Development management (Scotland)

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Development Management is the name given to the element of Scotland's system of town and country planning, through which national government, local government and national park authorities (the 'Planning Authority') regulate land-use and development. [1]


In its simplest form, development management constitutes the assessing and determining of applications for planning permission; however on a more strategic level, it is involved in the spatial planning and development of communities and land. At present, it relies on a "plan-led system", whereby Development Plans (formerly Structure and Local but Strategic Development Plans and Local Development Plans under the 2006 Act) are formed following public consultation. Planning applications are then granted or refused with reference to the Development Plan as a material consideration. [2]

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  1. "Development Management" as outlined in Part 3 of the "Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006". OPSI. Retrieved 2008-05-06.
  2. "See "Planning Advice Note 40: Development Control (Revised March 2001)". Scottish Government. Retrieved 2008-05-06.


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