Dives and Pauper is a 15th-century commentary and exposition on the Ten Commandments written in dialogue form. [1] Written in Middle English, while the identity of the author is unknown, the text is speculated to have been authored by a Franciscan friar. [2] Dives and Pauper is structured as a dialogue between two interlocutors, a wealthy layman (Dives) and a spiritual poor man with many similarities to a friar (Pauper). The text engages with orthodox Catholic theology, and further discusses many questions relevant to Wycliffism, an English movement which criticised doctrines and abuses of the Church, which was condemned as heretical by church authorities. [3]
Like John Wycliffe's De mandatis divinis, Dives and Pauper discusses each of the Ten Commandments in the context of Church law, as well as the "laws of civil society". [4] Priscilla Barnum describes it as a discussion about justice in the context of the "seemingly double standard" of the Old Testament concept of law ( ius ) and the New Testament charity (caritas). [4] The question posed by the author is whether God's laws may be harmonized with man's laws. Dives and Pauper starts the inquiry with the question of what the Christian scriptures teach about wealth (temporalia) and salvation. [4]
Written in Middle English, Dives and Pauper is a long prose treatise which is structured as a dialogue between a wealthy layman and a spiritual poor man. [5] A lengthy piece of vernacular theology, the text is written as a treatise and exposition on the Ten Commandments. [6] Written in the early 15th century, Dives and Pauper can be classified as Middle English literature.
Engaging with Wycliffite theology, the writer uses the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) as a framework to explore the relationship between the law of God (or Church law), as well as the laws of civil society in the 15th century. [4] As such, the text may also be classified as a 15th-century Christian text. The author uses the two interlocutors to engage with Wycliffite theology and explore whether or not Church law and the law of civil society can be harmonised. [4] [5] The text begins with a prologue, Holy Poverty, which introduces the two characters central to the text and the relationship between the two interlocutors. Pauper, reflective of a friar, states that he observes the path of Christ-like perfection and chooses to live as a poor man, helping people spiritually in return for sustenance. [4] Dives, a member of the elite, asks Pauper to provide him moral instruction. [1] The text also copiously references the Vulgate Bible, which is a 4th-century Latin translation of the Bible. [4]
The author translated passages from the Vulgate, a Latin version of the Roman Catholic Bible, to English when citing the Bible, meaning those who were illiterate in Latin were able to read Dives and Pauper. [6] There are fourteen manuscripts that contain Dives and Pauper, as well as three printed editions which can be found from the 15th and 16th centuries. [5] In 1490, John Russhe, an English merchant, financed a first printing of six hundred copies, followed by a second printing in 1496. [4] The text begins with the Holy Poverty prologue and continues consecutively through each of the Ten Commandments.
Although the author of Dives and Pauper has yet to be identified there is internal evidence to suggest the author was a Franciscan friar. [4] [2] In 1548 John Bale initially attributed Dives and Pauper to Henry Parker, who was a Carmelite friar. [4] However, several authors and historians have since suggested that the author of Dives and Pauper was more likely a Franciscan friar. [2] There are several allusions within Dives and Pauper which suggest this. Early in Commandment I of Dives and Pauper, the author makes it clear that Pauper is set out for a path of ‘more perfection’ that leads him to criticise the secular clergy, for example, by mentioning the corrupt judges in the Ecclesiastical Courts. [4] P.H. Barnum suggests that the author's negative perspective of a secular clergy suggests that he was of the Franciscan order. [4] Furthermore, Franciscan friars are the only favourably discussed clerical group mentioned by the author and the only clerical group not to be criticised. [6] There is also continued mention of the life of St. Francis throughout Dives and Pauper such as in Percept Four as well as footwear mentioned by the author which seems to describe sandals traditionally worn by Franciscan Friars. [6] [2] Further internal evidence in the author's other work, the Longleat sermons, also suggests the author was Franciscan. [5] However, Dickison also suggests that there is an indication that the author may not be from the Franciscan order due to the frequent translation of Bible passages into English which was not typical or expected of Franciscan friars. [6]
The writer is well-read in both theology and canon law, and it may therefore be speculated whether the writer had been trained in the Oxford convent. [2] This may be indicated by the author citing Thomas Docking's commentary on Deuteronomy, whose works were not available outside of Oxford until the later 15th century. [7]
The author of Dives and Pauper engages in numerous aspects of theology, including the use of images and icons in worship, the effectiveness of the Church hierarchy, issues of oaths and the paying of tithes. [8] [4] The prologue, Holy Poverty, establishes the two interlocutors and their role in the text. Pauper is portrayed as a spiritually authoritative poor man whose lifestyle and choices are reflective of a friar. [5] Alternatively, Dives depicted a member of the elite and of wealth. [5] Pauper states that he follows the path of Christ-like perfection and in return for alms, he feeds people spiritually. [5] [4] Alternatively, Dives asserts he, as an aristocrat, must follow the Ten Commandments to achieve salvation. [5]
