A Costas loop is a phase-locked loop (PLL) based circuit which is used for carrier frequency recovery from suppressed-carrier modulation signals (e.g. double-sideband suppressed carrier signals) and phase modulation signals (e.g. BPSK, QPSK). It was invented by John P. Costas at General Electric in the 1950s. [1] [2] Its invention was described [3] as having had "a profound effect on modern digital communications". The primary application of Costas loops is in wireless receivers. Its advantage over other PLL-based detectors is that at small deviations the Costas loop error voltage is as compared to . This translates to double the sensitivity and also makes the Costas loop uniquely suited for tracking Doppler-shifted carriers, especially in OFDM and GPS receivers. [3]
In the classical implementation of a Costas loop, [4] a local voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) provides quadrature outputs, one to each of two phase detectors, e.g., product detectors. The same phase of the input signal is also applied to both phase detectors, and the output of each phase detector is passed through a low-pass filter. The outputs of these low-pass filters are inputs to another phase detector, the output of which passes through a noise-reduction filter before being used to control the voltage-controlled oscillator. The overall loop response is controlled by the two individual low-pass filters that precede the third phase detector, while the third low-pass filter serves a trivial role in terms of gain and phase margin.
The above figure of a Costas loop is drawn under the "locked" state, where the VCO frequency and the incoming carrier frequency have become the same due to the Costas loop process. The figure does not represent the "unlocked" state.
In the simplest case . Therefore, does not affect the input of the noise-reduction filter. The carrier and voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) signals are periodic oscillations with high-frequencies . The block is an analog multiplier.
A linear filter can be described mathematically by a system of linear differential equations:
where is a constant matrix, is a state vector of the filter, and are constant vectors.
The model of a VCO is usually assumed to be linear:
where is the free-running frequency of the VCO and is the VCO gain factor. Similarly, it is possible to consider various nonlinear models of VCO.
Suppose that the frequency of the master generator is constant Equation of VCO and equation of filter yield
The system is non-autonomous and rather tricky for investigation.
In the simplest case, when
The standard engineering assumption is that the filter removes the upper sideband frequency from the input but leaves the lower sideband without change. Thus it is assumed that the VCO input is This makes a Costas loop equivalent to a phase-locked loop with phase detector characteristic corresponding to the particular waveforms and of the input and VCO signals. It can be proved that filter outputs in the time and phase-frequency domains are almost equal. [5] [6] [7]
Thus it is possible [8] to study the simpler autonomous system of differential equations
The Krylov–Bogoliubov averaging method allows one to prove that solutions of non-autonomous and autonomous equations are close under some assumptions. Thus, the Costas loop block diagram in the time domain can be asymptotically changed to the block diagram on the level of phase-frequency relations.
The transition to the analysis of an autonomous dynamical model of the Costas loop (in place of the non-autonomous one) allows one to overcome the difficulties related to modeling the Costas loop in the time domain, where one has to simultaneously observe a very fast time scale of the input signals and slow time scale of signal's phase. This idea makes it possible [9] to calculate core performance characteristics - hold-in, pull-in, and lock-in ranges.
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The classical Costas loop will work towards making the phase difference between the carrier and the VCO become a small, ideally zero, value. [10] [11] [12] The small phase difference implies that frequency lock has been achieved.
The classical Costas loop can be adapted to QPSK modulation for higher data rates. [13]
The input QPSK signal is as follows
Inputs of low-pass filters LPF1 and LPF2 are
After synchronization, the outputs of LPF1 and LPF2 are used to get demodulated data ( and ). To adjust the frequency of the VCO to the reference frequency, signals and are limited and cross-multiplied:
Then the signal is filtered by the loop filter and forms the tuning signal for the VCO , similar to BPSK Costas loop. Thus, QPSK Costas can be described [14] by a system of ordinary differential equations:
Here are parameters of LPF1 and LPF2 and are parameters of the loop filter.
In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force F proportional to the displacement x:
In optics, polarized light can be described using the Jones calculus, discovered by R. C. Jones in 1941. Polarized light is represented by a Jones vector, and linear optical elements are represented by Jones matrices. When light crosses an optical element the resulting polarization of the emerging light is found by taking the product of the Jones matrix of the optical element and the Jones vector of the incident light. Note that Jones calculus is only applicable to light that is already fully polarized. Light which is randomly polarized, partially polarized, or incoherent must be treated using Mueller calculus.
A phase-locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input signal. There are several different types; the simplest is an electronic circuit consisting of a variable frequency oscillator and a phase detector in a feedback loop. The oscillator's frequency and phase are controlled proportionally by an applied voltage, hence the term voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The oscillator generates a periodic signal of a specific frequency, and the phase detector compares the phase of that signal with the phase of the input periodic signal, to adjust the oscillator to keep the phases matched.
In electrical engineering, impedance is the opposition to alternating current presented by the combined effect of resistance and reactance in a circuit.
