Ethiopia–Russia relations

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Russo-Ethiopian relations
Ethiopia Russia Locator.svg
Flag of Ethiopia.svg
Flag of Russia.svg

Ethiopia and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations on April 21, 1943. Russia currently has an embassy in Addis Ababa, and Ethiopia has an embassy in Moscow. The Ethiopian ambassador to Russia is also accredited to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.



Pre-Soviet Union

Early contacts

The first contacts between Russians and Ethiopians took place in the Palestine, where Russian pilgrims met the Ethiopian religious community. Around 1370, the Russian pilgrim Agrefeny described the performance of Ethiopian rites in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. [1] In the 1470s, Afanasy Nikitin passed through what is today Eritrea on his way back from India, becoming the first Russian to set foot in Ethiopian lands. [2]

Imperial history

The history of this relationship has its origins in the 19th century. Russia's first steps in the Horn of Africa were taken by a Cossack adventurer named N.I. Ashinov, who illegally without any support from the Tsar attempted to establish a "New Moscow" at the coastal town of Sagallo in modern-day Djibouti, with the expectation that a Russian community there would force the Tsar to come to protect and lay claim to it. This short-lived settlement came to an end in February 1889 when French authorities attacked the out-post after Russia denied any official link to them, the 175 Russian settlers were then forcibly removed by a Russian Naval ship detachment that was set to collect them. Nikolay Ashinov was then imprisoned for disobeying the Tsar, who had no interest in forming colonies or engaging in the slave trade in Africa, that was the domain of Turkish Ottoman and European Empires [3] While Ashinov had never received any support from the Russian Tsar, a delegation led by V.F. Mashkov to Emperor Menelik II in October 1889 was official. Mashkov discussed arms supply, technology and diplomatic support supply deals to Ethiopia with the Ethiopian emperor, and upon returning to Russia he was decorated by the Tsar for successfully establishing ties. Mashkov made a second visit to Ethiopia early in 1891 under the sponsorship of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. [4] Paul Henze notes that the reasons of Mashkov's visits were "no doubt political, but the fact that both countries were Orthodox encouraged favorable attitudes on both sides." [5]

During the First Italo-Ethiopian War, Russia was the sole European power that offered diplomatic support to Ethiopia. [6]

A permanent Russian diplomatic presence was established in Addis Ababa in 1902. [7]

Soviet Union

Early Soviet relations

The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin did not send any aid to Ethiopia during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, and continued trading with Italy during the conflict in spite of sanctions the Soviets themselves officially supported, [8] but the USSR was one of only five nations which never acknowledged Italy's occupation of Ethiopia. [9] Official diplomatic relations between the USSR and Ethiopia were established on 21 April 1943 during World War II. [10]

1974 revolution

Ethiopia established friendly relations with the Soviet Union following a 1974 uprising that forced the long serving Emperor Haile Selassie to cede power to a military council called the Derg ("Committee" in Ge'ez). [11] Despite the implementation of a series of radical socio-economic reforms, Moscow was slow to embrace the new regime for several reasons. [12] First, the Derg continued the old regime's policy of buying arms from the United States. Second, the Soviet Union was reluctant to jeopardize its growing relationship with Somalia, Ethiopia's traditional enemy. Third, a significant segment of the Soviet leadership was skeptical of the revolutionary credentials of the Derg, as Moscow perceived a significant number of its members to be pro-Western. [13]

Soviet backing for the Derg increased as Major Mengistu Haile Mariam emerged as its most powerful member. [12] In 1975, the first group of officers from the regime traveled to the Soviet Union for ideological training, including Lt. Colonel Fikre-Selassie Wogderess, who would later become Mengistu's second in command. [14] Soviet media ran positive portrayals of the Derg and of Mengistu in particular. [13] After the execution of Mengistu's rival, Major Sisal Habte, Soviet support for the regime grew substantially, beginning with a secret $100 million arms deal in December 1976. In May 1977, Mengistu traveled to Moscow to sign a "Declaration on the Principles of Friendly Relations and Cooperation" and to conclude a second arms deal worth about $385 million. [15]

Ogaden War

Moscow's public embrace of Mengistu concerned Siad Barre's regime in Somalia, who worried about the implications of friendly Soviet-Ethiopian relations on their own alliance with the USSR. [15] After rejecting a Soviet proposal for a four-nation Marxist–Leninist confederation, the Somali government launched an offensive in July 1977 with the intent of capturing Ethiopia's Ogaden region, starting the Ogaden War. [15] Though Somalia appeared to be on the brink of victory after gaining control of 90% of the area, the Ethiopians were able to launch a counter offensive with the help of newly arrived Soviet arms and a South Yemeni brigade. [16] Infuriated by Soviet support for the Ethiopians, Somalia annulled its treaty with the Soviet Union and expelled all Soviet advisors in the country. [15] Consequently, the USSR orchestrated a massive transport of armaments, Cuban combat troops and Soviet military advisors to Ethiopia. [16] By March 1978, Somali forces had been pushed out of the Ogaden. [15]


