Crown entity

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A Crown entity (from the Commonwealth term Crown ) is an organisation that forms part of New Zealand's state sector established under the Crown Entities Act 2004, [1] a unique umbrella governance and accountability statute. The Crown Entities Act is based on the corporate model where the governance of the organisation is split from the management of the organisation.


Types of crown entities

Crown entities come under the following types:

Crown entities can be contrasted with other New Zealand public sector organisational forms: departments of state, state-owned enterprises, offices of Parliament and sui generis organisations like the Reserve Bank.

Crown entities, responsible ministers and monitoring departments

Under the Crown Entities Act, ministers are required to "oversee and manage" the Crown's interests in the Crown entities within their portfolio (sections 27 and 88). The board of the entity has the key role in ensuring the entity is achieving results within budget. This is done by a monitoring department on behalf of the minister unless other arrangements for monitoring are made. Monitoring departments make explicit agreements with their minister, setting out what monitoring they will undertake and how they will do it. Crown entity boards should also facilitate clear and transparent monitoring, for example, by providing the minister and monitoring department with good information on which to make judgements about performance. [2]

This table is based on one from the State Services Commission. [3]

Responsible minister(s) Crown entitiesMonitoring department(s)Category / typeEmpowering legislation
ACC Accident Compensation Corporation Labour Crown agentInjury Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Compensation Act 2001 (Part 7/Sched 5)
Arts, Culture and Heritage Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Culture and Heritage ACEArts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Act 1994 (Part 1)
Arts, Culture and Heritage Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Culture and HeritageACEMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Act 1992 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Arts, Culture and Heritage New Zealand Film Commission Culture and HeritageACENew Zealand Film Commission Act 1978
Arts, Culture and Heritage Heritage New Zealand (Pouhere Taonga) Culture and HeritageACEHeritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014
Arts, Culture and Heritage New Zealand Symphony Orchestra Culture and HeritageACENew Zealand Symphony Orchestra Act 2004 (Part 2 and Schedule 1)
Broadcasting Broadcasting Commission (New Zealand On Air) Culture and HeritageACEBroadcasting Act 1989 (Part 4 and Schedule 1)
Broadcasting Broadcasting Standards Authority Culture and HeritageICEBroadcasting Act 1989 (Part 3 and Schedule 1)
Broadcasting and Finance (2) Radio New Zealand Limited CCMAU / Culture and Heritage and Treasury CECRadio New Zealand Act 1995
Broadcasting and Finance (2) Television New Zealand Limited CCMAU / Culture and Heritage and TreasuryCECTelevision New Zealand Act 2003
CommerceAccounting Standards Review Board Economic Development ICEFinancial Reporting Act 1993 (Part 3 and Schedule 1)
Commerce Commerce Commission Economic DevelopmentICE Commerce Act 1986 (Part 1)
Commerce Securities Commission Economic DevelopmentICESecurities Act 1978 (Part 1)
Commerce Standards Council Economic DevelopmentACEStandards Act 1988
CommerceTakeovers PanelEconomic DevelopmentICETakeovers Act 1993 (Part 1 and Schedule)
CommerceTesting Laboratory Registration CouncilEconomic DevelopmentACETesting Laboratory Registration Act 1972
Community and Voluntary Sector Charities Services Internal Affairs ACECharities Act 2005 (Part 1)
CRIs and Finance (2) Crown research institutes (9)CCMAU and TreasuryCECCrown Research Institutes Act 1992
Economic Development and Finance (2)New Zealand Venture Investment Fund LimitedCCMAU and TreasuryCECNone (company constitution)
Education New Zealand Qualifications Authority EducationCrown agentEducation Act 1989 (Part 20)
EducationNew Zealand Teachers CouncilEducationACEEducation Act 1989 (Part 10A)
EducationSchool boards of trustees (2,474)EducationSchool BoTsEducation Act 1989 (Parts 7, 7A, 8, 9 and 12 and Schedules 5A and 6)
Energy Electricity Authority Economic DevelopmentCrown agentElectricity Act 1992 (Part 15)
Energy Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Environment Crown agentEnergy Efficiency and Conservation Act 2000 (and Schedule)
Environment Environmental Protection Authority EnvironmentACEEnvironmental Protection Authority Act 2011 (the EPA Act)
Finance Earthquake Commission (Natural Hazards Commission)TreasuryCrown agentEarthquake Commission Act 1993 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
FinanceGovernment Superannuation Fund AuthorityTreasuryACEGovernment Superannuation Fund Act 1956 (Part 1 and Schedule 4)
FinanceGuardians of New Zealand SuperannuationTreasuryACENew Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001 (Part 2 and Schedule 3)
Finance [4] New Zealand Productivity Commission TreasuryICENew Zealand Productivity Commission Act, 2010
Foreign Affairs New Zealand Antarctic Institute Foreign Affairs and Trade Crown agentNew Zealand Antarctic Institute Act 1996 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Health Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand Health ACEAlcohol Advisory Council Act 1976
