Engineers Australia

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Engineers Australia
Formation1 August 1919 (1919-08-01)
Type Professional Society
Chief Executive Officer
Romilly Madew
Engineering House, the national office for Engineers Australia in Barton, Australian Capital Territory Engineering House.jpg
Engineering House, the national office for Engineers Australia in Barton, Australian Capital Territory

Engineers Australia (EA), known formally as the Institution of Engineers, Australia, [1] is an Australian professional body and not-for-profit organisation whose purpose is to advance the science and practice of engineering for the benefit of the community. Engineers Australia is Australia's recognized organization for accreditation of professional engineering qualifications under the Washington Accord. As of 2022, EA has 115,000 members, which includes 31,000 students. [2]



The association began after World War I, following recognition of the need for a single body to represent engineers, rather than multiple smaller associations. The first council meeting of this single body was held in 1919, electing Professor William Warren of the University of Sydney as the first President. [3] [4] This formed the Institution of Engineers of Australia. [5] On 1 May 1926 the Institution was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee. Twelve years later, on 10 March 1938 His Majesty King George VI granted a charter of incorporation to the Institution, reconstituting it as a body corporate and politic by Royal Charter. [6]

The Institution of Engineers Australia is now known as Engineers Australia (EA). Engineers Australia wholly owns two subsidiaries, Engineering Education Australia and EngInsure. Engineers Australia previously had a publishing subsidiary Engineers Media which published the organisation's main magazine. Engineers Media ceased operations at the end of August 2015 after the magazine "create" was outsourced to a commercial publisher, Mahlab Media. [7]


Membership is open to a variety of occupations. Membership is a requirement to seek credentials such as "Chartered".

Membership types

Engineers Australia has the following membership types: [8]

Occupational categories

The occupational categories are:

Colleges and College National Committees

The Colleges and College National Committees are: [9]

Chartered Areas of Practice

The Chartered Areas of Practice are: [10] [11]

Membership for non-engineers

Credentials and other statuses

Notable Fellows

Notable Fellows [ citation needed ] of Engineers Australia include:

Migration skills assessment

Engineers Australia is the designated assessing authority for engineering occupations as listed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. [13]


The National Congress is a representative body of some 35 members, which elects and monitors the Board of Engineers Australia. The responsibilities and structure of National Congress are determined by the Royal Charter and By-laws. The Board is Engineers Australia's governing body. It has six members and its role is comparable to that of a company board. It appoints and liaises with the Chief Executive Officer, sets regulations and policies, sets strategic directions, and monitors the organisation's financial sustainability and performance. Each of Engineers Australia's nine divisions is led by a division committee of the division members. A division committee is responsible to and under the direction of the Board. A division group delivers specific services to the members of the Division, within a specific field of practice, area of interest or geographic area. Each of Engineers Australia's nine colleges is led by a College Board of the college members. College Boards are under the direction of the Board.

The patron of Engineers Australia is the Governor-General of Australia, David Hurley. [14]

Regulatory schemes

There is no formal system of regulation for engineers throughout Australia. Engineering services are regulated under a variety of Acts in ad hoc areas, many of which relate to engineers in the building and construction industry. There are also many pieces of subordinate legislation, such as regulations, by-laws and orders-in-council that impose various prescriptive standards and incur unnecessary costs to the engineering industry in complying. [15] In Queensland, persons who are not registered with the Board of Professional Engineers Queensland are prohibited from offering or providing professional engineering services. The only exception is for individuals who practise under the direct supervision of registered professional engineers.


State register

Queensland is currently the only Australian jurisdiction to apply a comprehensive registration system for engineers. [16] The Queensland Minister for Public Works and Information and Communication Technology appointed Engineers Australia on 1 July 2008 [17] as one of the Approved Assessment entities for assessing applicants for Registration with the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland. [18]

National register

The National Engineering Register (NER) has been created by Engineers Australia to provide a means of presenting registered engineers and their services to the public. It also provides assurance to consumers that engineers engaged from the NER meet the high standards of professionalism expected in the engineering profession. It is the largest Engineering Register in the country delivering a uniform national benchmark standard of professionalism in the broadest areas of engineering practice, both general and special. [19]

The NER is a publicly searchable database providing a national system of ‘registration’ for the engineering profession in Australia of professional engineers, engineering technologists and engineering associates in both the private and public sectors. It is expected that the NER will facilitate access to existing State/Territory registers and to new registers, as and when they are developed. The NER is aimed at removing any current inconsistencies across State/Territory jurisdictions. [19]

