Clever Raccoon Dog

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Clever Raccoon Dog
Clever Raccoon Dog.jpg
Opening title card variant for episodes 47-63
Also known asThe Little Bear
Korean 령리한 너구리
Genre Comedy, Science
Screenplay byKim Gwangsong
Directed byChang Joil
Theme music composer Pyongyang Ryulgok Women's Secondary school
ComposerKim Myonghui
Country of originNorth Korea
Original languageKorean
No. of episodes82
CinematographyKang Taeyong
Production company Korea April 26 Animation Studio
Original release
Network Korean Central Television
Release1987 (1987) 
present (present)

Clever Raccoon Dog is a North Korean animated television series produced by SEK Studio which aired on North Korean state television. The series was produced for a number of years and features both old and new animation styles, depending on the production year of each episode. The series focuses on three main characters (a raccoon dog, a male bear, and a female cat), who are often involved in minor adventures or incidents. Each episode has a scholastic element or a particular message, focusing on matters as scientific information, road safety, sportsmanship, among others. The first 9 episodes (episode 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 22, 23) are co-produced with the French animation studio Col.Ima.Son and P.M.M.P.[ citation needed ]



Main characters

Minor characters

Voice Cast


63 episodes (1-63) have been released on DVD by Mokran Video.[ citation needed ]

The series resumed in 2021, with episode 64 being aired on 19 December. [1] These newly produced episodes featured new actresses. [2]

On February 4, 2023, The Pyongyang Times announced the production of episodes 70, 71 and 72. These episodes are respectively titled "Orange Necklace", "Waterproof Cloth" and "Plastic Magnet".