HealthCrown Health Financing AgencyHealthCrown agentNew Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (Part 4 and Schedule 6)
Health Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora HealthCrown agentPae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022 (Part 2)
Health Health and Disability Commissioner HealthICEHealth and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 (Part 1 and Schedule 2)
Health Health Research Council of New Zealand HealthCrown agentHealth Research Council Act 1990 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Health Health Sponsorship Council HealthCrown agentSmoke-free Environments Act 1990 (Part 3)
Mental Health Te Hiringa Mahara (formerly the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission)HealthICEMental Health and Wellbeing Commission Act 2020 (Part 2)
Health New Zealand Blood Service HealthCrown agentNew Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (Part 4 and Schedule 6)
Health Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac)HealthCrown agentNew Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (Part 4 and Schedule 6)
Housing and Finance (2) Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Building and Housing / TreasuryCrown agentHousing Corporation Act 1974 (Part 1 and Schedule 1A)
Industry and Regional Development, and Trade (2) New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Economic Development, and Foreign Affairs and TradeCrown agentNew Zealand Trade and Enterprise Act 2003 (Part 2)
Internal Affairs Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ)Internal AffairsCrown agentFire and Emergency New Zealand Act 2017 (Part 1)
Internal Affairs New Zealand Lotteries Commission CCMAUACEGambling Act 2003 (Part 3, Subpart 2, and Schedule 4)
Internal Affairs Office of Film and Literature Classification Internal AffairsICEFilms, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993 (Part 6 and Schedule 1)
Justice Electoral Commission Justice ICEElectoral Act 1993 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Justice Human Rights Commission (New Zealand) JusticeICEHuman Rights Act 1993 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Justice Independent Police Conduct Authority JusticeICEIndependent Police Complaints Authority Act 1988
Justice Privacy Commissioner JusticeICEPrivacy Act 2020 (Part 2)
Justice Real Estate Authority JusticeCrown agentReal Estate Agents Act 2008 (Part 2)
Justice Law Commission JusticeICELaw Commission Act 1985 (and Schedule 1)
Maori Affairs Te Reo Whakapuaki Irirangi (Te Mangai Paho) TPK (Maori Development) ACEBroadcasting Act 1989 (Part 4A and Schedule 1)
Maori Affairs Te Taura Whiri I te Reo Maori (Maori Language Commission) TPK (Maori Development))ACEMaori Language Act 1987 (and Schedule 2)
Public Trust and Finance (2) Public Trust CCMAU / Justice and TreasuryACEPublic Trust Act 2001 (Part 2)
Research, Science and Technology Foundation for Research, Science and Technology MoRST Crown agentFoundation for Research, Science and Technology Act 1990 (and Schedule 1)
Social Development and Employment Children's Commissioner Social Development ICEChildren's Commissioner Act 2003 (and Schedule 1)
Social Development and Employment Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) Social DevelopmentACEFamilies Commission Act 2003 (Part 1), Families Commission Amendment Act 2014
Social Development and EmploymentNew Zealand Artificial Limb BoardSocial DevelopmentACESocial Welfare (Transitional Provisions) Act 1990 (Part 3 and Schedule 3)
Social Development and Employment Retirement Commissioner Social DevelopmentACENew Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001 (Part 4 and Schedule 6)
Social Development and EmploymentSocial Workers Registration BoardSocial DevelopmentCrown agentSocial Workers Registration Act 2003 (Part 6 and Schedule 1)
Sport and RecreationDrug Free Sport New ZealandCulture and HeritageICESports Anti-Doping Act 2006 (Part 2)
Sport and Recreation Sport and Recreation New Zealand Culture and HeritageCrown agentSport and Recreation New Zealand Act 2002 (Part 2)
Tertiary Education Tertiary Education Commission EducationCrown agentEducation Act 1989 (Part 13A)
Tertiary Education Tertiary education institutions (33)EducationTEIsEducation Act 1989 (Parts 14 and 15 and Schedule 13A)
Tourism New Zealand Tourism Board Economic DevelopmentCrown agentNew Zealand Tourism Board Act 1991 (Part 1 and Schedule 1)
Transport Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Transport Crown agentCivil Aviation Act 1990 (Part 6A and Schedule 3)
Transport New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi TransportCrown agent Land Transport Management Amendment Act 2008 (Part 4)
Transport Maritime New Zealand TransportCrown agentMaritime Transport Act 1994 (Part 29 and Schedule 1)
Transport Transport Accident Investigation Commission TransportICETransport Accident Investigation Commission Act 1990 (Part 2 and Schedule)

Abbreviations used:

See also


  1. "Crown Entities Act 2004". New Zealand Legislation. Parliamentary Counsel Office.
  2. Statutory Crown Entities: A guide for Ministers, State Services Commission, June 2014, ISBN   978-0-478-43404-0
  3. "Crown Entities: A guide for Ministers". State Services Commission. 14 September 2008. Archived from the original on 22 May 2010.
  4. New Zealand Productivity Commission Initial Inquiry Terms of References, Office of the Minister of Finance