Dirección General del Tesoro | |
![]() Logo used by the Public Treasury | |
Agency overview | |
Formed | July 3, 1824 (as Directorate-General for the Royal Treasury) |
Preceding agency |
Type | Directorate-General |
Jurisdiction | Spanish government |
Headquarters | Paseo del Prado 6 Madrid |
Annual budget | €582.9 million, 2023 |
Minister responsible |
Agency executives |
Parent department | General Secretariat for the Treasury |
Website | Spanish Public Treasury |
The Directorate-General for the Treasury (DGT) is a component of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business responsible for managing the Spanish Public Treasury as well as carry out the government policy on financing and indebtedness. Also, it is in charge of the minting of currency through the Royal Mint as well as other competencies on fighting money laundering and financing of terrorism.
The directorate-general dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and originally it belonged to the Ministry of Finance but since the 20th century, every time that the Economy Ministry has existed this body has been integrated into it. Also, since 2014 the DGT is integrated in the new General Secretariat for the Treasury that supervises and directs the DGT actions.
The Spanish Treasury is as old as the Spanish monarchy; however, in centuries past, the treasury was divided between the different kingdoms of the monarchy and each kingdom had its own general treasurer. Upon the arrival of the Bourbon dynasty in 1700 with Philip V, the treasury was centralized, creating the position of General Treasurer of the Kingdom.
However, the directorate-general was not created until later, and during the reign of Ferdinand VII, when the modern administration began to take shape. In 1824, the minister of finance, Luis López Ballesteros, approved a general instruction (a kind of royal decree) by which the Crown entrusted the administration of the Royal Treasury to two new bodies: the General Accounting for Distributions and the Directorate-General for the Royal Treasury (DGRT). [1]
The directorate-general was not inaugurated until August 4, 1825, and during the period from its creation until that date, it was still called the General Treasury of the Kingdom. [2]
The DGRT had its own treasury called the Court Treasury and over which the General Accounting Office acted as auditor. The DGRT had the task of collecting the money for the Royal Treasury and distributing it according to what the secretary of the dispatch of the Treasury ordered. Likewise, it was in charge of paying debts and authorizing payments, including those of the Army, as well as making budgetary and expenditure forecasts.
The general instruction also provided for a secretariat for the management of the directorate-general and an archive that it was shared with the General Accounting Office to keep all the documents of the predecessor bodies and those that would be generated in the future.
Since the mid-1830s, the directorate-general was renamed Directorate-General for the Public Treasury and the Undersecretariat of Finance was created as the highest body of the Ministry after the minister himself, and the Under Secretary became the hierarchical superior. [3] As of 1840s, the denomination of Directorate-General for the Public Treasury and Directorate-General for the Treasury was used indifferently, although the first one prevailing.
Due to the refusal of the Bank of San Fernando first and the Bank of Spain after on granting loans to the Public Treasury, the General Deposit Office was created in 1853. [4] This Office had an autonomous directive chart until by decree of July 8, 1873 it became part of the directorate-general. [5]
Since the law of April 29, 1855, there was a permanent commission of six deputies of the Cortes charged with supervising the cargas de justicia—payment obligations contracted by the State in order to compensate the holders of royal donations and privileges, or of rights alienated from the Crown—paid by the Government through the budget and whose administrative body was the directorate-general for the Treasury. [6] The powers over these cargas de justicia were transferred to the Directorate-General for Public Debt on July 1, 1869 [7] and in exchange it received the powers over lottery revenues when the Directorate-General for State Lotteries disappeared. [8]
Between 1873 and 1924 was denominated indifferently of three different forms to this body, varying between Directorate-General for the Treasury, Directorate-General for the Public Treasury and Directorate-General for the Public Treasury and General Ordination of Payments of the State, although maintaining its holder the first of the denominations.
