Created in 2007, [1] the Universal Civil Identity Program in the Americas (PUICA) is the area of the Organization of American States (OAS) that is devoted to civil identity. It belongs to the Department for Effective Public Management within the Secretariat for Political Affairs.
PUICA supports the member states of the OAS in their efforts to eradicate under-registration, in order to ensure recognition of the right to civil identity for all persons in the region.
All PUICA activities are geared towards fulfilling the five objectives set by the Inter-American Program for Universal Civil Registry and the Right to Identity:
Currently, some 10% [2] of children born in Latin America and Caribbean officially do not exist as their births were never recorded. This means that the states have no proof of their existence and that those children will therefore have no protection from a variety of violations and will also be excluded from basic services. In terms of the adult population, there are no accurate data on the number of people who were never registered, and the percentages vary significantly from country to country and from region to region within countries. What is certain is that poverty is a constant factor where there is under-registration, and that the latter mainly affects the most vulnerable populations.
To address this situation, the priorities of PUICA include reducing the rate of under-registration and removing barriers to effective registration, with an emphasis on areas with populations in situations of poverty and vulnerability.
The work of PUICA in this regard revolves around the following strategies:
Through institutional strengthening, generation of synergies in national registration institutions, and improvement of legislative techniques, PUICA seeks to ensure that the outcomes obtained by the intervention will be sustained over time and thus make progress permanent.
The strategies that the program has developed to achieve this sustainability are:
The participation of the communities served in project design and execution is a defining feature of the PUICA strategy. This participation is both at the stage prior to design and subsequent campaign coordination and promotion.
Awareness among the population and among the institutions about the importance of the right to identity is also vital to the elimination of under-registration. Hence PUICA wants awareness to be a very important component of its strategy, and incorporates it into campaigns through awareness workshops in schools and health centers.
In their effort to spur access to civil records, national registration institutions have been continually come up with practices that are delivering positive results. In this regard, the work undertaken by PUICA is to identify those practices and provide a forum for them to be disseminated and shared. Collaboration is also being pursued with the CLARCIEV (Latin American Council for Civil Registration, Identification, and Vital Statistics), the body that brings together civil registration institutions in the region, thus enabling knowledge transfer among the region’s registration institutions. Since 2009, PUICA has served as Executive Secretariat of CLARCIEV, and manages that institution’s website.
In 2010, PUICA published its “Handbook of Civil Registration Best Practices,” which contains a methodology for identifying those best practices and a description of best practices identified in Mexico, Peru, and Colombia.
A key element of the PUICA strategy is the promotion of partnership – between and among different countries of the Region, and between and among local and international cooperation players, the aim being to:
PUICA has worked in various countries of Latin America and the Caribbean:
Mobile registration and publicity campaigns
Through mobile registration and publicity campaigns in the Yungas, Manco Kapac, Beni and Chuquisaca regions, and in collaboration with the National Civil Registry Bureau of Bolivia, the right to identity is now a reality for more than 15,000 individuals, most of them indigenous.
It is expected that by 2011 about 6,000 people in the rural areas of Potosí will have benefited from this mobile registration system.
Both operations have been funded through the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID).
Strengthening the Hospital Records System
To support the National Registry of Natural Persons, a hospital records system has been put in place at the Sonsonate National Hospital, facilitating birth registration for more than 10,000 newborns since of the beginning of the system, in 2009. This hospital records system has been extended to Ahuachapán Hospital, and will be expanded to other hospitals in the future.
The operation in El Salvador was financed with funds from the Spanish cooperation agency (AECID).
Mobile registration and publicity campaigns. Institutional strengthening. Process audits
Several registration and publicity campaigns have been staged in different parts of the country – including Chichicastenango, San Pedro Sacatepequez, San Juan Sacatepequez, San Raimundo, and Huehuetenango – in collaboration with the National Registry of Persons. Through training for community leaders and with their collaboration, more than 2,000 people, mostly indigenous, were registered for the first time.