The dialogue between the two interlocutors returns to the same theme of the nature of God. [4] [2] In the Holy Poverty and Commandment I, the author illustrates his eagerness to overcome superstition and the dilemmas the Church faced to overcome a devotion to superstition. [9] The author implies that the vernacular concepts of God during the time of writing where helpless in overcoming sentiments and devotions to superstition. Instead, the author asserts that a broader and grander depiction of God as Prime Mover, a God who requires worship in spirit, would be able to overcome superstition. [10] [4]
Dives and Pauper is widely believed to have been written in England in the early 15th century. [2] [4] [1] There are two key historical allusions which suggest that the author began writing the text between 1402 and 1405. [4] The first reference is to comet in 1402 which was able to be seen by all of Europe. [4] This provides the reader with a terminus post quem for the date of initial composition. [4] The second piece of internal evidence is that the writer references that January fell on a Thursday in 1400 and "this year is come again on a Thursday," as it did in 1405, providing a terminus ante quem for Dives and Pauper. [4]
In Commandment I the writer alludes to the troubles of England referring to the ‘comoun lawe’ the De heretico comburendo . [11] This law was passed in 1401 by the Parliament making heresy a capital crime in England. [4] [11] The writer expresses protest against the De heretico comburendo which restricted preaching and the translating of the Latin Bible and scriptures for distribution. [4] [11] Prior to 1407, the English translation of the Latin Bible was promoted to allow accessibility to the text. [11] In 1407, Archbishop Arundel enforced Constitutions which prohibited the translation of any scriptures into English, made it heretical to have possession of translated materials and limited unlicensed preaching. [4] [11] [10] The author of Dives and Pauper expresses that the Constitutions of Archbishop Arundel were enforced to restrict access to the vernacular Bible. [4] Dives and Pauper engaged in ideas reflecting Wycliffite ideology, including denouncing corruption in the clergy and supporting access to the English translations of the Bible. [4] As a result, under the De heretico comburendo and the Constitutions implemented by Archbishop Arundel, ownership of Dives and Pauper was declared heresy. [11] In 1430 an owner of Dives and Pauper, Robert Bert, was accused of heresy. [11]
John Wycliffe was an English scholastic philosopher, theologian, biblical translator, reformer, Catholic priest, and a seminary professor at the University of Oxford. He became an influential dissident within the Catholic priesthood during the 14th century and is considered an important predecessor to Protestantism. Wycliffe questioned the privileged status of the clergy, who had bolstered their powerful role in England, and advocated radical poverty of the clergy.
Lollardy, also known as Lollardism or the Lollard movement, was a proto-Protestant Christian religious movement that was active in England from the mid-14th century until the 16th-century English Reformation. It was initially led by John Wycliffe, a Catholic theologian who was dismissed from the University of Oxford in 1381 for criticism of the Roman Catholic Church. The Lollards' demands were primarily for reform of Western Christianity. They formulated their beliefs in the Twelve Conclusions of the Lollards.
William Tyndale was an English biblical scholar and linguist who became a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation in the years leading up to his execution. He is well known as a translator of most of the Bible into English, and was influenced by the works of prominent Protestant Reformers such as Martin Luther.
The Franciscans are a group of related mendicant religious orders of the Catholic Church. Founded in 1209 by the Italian saint Francis of Assisi, these orders include three independent orders for men, orders for nuns such as the Order of Saint Clare, and the Third Order of Saint Francis open to male and female members. They adhere to the teachings and spiritual disciplines of the founder and of his main associates and followers, such as Clare of Assisi, Anthony of Padua, and Elizabeth of Hungary. Several smaller Protestant Franciscan orders or other groups have been established since late 1800's as well, particularly in the Anglican and Lutheran traditions.
The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into English, preceding the King James Version by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of 16th-century English Protestantism and was used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne and others. It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the Mayflower, and its frontispiece inspired Franklin's design for the first Great Seal of the United States.
Thomas Arundel was an English clergyman who served as Lord Chancellor and Archbishop of York during the reign of Richard II, as well as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1397 and from 1399 until his death, an outspoken opponent of the Lollards. He was instrumental in the usurpation of Richard by his cousin Henry Bolingbroke, who became Henry IV.