On March 13, 1875, [9] the directorate-general lost the powers it had over the Mint Houses (Casas de la Moneda) that were transferred to the Undersecretariat of Finance and recovered them on February 14, 1882. [10]
The most significant reform since its creation was carried out on December 10, 1895. A Royal Order defined the directorate-general as "the center responsible for covering public obligations and services with the natural income of the budget, and with the funds acquired through banking operations, when those are not sufficient". The body consisted of three departments—one for Order Services, Deposit Office, General Affairs and General Registry; other for General Incomes; and other for Raffles and Lotteries incomes—, a secretariat and a special banking office. [11]
With the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the directorate-general changed its name to the Directorate-General for Treasury and Accounting and was granted the powers to draft the budget laws. [12] After the dictatorship, in 1930 a decree-law was approved restoring the Public Treasury Administration and Accounting Act of 1911 and, with it, the denomination of directorate-general for the Public Treasury. [13]
On September 28, 1935, the Directorate-General for Insurance and Savings was abolished and its powers were transferred to this body, changing its name to the Directorate-General for the Treasury and Insurance. [14] Already in the middle of the Civil War, the Republican government unified the ministries of Economy and Finance under a single one and the directorate-general suffered a change of powers, losing the insurance powers in favor of the Directorate-General for Debt, Insurance and Passive Classes and it was renamed Directorate-General for the Treasury, Banking and Savings. [15]
Once the war was over in 1939, it was renamed the Directorate-General for the Treasury. By decree of May 10, 1957 occurs the second major reform of this body, merging the directorate-general with the directorate-general for Public Debt and Passive Classes and creating the Directorate-General for Treasury, Public Debt and Passive Classes. [16] This directorate-general was made up of the deputy directorates-general for the Treasury; for the Public Debt and for the Passive Classes and the General Deposit Fund. [17]
By decree of November 27, 1967, with the objective of reducing the public expenditure of the Administration, the Directorates-General for Budgets and for Insurance were abolished, integrating their powers and bodies into the Directorate-General for the Treasury, which was renamed Directorate-General of the Treasury and Budgets and was formed by eight general deputy directorates, three related to treasury and the others related to Budgets, Investments, Financing and Programming, public salaries, Insurance and Financial Regime of Local Corporations. In addition, since 1973 there was also a general secretariat, with the rank of deputy directorate, within the directorate for the coordination of all its organs.
In October 1976 the name of the general direction was changed to Directorate-General for the Treasury, but without changes in its powers. [18] In 1982 also assumed the powers on financial policy, maintaining this structure until the end of 2011.
Between late 2011 and mid-2014 the directorate-general was suppressed and its powers were assumed by the new General Secretariat for the Treasury. In 2014, the body was recovered to optimize the management of the Public Treasury and specially to the Autonomous Liquidity Fund. [19]
From the DGT depends: [20]
The Directorate-General's Budget is assigned through the General Secretariat. Specifically, for 2023 the DGT has a budget of €582.9 million through three programs:
No. Program | Program | Amount | Ref. |
923O | State Debt and Treasury Management | €63,103,430 | [21] |
923P | Relations with Multilateral Financial Institutions | €519,834,660 | [22] |
Directorate-General' Budget | €582,938,090 |
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (MAEUEC) is a department of the Government of Spain in charge of planning, managing, carrying out and evaluating the country's foreign and international cooperation for development policies, paying special attention to the ones in relation to the European Union and Ibero-America, as well as coordinating and supervising all actions done in this areas by the other Ministries and Public Administrations. Likewise, it is responsible for promoting international economic, cultural and scientific relationships, taking part in the proposal and application of the migration policy, promoting cross-border and interterritorial cooperation, protecting Spaniards abroad and preparing, negotiating and processing the international treaties which Spain is part of.
The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility (MITMA), traditionally known as the Ministry of Development (MIFOM), is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for preparing and implementing the government policy on land, air and maritime transport infrastructure and the control, planning and regulation of the transport services on this areas. It is also responsible for guaranteeing access to housing; urban, soil and architecture policies; planning and controlling the postal and telegraph services, directing the services related to astronomy, geodesy, geophysics and mapping, and planning and programing the government investments on infrastructure and services related to this scope. The Ministry's headquarters are in the New Ministries government complex.
The Ministry of the Interior (MIR) is a department of the Government of Spain responsible for public security, the protection of the constitutional rights, the command of the law enforcement agencies, national security, immigration affairs, prisons, civil defense and road traffic safety. Through the Undersecretariat of the Interior and its superior body, the Directorate-General for Internal Policy, the Ministry is responsible for all actions related to ensuring political pluralism and the proper functioning of electoral processes.
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business (MINECO) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for proposing and carrying out the government policy on economic affairs, through reforms to improve competitiveness and trade, focused on business support and the potential growth of the economy. At the same time, it directs the commercial policy of internationalization of companies, as well as the supervision of investments and foreign transactions.