A statue of Lenin stands in Addis Ababa 1983 Lenin 1983 - panoramio.jpg
A statue of Lenin stands in Addis Ababa 1983

Following the Ogaden War, the Soviet Union strengthened its ties to Ethiopia. [16] Moscow provided the Derg with more than $11 billion in military aid, leading to the creation of the largest army in sub-Saharan Africa. [16] Soviet support was critical in the continuing suppression of Eritrean and Tigrean separatists. [16] The USSR established naval, air and land bases in Ethiopia, notably facilities for naval reconnaissance flights in Asmara. [16] Politically, the Soviet Union pushed Mengistu to develop a "national-democratic" regime, along the lines of the Eastern European countries. [17] This was something he did reluctantly, as the Workers' Party of Ethiopia was not established until 1984. [17] Economically, the Soviets provided limited credits to develop basic industries such as utilities. [18] A significant number of Soviet professionals such as doctors and engineers also traveled to Ethiopia. [19]

Soviet "New Thinking"

The Russian Cultural Centre in Addis Ababa ET Addis asv2018-01 img32 Russian Center.jpg
The Russian Cultural Centre in Addis Ababa

Soviet policy towards Ethiopia remained relatively unchanged until the accession of Mikhail Gorbachev to General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1985. The new Soviet leader sought to reduce East-West tensions in order to pursue domestic political and economic reforms. [20] To this end, Gorbachev called for "the just political settlement of international crisis and regional conflicts" at the 27th Congress of the Communist Party in March 1986. [21] Soviet intellectuals began to question Moscow's support of socialist leaders who did not have popular support. [22] Gorbachev's de-ideologization of Soviet foreign relations led many Soviet observers to view Mengistu less as the leader of a Leninist vanguard and more as an ineffective dictator struggling to maintain power at Moscow's expense. [23]

Signs of Gorbachev's "new thinking" were evident in Ethiopian relations as early as 1986, when the Soviets pressured Mengistu to agree to face-to-face talks with Somalia's Siad Barre that resulted in the signing of peace accords in 1988. [24] Similarly, Moscow indicated to Mengistu that the arms agreement reached in November 1987 was to be the last of its kind. [25] Despite the urging of Soviet advisers, Mengistu resisted implementing political and economic reforms and banned discussion of perestroika and glasnost from Ethiopian media. [26] It was not until the collapse of the hardline communist regimes in Eastern Europe in late 1989 that Mengistu proposed limited economic liberalization. [27]

The drop of substantial Soviet military support after 1987 had consequences. Eritrean and Tigrean insurgents began to make advances, placing the Addis regime in an increasingly tenuous position. [28] By mid-1989, Moscow was significantly cutting back weapon deliveries and advised Mengistu to seek a negotiated settlement. [28] In July 1989, the head of the Soviet Foreign Ministry's African Department, Yuri Yukalov, met with Eritrean representatives in London in an attempt to advance the peace process. [29] In September 1989, the Soviet Deputy Minister of Defense, General V. Varennikov, delivered a message to Mengistu from Gorbachev confirming Moscow's decision to end military aid to Ethiopia. [28] In early 1990, the Soviet Union sought to further its disengagement from Ethiopia by welcoming the entry of the United States into the diplomatic process. This included mediation between the regime and the Eritrea People's Liberation Front by American Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Herman Cohen. [30] These talks collapsed when the Ethiopian insurgents, under the umbrella grouping known as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front, advanced into the capital and overthrew the regime in May 1991, forcing Mengistu into exile in Zimbabwe. [30]

Current relations

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi in October 2019 Abiy Ahmed & Vladimir Putin - 2019.jpg
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi in October 2019
Agegnehu Teshager with Vladimir Putin's close associate Vyacheslav Volodin in Moscow, Russia, 19 May 2023 Vyacheslav Volodin with Agegnehu Teshager (2023-05-19).jpg
Agegnehu Teshager with Vladimir Putin's close associate Vyacheslav Volodin in Moscow, Russia, 19 May 2023

During the Ethiopian-Eritrean War of the 1990s, Russia provided fighter jets and pilots to the then Ethiopian Air Force.

During the Tigray War, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said the issue was an internal affair of Ethiopia and that Russia supported the Ethiopian government's efforts. The two sides also expressed the need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, science and technology. [31]

Relations since the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Ethiopia abstained in the UN vote condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Ethiopians also queued up to volunteer for Russia's side during the Russo-Ukrainian War. [32]

On August 23 2023, at the 15th BRICS summit, Russia along with the other members of BRICS formally invited Ethiopia to join the organization. Ethiopia became a full member on January 1 2024. [33]

In November 2022, Ethiopia was one of 13 countries that voted against United Nations General Assembly Resolution ES-11/5 which calls for Russia to pay war reparations to Ukraine by creating an international reparations mechanism. [34]

In April 2022, Ethiopia voted against expelling Russia from the United Nations Human Rights Council. [35]