The NER caters for nine (9) general and ten (10) special areas of practice aligned to demonstrated professional competence and experience. Registration on the 10 special areas of practice will be restricted to Chartered members of Engineers Australia and registrants who have successfully completed Engineers Australia's Chartered assessment process. [20]

Registrants on the NER will be able to confirm the following eligibility criteria:

International register

Chartered members of Engineers Australia can apply to join the:

The APEC register allows use post-nominals APECEngineer and the IPEA allows the use of the post-nominals IntPE(Aus). [19]

Continuing professional development

The Board expects Chartered Members and Registrants to maintain records of continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities that extend or update their knowledge, skill or judgment in their area or areas of engineering practice. An individual's CPD records must demonstrate a minimum of 150 hours of structured CPD in the last three years. [21] To maintain Chartered Status, registrants must complete Continuing Professional Development (CPD), which is subject to review every five years. [22]

Code of ethics

Since its inception, Engineers Australia has had a Code of Ethics and disciplinary processes that enable it to take action against members who breach that Code. The membership by-laws require the professional regulation of members. [23]

Chartered members and registrants on the various registers are specifically required to practice in accordance with the Code of Ethics. [24]


Engineers Australia believes that sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. [25]

Complaints - professional conduct

Engineers Australia has a detailed and regulated process for handling complaints against members and office bearers. Complaints against members of Engineers Australia are handled in accordance with Division 4 of the General Regulations 2016. If the person is not a member, then Engineers Australia has no authority to commence an investigation or take any action regarding the person's professional conduct. Engineers Australia is also not able to offer legal advice in relation to contractual or common law disputes or criminal matters and the complaints process will not result in financial restitution or compensation. [26]

Position statements

One of Engineers Australia's core activities is to make its position known on policies, inquiries and other government initiative. Engineers Australia draws upon the intellectual capital of the membership of Engineers Australia when drafting position statements and developing submissions. [27]

Annual report and financials

In accordance with By-law 20.2, an Annual Report is presented by the Board each year for the business of the Annual General Meeting of Engineers Australia. [28]


Engineers Australia engages third-party political lobbyists in various jurisdictions. For example, in South Australia, Engineers Australia engages MCM Strategic Communications. [29]


Create magazine was introduced on 12 August 2015. It was a magazine that showcased the profession, achievements, impacts and future thinking of engineering, but was phased out in 2020-2021 and replaced with an on-line version 'Create Digital' published by Mahlab publishers. [30] [31] [32] EHA Magazine is published quarterly covering industrial and engineering heritage first published in December 2013. [33]

Engineering heritage recognition program

Engineering Heritage Australia, [34] a special interest group within Engineers Australia, runs a program that recognises historically significant engineering works. Such works have a plaque on display, with a brief summary of the significance of the work. The program was established in 1984 with two categories of awards, "National Engineering Landmark" and "Historic Engineering Marker". In 2009 these were renamed "Engineering Heritage National Landmark" and "Engineering Heritage Marker"; in 2011 and 2012 the awards were renamed and a third category added. The current awards are: [35]

Historic Engineering Marker plaque McFarlane Bridge, Maclean, New South Wales, Australia, 12.jpg
Historic Engineering Marker plaque

As of August 2024 there were 256 registered sites. Details of the sites are available from the Engineering Heritage Australia web site. [36]


Since its formation in 1919, EA have been conferring awards. This role was enshrined in a Royal Charter, granted in 1938. In 1950, the Board created Engineers Australia’s General Prize Fund. Today it is called the Engineers Australia Excellence Awards [37]

The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal is the most prestigious award conferred by Engineers Australia. It is presented each year for notable contribution to the science and/or practice of engineering in Australia. [38]

The Professional Engineer of the Year is the most prestigious national Engineering award given to a practicing engineer for his or her exceptional contributions to Engineering in the evaluated year. Each major city branch of Engineers of Australia first selects the best professional engineers in the city and surroundings and some of these winners are nominated for the national award, and the national winner is selected by a national committee of Engineers Australia.