At the request of the Government of Guatemala, PUICA also audited the National Registry of Persons processes in 2010 and is supporting that institution as it implements the recommendations.
As with the Bolivia and El Salvador operations, the projects executed in Guatemala were funded by the Spanish Cooperation Agency.
Civil registry modernization and integration
More than 4.8 million Haitians now have an identity, thanks to mobile registration campaigns. Personnel from the National Identification Office have also been trained, thus providing the institution with the necessary technology and infrastructure. Also, 141 Registration Offices were opened. As well, in support of the National Archives, more than eight million historical records have been digitized and entered into an electronic database.
These projects are being implemented with financial support from the Canadian cooperation agency (CIDA).
Promotion of Civil Identity. Sharing Best Practices. Awareness
In Mexico, the strategy is based on cooperation with the National Registry of Population and Personal Identification to promote civil identity nationwide. To that end, an international symposium on measuring under-registration of births was held, and a workshop on best practices in civil registration technologies was conducted, along with a number of publicity campaigns to promote the importance of civil identity.
Canadian cooperation funds have helped these projects to be financially viable.
Modernization of the Civil Registry. Digitalization of Historical Records. Registration Campaigns
Using technical equipment acquired, along with staff training, the registry’s staff itself has been digitizing millions of records, and this will facilitate linking the registry with other public institutions such as hospitals and will make the project sustainable. The Civil Registry will be provided with support to carry out mobile registration and publicity campaigns in indigenous communities.
The project in Paraguay has been funded by the Canadian International Development Agency.
Mobile registration and publicity campaigns. Rebuilding destroyed records
Through the system of mobile registration and publicity campaigns, more than 15,000 people have been registered in Peru. The campaigns were done in Huaycán, San Juan de Lurigancho, and Huancavelica. The records destroyed by the armed conflict with the Shining Path in this latter town were also reconstructed.
These projects were funded with help from Spain, United States, and Italy.
Civil registry modernization. Computerization of records
The objective in this subregion is to consolidate civil registry electronic databases by digitizing historical records.
The Canadian cooperation agency is funding the execution of this project, along with fonds from United States and Chile.
A birth certificate is a vital record that documents the birth of a person. The term "birth certificate" can refer to either the original document certifying the circumstances of the birth or to a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that birth. Depending on the jurisdiction, a record of birth might or might not contain verification of the event by such as a midwife or doctor.
A national identification number, national identity number, or national insurance number is used by the governments of many countries as a means of tracking their citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents for the purposes of work, taxation, government benefits, health care, and other governmentally-related functions.
Civil registration is the system by which a government records the vital events of its citizens and residents. The resulting repository or database has different names in different countries and even in different US states. It can be called a civil registry, civil register, vital records, and other terms, and the office responsible for receiving the registrations can be called a bureau of vital statistics, registry of vital records and statistics, registrar, registry, register, registry office, or population registry. The primary purpose of civil registration is to create a legal document that can be used to establish and protect the rights of individuals. A secondary purpose is to create a data source for the compilation of vital statistics.
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is a United Nations organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide.
The Philippine Statistics Authority, abbreviated as PSA, is the central statistical authority of the Philippine government that collects, compiles, analyzes and publishes statistical information on economic, social, demographic, political affairs and general affairs of the people of the Philippines and enforces the civil registration functions in the country.
The National Registry of Identification and Civil Status is an autonomous constitutional body of the State of Peru. Its role is to maintain the records of births, marriages, divorces and deaths in the country, as well as of the suffrage eligibility and registration. Its headquarters are in downtown Lima.
The "Consolidation of the Justice System in Albania" (EURALIUS) is an EU funded technical assistance project that seeks the strengthening of the Albanian Justice System. The objective of EURALIUS is to strengthen the independence, transparency, efficiency, accountability and public trust in the Albanian justice system in line with the EU Acquis and best practices. EURALIUS is composed of long-term international experts from various EU Member States and of Albanian legal professionals who act as national experts, as well as support staff consisting of project assistants, translators, etc.
