DFM analysis for stereolithography

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A desktop setup for Rapid prototyping by SLA process SLA setup.jpg
A desktop setup for Rapid prototyping by SLA process

In design for additive manufacturing (DFAM), there are both broad themes (which apply to many additive manufacturing processes) and optimizations specific to a particular AM process. Described here is DFM analysis for stereolithography, in which design for manufacturability (DFM) considerations are applied in designing a part (or assembly) to be manufactured by the stereolithography (SLA) process. In SLA, parts are built from a photocurable liquid resin that cures when exposed to a laser beam that scans across the surface of the resin (photopolymerization). Resins containing acrylate, epoxy, and urethane are typically used. Complex parts and assemblies can be directly made in one go, to a greater extent than in earlier forms of manufacturing such as casting, forming, metal fabrication, and machining. Realization of such a seamless process requires the designer to take in considerations of manufacturability of the part (or assembly) by the process. In any product design process, DFM considerations are important to reduce iterations, time and material wastage.


Challenges in stereolithography


Excessive setup specific material cost and lack of support for 3rd party resins is a major challenge with SLA process:. [1] The choice of material (a design process) is restricted by the supported resin. Hence, the mechanical properties are also fixed. When scaling up dimensions selectively to deal with expected stresses, post curing is done by further treatment with UV light and heat. [2] Although advantageous to mechanical properties, the additional polymerization and cross linkage can result in shrinkage, warping and residual thermal stresses. [3] Hence, the part shall be designed in its 'green' stage i.e. pre-treatment stage.

Setup and process

SLA process is an additive manufacturing process. Hence, design considerations such as orientation, process latitude, support structures etc. have to be considered. [4] Orientation affects the support structures, manufacturing time, part quality and part cost. [5] Complex structures may fail to manufacture properly due to orientation which is not feasible resulting in undesirable stresses. This is when the DFM guidelines can be applied. Design feasibility for stereolithography can be validated by analytical [6] as well as on the basis of simulation and/or guidelines [7]

Rule-based DFM considerations

Rule-based considerations in DFM refer to certain criteria that the part has to meet in order to avoid failures during manufacturing. Given the layer-by-layer manufacturing technique the process follows, there isn't any constraint on the overall complexity that the part may have. But some rules have been developed through experience by the printer developer/academia which must be followed to ensure that the individual features that make up the part are within certain 'limits of feasibility'.

Printer constraints

Constraints/limitations in SLA manufacturing comes from the printer's accuracy, layer thickness, speed of curing, speed of printing etc. Various printer constraints are to be considered during design such as: [8]

Support structures

Graphic showing support structures for a lego block Supports in 3D printing.png
Graphic showing support structures for a lego block

A point needs support if: [9]

While printing, support structures act as a part of design hence, their limitations and advantages are kept in mind while designing. Major considerations include:

Part deposition orientation

Significance of support structures and orientation in SLA process. The object, in first case, has strength issues and takes more time to manufacture than in the second case. Orientation in SLA.png
Significance of support structures and orientation in SLA process. The object, in first case, has strength issues and takes more time to manufacture than in the second case.

Part orientation is a very crucial decision in DFM analysis for SLA process. The build time, surface quality, volume/number of support structures etc. depend on this. In many cases, it is also possible to address the manufacturability issues just by reorienting the part. For example, an overhanging geometry with shallow angle may be oriented to ensure steep angles. Hence, major considerations include:

Plan-based DFM considerations

Plan-based considerations in DFM refer to criteria that arise due to process plan. These are to be met in order to avoid failures during manufacturing of a part that may be satisfy the rule-based criteria but may have some manufacturing difficulties due to sequence in which features are produced.

Geometric tailoring

The modification of some non-critical geometric features of a part to lower fabrication cost and time, and to produce functional prototypes that mimic the behavior of the production parts. [11]

Geometric Tailoring bridges the mismatch of material properties and process differences described above. Both functionality and manufacturability issues are addressed. Functionality issues are addressed through 'tailoring' of dimensions of the part to compensate the stress and deflection behavior anomalies. [11] Manufacturability issues are tackled through identification of difficult to manufacture geometric attributes (an approach used in most DFM handbooks) or through simulations of manufacturing processes. For RP-produced parts (as in SLA), the problem formulations are called material-process geometric tailoring (MPGT)/RP. First, the designer specifies information such as: Parametric CAD model of the part; constraints and goals on functional, geometry, cost and time characteristics; analysis models for these constraints and goals; target values of goals; and preferences for the goals. DFM problem is then formulated as the designer fills in the MPGT template with this information and sends to the manufacturer, who fills in the remaining 'manufacturing relevant' information. With the completed formulation, the manufacturer is now able to solve the DFM problem, performing GT of the part design. Hence, the MPGT serves as the digital interface between the designer and the manufacturer. Various Process Planning (PP) strategies have been developed for geometric tailoring in SLA process. [12] [13]

DFM frameworks

The constraints imposed by the manufacturing process are mapped onto the design. This helps in identification of DFM problems while exploring process plans by acting as a retrieval method. Various DFM frameworks are developed in literature. These frameworks help in various decision making steps such as:

See also

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