No.Original TitleEnglish TitleScriptDirection and ConductorChief Art DirectionPhotographMusic
1스키경기Skiing Match (The Slips)Kim GwangsongKim GwangsongKim YongchanKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
2높이재기Measurement of HeightKim YongkwonRim Hong-un, Chang JoilIn YongukLee YonghoKim Myonghui
3바람개비PinwheelKim GwangsongKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilChang YonghwanKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
4후보선수Substitute PlayerChong SonghuiSon Jonggwon, Chang JoilKim YongcholKo ByonghwaKim Myonghui
5불을 일으킨 얼음With the help of iceKim GwansonKim Gwanson, Chang JoilKim GwansonLee YonghoPaek Inson
6장애물경기An obstacle raceKim GwangsongKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilChong JonghuiLee YonghunKim Myonghui
7순회우승금컵The circular championship gold cupKim YonggwonKim Yongchan, Chang JoilKim TaekjonHan BonggiKim Myonghui
8지름길A short cutKim Yu-gyongKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilChong JonghuiKim GilnamKim Myonghui
9축구경기하는 날The day of football gamePak TaesulKim Yongchan, Chang JoilKim TaekjonKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
10쫓겨간 호랑이The tiger takes to flightKim TaehongKim Gwanson, Hong SunghakKim GwansonLee YonghoPaek Inson
11너구리가 준 시계Raccoon Dog gives a watch*Lee Gwang-yongKim Yongchan, Chang JoilO SunnamKim GilnamKim Myonghui
12잘못 안 시간Mistaken TimeCha JeokKim Gwanson, Chang JoilO GwangsongKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
13부정선수Foul playerHwang Sok-hwanKim Sunhui, Chang JoilO SunnamLee YonghoKim Myonghui
14응당한 봉변The deserved humiliation*Kim GwansonKim Yongchan, Chang JoilO GwangsongKim GilnamKim Myonghui
15결승전The FinalsKim YongchanKim Yongchan, Chang JoilLee JuilKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
16야구경기A baseball game*Lee InLee In, Chang JoilO GwangsongLee YonghoKim Myonghui
17휘거경기Figure-skating gameKim GwangsongKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilChong JonghuiKim GilnamKim Myonghui
18랭동차안에서In a refrigerator carKim GwangsongKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilKim InsonKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
19너구리와 거부기Raccoon Dog and TurtleKim YonggwonKim Gwangsong, Chang JoilO GwangsongHan YongcholKim Myonghui
20새집들이 하는 날The day moving into a new houseKim YonggwonKang Yonghwan, Chang JoilKim InsonLee YonghoKim Myonghui
21마라손선수MarathonerKim Jun-okKim Jun-ok, Chang JoilKim Jun-okKim GilnamKim Myonghui
22위험한 장난Dangerous gameKim GwansonKim Gwanson, Chang JoilRo MinKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
23바다에서 일어난 소동Fuss on the seaKim GwansonKim Gwanson, Chang JoilO GwangsongCho GwangcholKim Myonghui
24야웅이 생일선물Birthday gift of CatKim TaehongKim Yongchan, Hong SunghakO Sunnam, Nam WonLee YonghoKim Myong Hui
25무차별급 권투경기Boxing bout (in class without weight distinction)Kim TaemoKim Yongchan, Hong SunghakO Sunnam, Lee JuilKim GilnamKim Myonghui
26불을 끈 너구리Raccoon Dog puts out a fireChoi TaehyongChang Cholsu, Hong SunghakLee YongilHan BonggiKim Myonghui
27유희장에서At an amusement park*Chang Cholsu, Pang Sun-yongChang Cholsu, Park MisonKim Yusong, Kim GyonghoLee YeonghoKim Myonghui
28우주려행길에서At a way of journeying universe*Kim GwansonKim Gwanson, Park MisonKim Yusong, Kim GyonghoLee YonghoKim Myonghui
29다시 찾은 황금컵A gold cup discovered again*Kim Jun-okKim Jun-ok, Park MisonKim Changyu, Chang YongcholKim GilnamKim Myonghui
30너구리의 빈 화분Raccoon Dog's empty flowerpot*Kim Jun-okKim Jun-ok, Park MisonPaek Hak, Lee YongilKang TaeyongKim Myonghui
31하늘에서의 봉변A humiliation at the sky*Ro SunhuiChang Cholsu, Park MisonKim Sangik, Kim RyonghyokLee YonghunKim Myonghui
32노없는 배로With a boat but no paddles*Lee JongsunSon Jonggwon, Park MisonChang Yongchol, Mun SongHan BonggiKim Myonghui
33그림자탓일가?Is shadow to blame for it?Kim GwansonKim Gwanson, Park MisonKim Yusong, Chong HyoncholLee YonghoKim Myonghui
34물놀이장에서At a wading poolRim ChanggyuChang Cholsu, Chang JoilChoi Ilchan, Paek YonhuiKim JehungPaek Inson
35열대림에서 있은일An event happened in a tropical forestKwon MyongsonKim Gwanson, Chang JoilChong Hyonchol, Kim YusongKang TaeyongPaek Inson
36위험표식Danger IndicatorChang CholsuChang Cholsu, Chang JoilKim Inson, Choi IlchanLee YonghoPaek Inson
37곰의 그림숙제Bear's Picture HomeworkKim Jun-okKim Jun-ok, Kim Chol-uiLee Yongil, Chang YongcholKim GilnamPaek Inson
38욕심많은 곰Greedy BearO su-namChang Cholsu, Kim Chol-uiKim GwanghyokLee YonghunPaek Inson
39남극에서 온 펭긴선수Penguin, an ice-skating player from the AntarcticKim JusinKim Yongchan, Kim Chol-uiO sunnam, Son YongsamHan BonggiPaek Inson
40누구의 발자국일가?Whose footprint is it?Chang CholsuChang Cholsu, Pak MisonKim Gwanghyok, Kim Dok-yongKim JehungPaek Inson
41너구리의 과일농사Racoon Dog grows fruitKim Jun-okKim Gwanghyok, Chang MyongilYun Jusong, Paek HakKang TaeyongPaek Inson
42힘을 겨루는 경기Strength ContestKim Jun-okRo MinAn Chundong, O SongnamLee YonghoPaek Inson
43없어진 어항의 물A fish globe drainedKim GwansonKim Gwanson, Pak MisonO GwangsongLee YonghunPaek Inson
44물스키경기 하는 날The day of water ski game*Chang MyonghuiKim Gwanson, Hong SunghakHong Jongchol, Son Chol-oKim GilnamKim Yongsong
45너구리가 감춘 남비Raccoon Dog hides a pot*Yun HyonhuiChang Cholsu, Chang MyongilChang Yongchol, Ryu SejongKim SolnamPaek Inson
46언사과Ice cold apples*Kim Jun-ok, Sin CholgyunKim Jun-ok, Kim SandongPaek Hak, Cho GwangcholHan BonggiYun Jongho
47렬차안에서In the subway*Lee JonghwaKim Gwangsong, Lee Sokhun, Chong Il-yongLee Dongchol, Kim GwanghyopLee YonghunPaek Inson
48꿀단지에 비낀 두 모습Two images reflected in a honey jar*Pang Sun-yongKim Jun-ok, Son Chol-o, Chong Il-yongO Songchol, Kim Chol-ungKim SunhoPaek Inson
49바다가에서 있은 일An event happened in the sea*Kim SuhwaKim Jun-ok, Pak Gwanghyon, Chong Il-yongMun Changil, Kim UnghoKim GilnamPaek Inson
50야웅이가 받은 꽃다발Cat receives a bouquet*Kim Jun-ok, Kim SuhwaPak Gyongsu, Chong Il-yongRyu Sejong, Lee YongilNam GyongsuPaek Inson
51열대섬동산에서 있은 일An event happened on the hillock of a tropical island*Choi InsongKim Yongchan, Ro Min, Chong Il-yongRyu Sejong, Mun ChangilKim JehungPaek Inson
52너구리가 만든 잠망경Raccoon Dog makes a periscope*Kim Jun-ok, Om SunhuiO Sinhyok, Ham Chun-il, Chong Il-yongKim Inchol, Han CholKim SunhoChong Byongchol
53힘겨루기 날에 있은 일On the Day of Tug-of-War GameKim YongchanYun Yonggil, Kim SandongHong Yongnam, Pak SungguKim Myonghui
54다시 날린 전파A re-transmitted radio wave*Kim HyoncholO Sinhyok, Yun Yonggil, Lee JongduHong Yongnam, Chang NampaPaek Inson
55너구리가 가져온 물Raccoon Dog brings a water*Hwang DumanO Sinhyok, Ho SanghyokHong Yongnam, Han CholPaek Inson
56너구리가 올린 돛Raccoon Dog hoists a sail*Choi InsongKye Hun, Ryo MyonggiLee Songjin, Choi Yuil, Cho JongcholPaek Inson
57새 려객선에서On the new passenger ship*Son GanghoKim Yongchan, Lee Chol, Ryo MyonggiKim Wonil, Cho JongcholPaek Inson
58흰눈동산에서On the hillock covered with white snow*Ho UngyongKim Hyokchol, Chang MyongilKim SongjunKim Myonghui
59수림산에서 있은 일An event happened on Mt.Surim*Lee YongchunKye Hun, Ryo MyonggiHong YongnamKim Myonghui
60은빛행성에서In a silver planet*Yun CholjinKim Hyokchol, Ryo MyonggiKim Myonghui
61너구리가 만든 안경Raccoon Dog makes a glasses*Kim HwasongO Sinhyok, Lee Byong-uiKim Myonghui
62누구의 작간일가Whose trick is it?*Choi TaehyongO Sinhyok, Ryo MyonggiKim Myonghui
63못가에서 있은 일An event happened around a pool*Song Chun-okKim Songjun, Chang MyongilKim Myonghui
64만능저울 [1] General-purpose Balance [2] Ri Yong-chunKim Chin-hyokKim Won-ilKim Myonghui, Kim Un-hui
65새둥지 [3] Bird's nest*Kim Hwa-songKim Chol-hyonHo Chon-hyokKim Myonghui, Kim Song-hui
66라침판 [4] Compass [2] Ho Chong-yon, Kim Ju-wonSon Un-namKim Won-ilKim Myong-hui, In Yu-chol
67요술옷 [5] Ri Pong-hwaKim Chin-hyokHo Chon-hyokKim Myong-hui, Kim Un-hui