The Bible has been translated into many languages from the biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As of September 2023 all of the Bible has been translated into 736 languages, the New Testament has been translated into an additional 1,658 languages, and smaller portions of the Bible have been translated into 1,264 other languages according to Wycliffe Global Alliance. Thus, at least some portions of the Bible have been translated into 3,658 languages.
Peter John Olivi, also Pierre de Jean Olivi or Petrus Joannis Olivi, was a French Franciscan theologian and philosopher who, although he died professing the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, remained a controversial figure in the arguments surrounding poverty at the beginning of the 14th century. In large part, this was due to his view that the Franciscan vow of poverty also entailed usus pauper. While contemporary Franciscans generally agreed that usus pauper was important to the Franciscan way of life, they disagreed that it was part of their vow of poverty. His support of the rigorous view of ecclesiastical poverty played a part in the ideology of the groups coming to be known as the Spiritual Franciscans or Fraticelli.
Wycliffe's Bible or Wycliffite Bibles or Wycliffian Bibles (WYC) are names given for a sequence of Middle English Bible translations believed to have been made under the direction or instigation of English theologian John Wycliffe of the University of Oxford. They are the earliest known literal translations of the entire Bible into English. They appeared over a period from approximately 1382 to 1395.
William Sawtrey, also known as William Salter was an English Roman Catholic priest and Lollard martyr. He was executed for heresy.
De heretico comburendo or the Suppression of Heresy Act 1400 was a law passed by Parliament under King Henry IV of England in 1401 for the suppression of the Lollards. It punished seditious heretics with burning at the stake. This law was one of the strictest religious censorship statutes ever enacted in England, affecting preaching and possession of Lollard literature.
The Ten Commandments, or the Decalogue, are a set of biblical principles relating to ethics and worship originally from the Jewish tradition that play a fundamental role in Judaism and Christianity. The text of the Ten Commandments appears in three different versions in the Bible: at Exodus 20:2–17, Deuteronomy 5:6–21, and the "Ritual Decalogue" of Exodus 34:11–26.
Walter Hilton, Can. Reg. was an English Augustinian mystic, whose works gained influence in 15th-century England and Wales. He is commemorated by the Church of England and by the Episcopal Church in the United States.
Life of Soul is a short anonymous prose tract written in the late Middle English of the English Midlands about 1400 or a little earlier.
Since the arrival of Christianity in China, the Bible has been translated into many varieties of the Chinese language, both in fragments and in its totality. The first translations may have been undertaken as early as the 7th century AD, but the first printed translations appeared only in the nineteenth century. Progress on a modern translation was encumbered by denominational rivalries, theological clashes, linguistic disputes, and practical challenges at least until the publication of the Protestant Chinese Union Version in 1919, which became the basis of standard versions in use today.
Nicholas Love, also known as Nicholas Luff, was first a Benedictine and then a Carthusian monk in medieval England, and became the first prior of Mount Grace charterhouse in Yorkshire. He was the translator and reviser of a popular devotional treatise which was used by the Church authorities to counter the teaching of John Wycliffe. In his later years he convinced Henry V of England to attempt to reform Benedictine monasticism in England, but died before measures could be taken.
Bible translations in the Middle Ages went through several phases, all using the Vulgate. In the Early Middle Ages, they tended to be associated with royal or episcopal patronage, or with glosses on Latin texts; in the High Middle Ages with monasteries and universities; in the Late Middle Ages, with popular movements which caused, when the movement were associated with violence, official crackdowns of various kinds on vernacular scripture in Spain, England and France.
The Speculum Virginum is a 12th-century didactic treatise on female monastic life. The original text dates to the mid-12th century. The author's identity is uncertain. One theory holds it was written by a Benedictine monk, Conrad of Hirsau. Another possibility is that it was composed at the Augustinian Abbey of Andernach, founded by Richard, abbot of Springiersbach, for his sister in 1128. Richard appointed a priest, one Conrad, as spiritual advisor to his sister, and some scholars have suggested this Conrad as the text's author.
1 Timothy 1 is the first chapter of the First Epistle to Timothy in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The author has been traditionally identified as Paul the Apostle since as early as AD 180, although most modern scholars consider the letter pseudepigraphical, perhaps written as late as the first half of the second century AD.
Censorship of the Bible includes restrictions and prohibition of possessing, reading, or using the Bible in general or any particular editions or translations of it.
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