Official visits

Visiting leaderHosting leaderLocationDateNotes
Flag of Ethiopia (1897-1936; 1941-1974).svg Emperor Haile Selassie Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Chairman Kliment Voroshilov [36] Moscow, Soviet Union July 1959First visit by an Ethiopian leader to Russia. [37] He was awarded the 1st Class of the Order of Suvorov during the visit. He also met with Patriarch Alexy I of Moscow. [38]
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam Flag of the Soviet Union.svg Chairman Leonid Brezhnev Moscow, Soviet Union May 1977He signed the "Declaration on the Principles of Friendly Relations and Cooperation."
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Flag of Russia.svg President Vladimir Putin Moscow, Russia December 2001A declaration on cooperation was renewed. [39]
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Flag of Russia.svg President Vladimir Putin Sochi, Russia 23 October 2019Participated in the inaugural Russia–Africa Summit. [40]
Flag of Ethiopia.svg Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Flag of Russia.svg President Vladimir Putin Saint Petersburg July 2023Participated in the Russia–Africa Summit. [41]

See also

Russians in Ethiopia

Further reading

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This list details about chronological aspect of the Derg, the military junta that ruled Ethiopia from 1974 to 1987 by decade.

The government of the Derg consisted of Unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party system with communist and later socialist ideology. Opposing feudal system of Ethiopia, the Derg abolished land tenure in March 1975 and began sweeping land reform under Land Reform Proclamation. All means of goods have been therefore nationalized by the regime including housing, land, farms, and industry.


  1. Tatyana Denisova, "The First Russian Religious Missions to Ethiopia", Politics and Religion15.1 (2021): 49–64.
  2. Anatolii A. Gromyko, "Soviet-Ethiopian Ties, Soviet Law and Government", 19.3 (1980): 75–94.
  3. Henze (2000) , p. 158, n. 23
  4. Диссертация "Российско-эфиопские дипломатические и культурные связи в конце XIX-начале XX веков"
  5. Henze (2000) , p. 163f
  6. "Russia, we may note, was in fact the only European power to champion Ethiopia at the time of Adwa. The Tsars, who saw the Ethiopians as fellow Orthodox Christians ..." Pankhurst (2005) , p. 225
  7. Sergius Yakobson, "The Soviet Union and Ethiopia: A Case of Traditional Behavior", The Review of Politics25.3 (1963): 329–342. doi : 10.1017/s0034670500006094
  8. Lowell R. Tillett, "The Soviet Role in League Sanctions Against Italy, 1935-36." American Slavic and East European Review 15.1 (1956): 11–16 online.
  9. Haile Selassie I, My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, Haile Sellassie I, King of Kings of Ethiopia: Addis Abeba, 1966 E.C. translated by Ezekiel Gebissa, et alia, (Chicago: Frontline Books, 1999), vol. 2 p. 22
  10. "Soviet Foreign Ministry, Background Report on Soviet-Ethiopian Relations, 3 April 1978" Archived 9 May 2012 at the Wayback Machine , Cold War International History Project Virtual Archive (accessed 6 July 2009)
  11. Korn (1986) , p. 92
  12. 1 2 Patman (1993) , p. 112
  13. 1 2 Patman (1993) , p. 113
  14. Korn (1986) , p. 76
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 Patman (1993) , p. 114
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Remnek (1992) , p. 154
  17. 1 2 Patman (1993) , p. 116
  18. Patman (1993) , pp. 117–118
  19. Patman (1993) , p. 118
  20. Zubok (2007) , p. 280
  21. Webber (1992) , p. 5
  22. Remnek (1992) , p. 156
  23. Remnek (1992) , pp. 158–159
  24. Patman (1993) , p. 121
  25. Patman (1993) , p. 122
  26. Patman (1993) , p. 126
  27. Patman (1993) , p. 129
  28. 1 2 3 Webber (1992) , p. 13
  29. Patman (1993) , p. 130
  30. 1 2 Webber (1992) , p. 14
  31. "Ethiopia, Russia vow to deepen bilateral relations". 24 June 2021. Retrieved 24 June 2021.
  32. Endeshaw, Dawit (21 April 2022). "Ethiopians queue up to volunteer for Russia's fight in Ukraine". Reuters.
  33. "BRICS announce major expansion with 6 countries joining in 2024". ABC News .
  34. "UN calls for Russia to pay reparations. How did countries vote?".
  35. "UN suspends Russia from human rights body: How your country voted".
  36. "His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia in the SU by tafariverlag - Issuu". 20 December 2011. Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  37. Yakobson, Sergius (1963). "The Soviet Union and Ethiopia: A Case of Traditional Behavior". The Review of Politics. 25 (3): 329–342. doi:10.1017/S0034670500006094. ISSN   0034-6705. JSTOR   1405736. S2CID   146615755.
  38. Kibriye, Solomon (2010-09-22), The Emperor of Ethiopia with the Patriarch of Moscow , retrieved 2023-03-29
  39. "Ethiopia Russia Relations". Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  40. "Meeting with Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed". President of Russia. 23 October 2019. Retrieved 2023-03-29.
  41. "Putin meets Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed". Africanews. 26 July 2023.
