Date and time notation in Greece

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In Greece the all-numeric form for dates is in the little endianness order of "day month year". Years can be written with 2 or 4 digits. For example, either 24/5/2023 or 24/5/23.

The 12-hour notation is used in verbal communication, but the 24-hour format is also used along with the 12-hour notation in writing. The minutes are usually written with two digits; the hour numbers are written with or without a leading zero.

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Different conventions exist around the world for date and time representation, both written and spoken.

Date and time notation in the United States differs from that used in nearly all other countries. It is inherited from one historical branch of conventions from the United Kingdom. American styles of notation have also influenced customs of date notation in Canada, creating confusion in international commerce.

In Spain, date notation follows the DD/MM/YYYY format. Time notation depends on the level of formality and varies in written and spoken formats. Official time is given using the 24-hour clock, and the 12-hour clock is often used in informal speech.

Date and time notation in Sweden mostly follows the ISO 8601 standard: dates are generally written in the form YYYY-MM-DD. Although this format may be abbreviated in a number of ways, almost all Swedish date notations state the month between the year and the day. Months are not capitalised when written. The week number may also be used in writing and in speech. Times are generally written using 24-hour clock notation, with full stops as separators, although 12-hour clock notation is more frequently used in speech.

In Cyprus the all-numeric form for dates is in the little endianness order of "day month year". Years are written with either 2 or 4 digits. For example, either 24/5/2004 or 24/5/04. In the Turkish occupied part in Northern Cyprus, the traditional all-numeric form of writing Gregorian dates is the little-endian day.month.year order, using a dot on the line as the separator.

Date and time notation in Italy records the date using the day–month–year format. The time is written using the 24-hour clock (19:10); in spoken language and informal contexts the 12-hour clock is more commonly adopted, but without using "a.m." or "p.m." suffixes (7:10).

In Russia, dates are usually written in "day month year" (DMY) order. The 12-hour notation is often used in the spoken language, and the 24-hour notation is used in writing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Time in Greece</span> Time zones used in Greece

In Greece, the standard time is Eastern European Time. Daylight saving time, which moves one hour ahead to UTC+03:00 is observed from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. Greece adopted EET in 1916.