Coat of arms of the Institution of Engineers, Australia
Granted by the Kings of Arms, 1983. [39]
A demi-Pantheon Azure semy of Estoiles Or holding between its forefeet a Scroll Argent
A Wreath Argent and Azure.
A closed Helmet, Mantled Azure doubled Argent.
Azure a Fess enarched Argent in chief a Sun in splendour visaged Gold.
On either side a Kangaroo sejant guardant Azure gorged Or and crowned with a Crown composed of Wattle Sprigs Gold.
Latin: Ingenio Ac Scientia ("Ability and Knowledge")
Supporters: The two kangaroos are symbolic of Australia, and they are gorged (collared) and crowned with Wattle (the national floral emblem) to symbolise the oversight and authority of the Royal Charter granted in 1938. Escutcheon: The silver arch on the shield represents the strength and resilience of structures and machines. The sun is a symbol of the use and conservation of energy. Crest: The Pantheon in the crest is a mythical heraldic creature which was said to live among the stars, and is symbolic of the universality of engineering and its dependence on energy. It holds a scroll to symbolise the Institution's role in education and learning. The Pantheon also appears as supporters in the arms granted to the Engineering Council in the United Kingdom. [40]

See also

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  1. "Corporate Body - Institution of Engineers, Australia (1919 - )". The Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation.
  2. Engineers Australia (2022) Annual Report 2021-2022
  3. Lloyd, B. E. (1968) The Education of Professional Engineers in Australia, APEA Melbourne.
  4. Lloyd, B. E. (1988) "In Search of Identity: Engineering in Australia 1788–1988", Thesis for Doctor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne
  5. "Engineers Amalgamate". Construction and Local Government Journal . Vol. XXIII, no. 612. New South Wales, Australia. 20 October 1919. p. 5. Retrieved 22 April 2024 via National Library of Australia. The title became, de facto, Institution of Engineers, Australia.
  6. "Engineers Australia, 2011 Royal Charter and By-Laws". Archived from the original on 20 February 2017. Retrieved 17 January 2022.
  7. Engineers Australia Annual Report 2012-2013
  8. "Membership | Engineers Australia".
  9. "Colleges and National Committees; Engineers Australia".
  10. "Chartered Areas of Practice; Engineers Australia".
  11. "Public access version Engineers Australia Nuclear Chartered Area of Practice for Project AUKUS". The Naval Architect by Dr MJ Cianni FIEAust., CEng. Retrieved 10 August 2023.
  12. "Limit of Honorary Fellows".
  13. "Migration skills assessment | Engineers Australia".
  14. "Governor-General announced as Patron". Engineers Australia. Retrieved 12 December 2020.
  15. "State registration | Engineers Australia".
  16. "The RPEQ System".
  17. "Board of Professional Engineers Queensland-Approved Assessment Entity".
  18. "Board of Professional Engineers Queensland- Areas of Engineering".
  19. 1 2 3 "National Engineering Register | Engineers Australia".
  20. "Areas of engineering | Engineers Australia".
  21. "Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Policy, 19 February 2009" (PDF).
  22. "CPD requirements | Engineers Australia".
  23. The Institution of Engineers Australia (EA), 2011 Royal Charter and B-Laws, 6(d)
  24. "Code of Ethics Article".
  25. "Engineers Australia Sustainability Charter" (PDF).
  26. "Complaints | Engineers Australia".
  27. "Policy and advocacy | Engineers Australia".
  28. "Corporate governance | Engineers Australia".
  29. "South Australian Register of Lobbyists - MCM Strategic Communications" (PDF). 27 May 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 April 2018. Retrieved 11 May 2018.
  30. "Mahlab Publishing".
  31. "Create Digital". 2 January 2019.
  32. "Welcome to Engineers Australia Portal".
  33. Contents EHA Magazine December 2013 page 1
  34. "Engineering Heritage Australia". Engineers Australia. Retrieved 27 April 2020.
  35. Guide to Engineering Heritage Recognition Program (PDF), Engineers Australia, 2017, p. 8, retrieved 27 April 2020
  36. "Engineering Heritage Register". Engineering Heritage Australia. Retrieved 31 August 2024.
  37. "Engineers Australia Awards – Celebrating the achievements of Australia's most dedicated and innovative engineers".
  38. "Peter Nicol Russell Career Achievement Memorial Medal" . Retrieved 22 October 2017.
  39. "The Seal, the Logo and the Coat of Arms" (PDF). The Newsletter of Engineering Heritage Australia (11): 1–2. June 2001. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 October 2023. Retrieved 26 October 2023.
  40. Chapman, Colin R; Levy, Jack (2004). "An Engine for Change - A Chronicle of the Engineering Council" (PDF). Engineering Council UK. p. 240. Retrieved 26 October 2023.