Christopher Fettweis

Last updated
Christopher J. Fettweis
Alma mater University of Maryland (PhD)
University of Notre Dame (BA)
AwardsMortar Board Excellence in Teaching Award
Honor’s Professor of the Year
Scientific career
Fields International relations
Institutions Tulane University

Christopher J. Fettweis is an American political scientist and Professor of Political Science at Tulane University. He is known for his expertise on American foreign relations. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]



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  1. Dodds, Graham G. (1 December 2014). "The Pathologies of Power: Fear, Honor, Glory, and Hubris in U.S. Foreign Policy by Christopher J. Fettweis. New York". Political Science Quarterly . 129 (4): 717–718. doi:10.1002/polq.12262. ISSN   1538-165X.
  2. "Roundtable 7-14 on The Pathologies of Power: Fear, Honor, Glory, and Hubris in U.S. Foreign Policy". International Security Studies Forum . 9 March 2015. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  3. Thies, Cameron G. (December 2012). "Dangerous Times? The International Politics of Great Power Peace. By Christopher J. Fettweis. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 304p. $29.95. Cosmopolitan Power in International Relations: A Synthesis of Realism, Neoliberalism, and Constructivism. By Giulio M. Gallarotti. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 326p. $29.99". Perspectives on Politics . 10 (4): 1115–1117. doi:10.1017/S1537592712002502. ISSN   1537-5927. S2CID   146813025.
  4. "a book review by Daniel S. Feiman: Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace". New York Journal of Books. Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  5. Preble, Christopher A. (2012). "Book Review: Dangerous Times? The International Politics of Great Power PeaceFettweisC. J. (2010). Dangerous Times? The International Politics of Great Power Peace. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press". Armed Forces & Society . 38 (4): 681–683. doi:10.1177/0095327x12442316. S2CID   147535747.
  6. "Dangerous Times? The International Politics of Great Power Peace". Foreign Affairs (May/June 2011). 18 April 2011. ISSN   0015-7120 . Retrieved 6 March 2018.
  7. Reeder, Bryce W. (2011). "Dangerous Times? The International Politics of Great Power Peace, by Christopher J. Fettweis". The Journal of Slavic Military Studies . 24 (4): 709–711. doi:10.1080/13518046.2011.624860. S2CID   142788894.