Healthcare in Brazil is a constitutional right. It is provided by both private and government institutions. The Health Minister administers national health policy. Primary healthcare remains the responsibility of the federal government, elements of which are overseen by individual states. Public healthcare is provided to all Brazilian permanent residents and foreigners in Brazilian territory through the National Healthcare System, known as the Unified Health System. The SUS is universal and free for everyone.
HIV/AIDS in El Salvador has a less than 1 percent prevalence of the adult population reported to be HIV-positive, El Salvador and therefore there is a low-HIV-prevalence country, but the virus remains a significant threat in high-risk communities, such as commercial sex workers (CSWs) and men who have sex with men (MSM).
A resident register is a government database which contains information on the current residence of persons. In countries where registration of residence is compulsory, the current place of residence must be reported to the registration office or the police within a few days after establishing a new residence. In some countries, residence information may be obtained indirectly from voter registers or registers of driver licenses. Besides a formal resident registers or population registers, residence information needs to be disclosed in many situations, such as voter registration, passport application, and updated in relation to drivers licenses, motor vehicle registration, and many other purposes. The permanent place of residence is a common criterion for taxation including the assessment of a person's income tax.
All European countries show eGovernment initiatives, mainly related to the improvement of governance at the national level. Significant eGovernment activities also take place at the European Commission level as well. There is an extensive list of eGovernment Fact Sheets maintained by the European Commission.
The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) is a Spanish agency responsible for the management of the Government international development cooperation policy.
The Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States is a part of the General Secretariat, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C., United States. The Secretariat for Multidimensional Security has a mandate to promote cooperation between Organization's Member States, Inter-American and international organizations, as well as with entities such as the United Nations and its subsidiaries, in order to analyze, prevent, confront and respond to security threats.
Giorgi Vashadze is a Harvard Business School Executive Education alumnus, Georgian politician and international policy expert who served as a member of the Parliament of Georgia from 2012 to 2016. He is a founder and international key expert of Innovation and Development Foundation (IDF), international think-tank that is committed to design public policy solutions and reform packages. In May 2016, Giorgi Vashadze founded a political party ‘Political Platform - New Georgia’. He is also a founder of Computer Literacy Foundation that was established in 2012 and Georgia Reforms and Partnership Enterprise (GRAPE). Giorgi Vashadze previously served as a Deputy-Minister at the Ministry of Justice between 2010 and 2012, and a Chairman of Civil Registry Agency from 2006 to 2010.
CRVS Systems stands for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems and represents the interoperability of three separate systems: Civil Registration, Health Information, and Vital Statistics.
The Philippine Identification System ID, also known as the Philippine Identification Card, is the official national identity card for Filipino citizens worldwide and foreign permanent residents in the Philippines. The document is a significant part of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys), the national identification system to be implemented by the Philippine government.
Bilateral and diplomatic relations exist between The Bahamas and Spain. The Spanish embassy in Kingston, Jamaica, is accredited for Bahamas.
Saint Kitts and Nevis–Spain relations are the bilateral and diplomatic relations between these two countries. Saint Kitts and Nevis does not have embassy in Spain, but its embassy in United Kingdom is accredited for Spain. Spain also has no embassy on the islands, but its embassy in Kingston, Jamaica, is accredited to them.
Spain–Syria relations are the bilateral and diplomatic relations between these two countries. Syria has an embassy in Madrid. Spain has an embassy in Damascus.
National Organization for Civil Registration of Iran is one of the governmental organizations in Iran that is responsible for collecting information and population statistics of Iran. This organization with independent duties and functions is one of the subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Interior of Iran. The organization is responsible for providing basic registration information such as births, deaths and marriages, as well as issuing identity documents such as birth certificates and Identity certificate. The current head of the organization is Hamid Derakhshan Nia. In Iran, the third day of Dey (month) has been named as National Organization for Civil Registration Day.