choosing an object (if one existed) that satisfies a given proposition. So if is a predicate, then is one particular object that satisfies (if one exists, otherwise it returns an arbitrary object). Hence we may obtain quantifiers from the choice function, for example was equivalent to . [3]

However, Bourbaki's choice operator is stronger than usual: it's a global choice operator. That is, it implies the axiom of global choice. [4] Hilbert realized this when introducing epsilon calculus. [5]

See also


  1. Zermelo, Ernst (1904). "Beweis, dass jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann". Mathematische Annalen. 59 (4): 514–16. doi:10.1007/BF01445300.
  2. Border, Kim C. (1989). Fixed Point Theorems with Applications to Economics and Game Theory. Cambridge University Press. ISBN   0-521-26564-9.
  3. Bourbaki, Nicolas. Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets. ISBN   0-201-00634-0.
  4. John Harrison, "The Bourbaki View" eprint.
  5. "Here, moreover, we come upon a very remarkable circumstance, namely, that all of these transfinite axioms are derivable from a single axiom, one that also contains the core of one of the most attacked axioms in the literature of mathematics, namely, the axiom of choice: , where is the transfinite logical choice function." Hilbert (1925), “On the Infinite”, excerpted in Jean van Heijenoort, From Frege to Gödel, p. 382. From nCatLab.

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This is a glossary of terms and definitions related to the topic of set theory.


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