Cold spray additive manufacturing

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Cold spray additive manufacturing (CSAM) (also called cold spray 3D printing) is a particular application of cold spraying, able to fabricate freestanding parts or to build features on existing components. During the process, fine powder particles are accelerated in a high-velocity compressed gas stream, and upon the impact on a substrate or backing plate, deform and bond together creating a layer. Moving the nozzle over a substrate repeatedly, a deposit is building up layer-by-layer, to form a part or component. If an industrial robot or computer controlled manipulator controls the spray gun movements, complex shapes can be created. To achieve a 3D shape, there are two different approaches. First, to fix the substrate and move the cold spray gun/nozzle using a robotic arm; the second one is to move the substrate with a robotic arm, and keep the spray-gun nozzle fixed. There is also a possibility to combine these two approaches either using two robotic arms [1] or other manipulators. [2] The process always requires a substrate and uses only powder as raw material.


This technique is distinct from selective laser melting or electron-beam additive manufacturing or other additive manufacturing process using laser or electron beam for melting the feedstock materials.


The origins of the cold spray process go back to the beginning of the 20th century, when it was developed and patented by Thurston. [3] The process was further investigated by in the 1950s by Rocheville [4] [3] and was re-discovered in the 1980s at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Science [5] and developed as a coating technology. The process started to be employed for additive repair and fabrication of freeform structures, that can be considered as additive manufacturing, at the beginning of the 21st century, when the first commercial cold spray system was introduced in the market. [6]


Additive manufacturing employing the process of cold spraying and its benefits can be considered as a deposition process, capable to build freeform parts and structures at high rates. Since it is a solid-state coating deposition process, during the process no melting of the feedstock material (metal powder) occurs, there are no heat related distortion and no protective atmosphere required, which enables to build up structures layer-by-layer. Theoretically, it allows for manufacture without size limitations for fabricating individual components or repairing damaged components.

The largest 3D printer or Additive Manufacturing machine utilizing cold spray can build parts up to 9×3×1.5 m. [7] During the cold spray process, the impacting particles create the layer, whose thickness can differ, based on the spray gun travel speed against the substrate and the feedstock material feed rate, building the structure layer-by-layers.


In cold spraying, the principle of the process is based on plastic deformation of the feedstock powder particles, therefore it is suitable to deposit with this technique mainly pure metals and alloys, but also metallic glasses, metal matrix composites and in some cases polymers. [4] The research and development activities recently focusing on a few most challenging materials for the aircraft, space and defence industry such as aluminum alloys, [8] nickel base superalloys, [9] [10] different steel grades [11] [12] and titanium alloys [13] [14]


Space and aerospace applications

Tool and mould making

Forming, casting and stamping tools with conformal cooling and heating conducting elements, enabling shorter cycle times and significantly longer lifetime of these tools [18] [19]

Defence applications

Titanium drones. Titomic built a 1.8 meter quadcopter at their R&D Bureau in Melbourne, Australia using their version CSAM. The article also talks about Titomic being contracted to make test parts for Boeing. [20]

Other applications

Difference from other AM methods

The most significant differences between the cold spray additive manufacturing process and other additive manufacturing processes are the low temperature, solid state of the process, avoiding melting the feedstock material.



Equipment producers

See also

3D printing
Electron-beam freeform fabrication
Selective laser sintering
Selective laser melting

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Rocco Lupoi is an Italian lecturer, assistant professor and researcher in mechanical and manufacturing engineering at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is an expert on cold spray additive manufacturing, selective laser melting, and similar deposition methods.

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