Cocaine (data page)

Last updated

This page provides supplementary chemical data on Cocaine in free base form. More commonly available "powder cocaine" is a hydrochloride salt whose properties will differ.


Material Safety Data Sheet

The handling of this chemical may incur notable safety precautions. It is highly recommend that you seek the Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS) for this chemical from a reliable source such as SIRI, and follow its directions.

Structure and properties

Structure and properties
Index of refraction, nD1.5022 [1]
Abbe number ?
Dielectric constant, εr ? ε0 at ? °C
Bond strength  ?
Bond length  ?
Bond angle  ?
Magnetic susceptibility  ?
Melting point 98 °C [1]
Boiling point 187 °C [1]
Solubility 1.7 g/L at 25 °C [1]

Thermodynamic properties

Phase behavior
Triple point  ? K (? °C), ? Pa
Critical point  ? K (? °C), ? Pa
Std enthalpy change
of fusion
, ΔfusHo
 ? kJ/mol
Std entropy change
of fusion
, ΔfusSo
 ? J/(mol·K)
Std enthalpy change
of vaporization
, ΔvapHo
 ? kJ/mol
Std entropy change
of vaporization
, ΔvapSo
 ? J/(mol·K)
Solid properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHosolid
 ? kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
 ? J/(mol K)
Specific heat capacity, cp ? J/(mol K)
Liquid properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHoliquid
 ? kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
 ? J/(mol K)
Specific heat capacity, cp ? J/(mol K)
Gas properties
Std enthalpy change
of formation
, ΔfHogas
 ? kJ/mol
Standard molar entropy,
 ? J/(mol K)
Specific heat capacity, cp ? J/(mol K)

Spectral data

λmax  ? nm
Extinction coefficient, ε ?
Major absorption bands ? cm1
Proton NMR  
Carbon-13 NMR  
Other NMR data 
Masses of
main fragments

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  1. 1 2 3 4 D. R. Lide (2009). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 89th edition. CRC press.
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