Kinematics is a subfield of physics, developed in classical mechanics, that describes the motion of points, bodies (objects), and systems of bodies without considering the forces that cause them to move. Kinematics, as a field of study, is often referred to as the "geometry of motion" and is occasionally seen as a branch of mathematics. A kinematics problem begins by describing the geometry of the system and declaring the initial conditions of any known values of position, velocity and/or acceleration of points within the system. Then, using arguments from geometry, the position, velocity and acceleration of any unknown parts of the system can be determined. The study of how forces act on bodies falls within kinetics, not kinematics. For further details, see analytical dynamics.
Chebyshev filters are analog or digital filters that have a steeper roll-off than Butterworth filters, and have either passband ripple or stopband ripple. Chebyshev filters have the property that they minimize the error between the idealized and the actual filter characteristic over the operating frequency range of the filter, but they achieve this with ripples in the passband. This type of filter is named after Pafnuty Chebyshev because its mathematical characteristics are derived from Chebyshev polynomials. Type I Chebyshev filters are usually referred to as "Chebyshev filters", while type II filters are usually called "inverse Chebyshev filters". Because of the passband ripple inherent in Chebyshev filters, filters with a smoother response in the passband but a more irregular response in the stopband are preferred for certain applications.
A product detector is a type of demodulator used for AM and SSB signals. Rather than converting the envelope of the signal into the decoded waveform like an envelope detector, the product detector takes the product of the modulated signal and a local oscillator, hence the name. A product detector is a frequency mixer.
In control theory and signal processing, a linear, time-invariant system is said to be minimum-phase if the system and its inverse are causal and stable.
In mathematics and signal processing, an analytic signal is a complex-valued function that has no negative frequency components. The real and imaginary parts of an analytic signal are real-valued functions related to each other by the Hilbert transform.
In physics and engineering, a phasor is a complex number representing a sinusoidal function whose amplitude, angular frequency, and initial phase are time-invariant. It is related to a more general concept called analytic representation, which decomposes a sinusoid into the product of a complex constant and a factor depending on time and frequency. The complex constant, which depends on amplitude and phase, is known as a phasor, or complex amplitude, and sinor or even complexor.
In signal processing, linear phase is a property of a filter where the phase response of the filter is a linear function of frequency. The result is that all frequency components of the input signal are shifted in time by the same constant amount, which is referred to as the group delay. Consequently, there is no phase distortion due to the time delay of frequencies relative to one another.
The Kuramoto model, first proposed by Yoshiki Kuramoto, is a mathematical model used in describing synchronization. More specifically, it is a model for the behavior of a large set of coupled oscillators. Its formulation was motivated by the behavior of systems of chemical and biological oscillators, and it has found widespread applications in areas such as neuroscience and oscillating flame dynamics. Kuramoto was quite surprised when the behavior of some physical systems, namely coupled arrays of Josephson junctions, followed his model.
In mathematics, particularly in dynamical systems, Arnold tongues are a pictorial phenomenon that occur when visualizing how the rotation number of a dynamical system, or other related invariant property thereof, changes according to two or more of its parameters. The regions of constant rotation number have been observed, for some dynamical systems, to form geometric shapes that resemble tongues, in which case they are called Arnold tongues.
Sinusoidal plane-wave solutions are particular solutions to the electromagnetic wave equation.
Photon polarization is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. An individual photon can be described as having right or left circular polarization, or a superposition of the two. Equivalently, a photon can be described as having horizontal or vertical linear polarization, or a superposition of the two.
In mathematics, the axis–angle representation of a rotation parameterizes a rotation in a three-dimensional Euclidean space by two quantities: a unit vector e indicating the direction of an axis of rotation, and an angle θ describing the magnitude of the rotation about the axis. Only two numbers, not three, are needed to define the direction of a unit vector e rooted at the origin because the magnitude of e is constrained. For example, the elevation and azimuth angles of e suffice to locate it in any particular Cartesian coordinate frame.
A phase detector characteristic is a function of phase difference describing the output of the phase detector.
In continuum mechanics, Whitham's averaged Lagrangian method – or in short Whitham's method – is used to study the Lagrangian dynamics of slowly-varying wave trains in an inhomogeneous (moving) medium. The method is applicable to both linear and non-linear systems. As a direct consequence of the averaging used in the method, wave action is a conserved property of the wave motion. In contrast, the wave energy is not necessarily conserved, due to the exchange of energy with the mean motion. However the total energy, the sum of the energies in the wave motion and the mean motion, will be conserved for a time-invariant Lagrangian. Further, the averaged Lagrangian has a strong relation to the dispersion relation of the system.
The terms hold-in range, pull-in range, and lock-in range are widely used by engineers for the concepts of frequency deviation ranges within which phase-locked loop-based circuits can achieve lock under various additional conditions.
Charge-pump phase-locked loop (CP-PLL) is a modification of phase-locked loops with phase-frequency detector and square waveform signals. CP-PLL allows for a quick lock of the phase of the incoming signal, achieving low steady state phase error.