The series was aired in South Korea in the early 2000s by South Korean public broadcasters SBS and EBS under the original name, as well as on KBS under the title "Raccoon and Forest Friends" (너구리와 숲속 친구들) due to the Sunshine Policy which eased restrictions on North Korean media and promoted inter-Korean cooperation notably fields of culture and art. [6] Due to the show's little to no propaganda, it is one of the few North Korean programmes that do not violate the National Security Act.

In the late 2000s, it was dubbed into English by Mondo TV as The Little Bear which is not to be confused with the Little Bear series of books. [ citation needed ]


On June 21, 1989, North Korea issued three postage stamps, dedicated to Measurement of Height, an episode of the series. [7] [2]


  1. 1 2 "령리한 너구리 (64)". Uriminzokkiri . Archived from the original on 2021-12-20. Retrieved 2021-12-21.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Scenes from the cartoon "A Badger's Height Measurement"". Colnect. Retrieved 2020-09-07.
  3. "령리한 너구리 (65)". Uriminzokkiri . Archived from the original on 2022-02-06. Retrieved 2022-02-06.
  4. "령리한 너구리 (66)". Uriminzokkiri . Archived from the original on 2022-02-06. Retrieved 2022-02-06.
  5. "령리한 너구리 (67)". Uriminzokkiri . Archived from the original on 2022-02-06. Retrieved 2022-02-06.
  6. "[볼 만한 TV프로]북한애니 '령리한 너구리'방영" . Retrieved 15 August 2023.
  7. Korean Stamp Catalogue (1946-1998). Pyongyang: Korea Stamp Corporation. 1998. p. 198.

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