The Ministry of Justice (MJUS) was the department of the Government of Spain responsible for preparing and carrying out the government policy in order to bring the legal system off, specially in criminal, civil, commercial and procedural law affairs, supporting the Administration of Justice and the legal and international cooperation.
The Ministry of Defence (MINISDEF) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for planning, developing and carrying out the general guidelines of the Government about the defence policy and the managing of the military administration. It is the administrative and executive body of the Spanish Armed Forces.
The Ministry of the Presidency (MPR) was the department of the Government of Spain that, from 1974 to 2023, assured the link between the different Ministries and the Prime Minister and it was responsible for the relations between the Government and the Parliament. This department also supported The Crown in the exercise of its functions.
The Ministry of Labour and Social Economy (MITES) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for planning and carrying out the government policy on labour relations and social economy.
The Ministry of Equality is a department of the Government of Spain responsible for the proposal and execution of the government's policy on equality, with a focus on making the equality between men and women real and effective as well as prevention and eradication of different forms of violence against women. The department's roles also include eradication of all kind of discrimination by sex, racial and ethnic origin, religion or ideology, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or any other personal or social condition or circumstances. It existed from 2008 to 2010 when it merged with the Ministry of Health, and then from 2020.
The Ministry of Finance or Ministry of Treasury (MH) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for planning and carrying out the government policy on public finance and budget. It applies and manages the regional and local financing systems and the provision of information on the economic-financial activity of the different Public Administrations.
The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports (MEFPD) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for proposing and carrying out the government policy on education and vocational training, including all the teachings of the education system except university education, without prejudice to the competences of the National Sports Council in matters of sports education. Likewise, it is also the responsibility of this Department the promotion of cooperation actions and, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the promotion of international relations in the field of non-university education.
The Solicitor General of the State is a senior official of the Ministry of Justice. The Spanish Solicitor General is the person in charge of directing the Legal Service of the Spanish Government and its relationship with all kinds of national or foreign organisms, entities and bodies. As head of the Legal Service is in charge of the representation and defense of the Kingdom of Spain before the courts, organs and international or supranational organisms in which it is a party in any jurisdictional, arbitral or extrajudicial proceedings. Likewise, it is also responsible for advising the Government and the organs of the Administration about issues of legality.
The Under-Secretary of the Presidency, officially Under-Secretary of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Equality is the most senior civil servant of the Ministry of the Presidency of Spain.
The secretary of state for justice (SEJUS) is the second-in-command to the Spanish minister of justice. The secretary of state is appointed by the monarch at the request of the justice minister and after hearing from the Council of Ministers.
The Spanish government departments, commonly known as Ministries, are the main bodies through which the Government of Spain exercise its executive authority. They are also the top level of the General State Administration. The ministerial departments and their organization are created by Royal Decree signed by the Monarch and the Prime Minister and all of them are headed by a Cabinet member called Minister.
The Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions (SESSP) is a senior minister of the Government of Spain, under the authority of the Social Security Minister, responsible for the direction and guardianship of the managing agencies and common services of the Social Security; the impulse, direction and economic and financial analysis of the Social Security System; as well as the planning and supervision of the management of the collaborating entities of the Social Security complementary to the Social Security action.
The Secretary of State for Employment and Social Economy is a senior minister of the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy responsible for carrying out the government policy on collective and individual labour relations, working conditions, unemployment benefits, promotion of employment, job training, social economy, and promotion of self-employment. It is also responsible for managing the European Union funds of the European Social Fund.
The Ministry of Transport was a department of the Government of Spain which existed between 1977 and 1991. The Department was originally named Ministry of Transport and Communications and it was endowed with powers over the postal, telegraphic, radiotelegraphic, telephone and radiotelephone services, the management of all kind of transports and fishery. The fishery powers were transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture in 1980 and the same year the Secretariat of State for Tourism was added to the Ministry. For this reason, the department was renamed Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Communications the following year until its dissolution in 1991.
The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is a department of the government of Spain responsible for planning and carrying out the government policy on Social Security, foreigners, immigration and emigration.
The Office of the Prime Minister, officially Presidency of the Government is the Spanish government structure that groups all the departments and officials that are at the service of the prime minister to fulfil its constitutional duties. It is staffed by a mix of career civil servants and advisers. The highest-ranking official within the Office is the Chief of Staff, which is a political appointment on which the rest of the Office officials depend.