Columella (botany)

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Zygote fungus sporangium, with columella labelled Sporangium..png
Zygote fungus sporangium, with columella labelled

Columella (in plants) is an axis of sterile tissue which passes through the center of the spore-case of mosses. [1] In fungi, it refers to a centrally vacuolated part of a hypha, bearing spores. The word finds analogous usage in myxomycetes.[ citation needed ]

The term columella is also used to refer to story 1 to story 4 (S1 – S4) cells in the root cap, located apically of the quiescent centre.[ citation needed ] In vascular plants, columella tissue helps the roots to perceive gravity. Within columella cells, the amyloplasts and Golgi apparatus organelles tend to fall to the bottom third of the cell. [2]

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This page provides a glossary of plant morphology. Botanists and other biologists who study plant morphology use a number of different terms to classify and identify plant organs and parts that can be observed using no more than a handheld magnifying lens. This page provides help in understanding the numerous other pages describing plants by their various taxa. The accompanying page—Plant morphology—provides an overview of the science of the external form of plants. There is also an alphabetical list: Glossary of botanical terms. In contrast, this page deals with botanical terms in a systematic manner, with some illustrations, and organized by plant anatomy and function in plant physiology.

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This glossary of botanical terms is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to botany and plants in general. Terms of plant morphology are included here as well as at the more specific Glossary of plant morphology and Glossary of leaf morphology. For other related terms, see Glossary of phytopathology, Glossary of lichen terms, and List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names.

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  1. One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Beach, Chandler B., ed. (1914). "Columella"  . The New Student's Reference Work  . Chicago: F. E. Compton and Co.
  2. Stoker, R.; Moore, R. (1984). "Structure of columella cells in primary and lateral roots of Helianthus annuus (Compositae)". New Phytologist. 97 (2): 205–212. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.1984.tb04123.x . Retrieved 24 June 2024.