Fabiania (foram)

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Temporal range: Late Paleoc - Late Eoc
Scientific classification

A. Silvestri, 1924

Fabiania is a genus of large fossil benthic calcareous forams with a range extending from the Upper Paleocene to the Upper Eocene.

Benthos community of organisms which live on, in, or near the seabed

Benthos is the community of organisms that live on, in, or near the seabed, also known as the benthic zone. This community lives in or near marine sedimentary environments, from tidal pools along the foreshore, out to the continental shelf, and then down to the abyssal depths.

Foraminifera phylum of amoeboid protists

Foraminifera are members of a phylum or class of amoeboid protists characterized by streaming granular ectoplasm for catching food and other uses; and commonly an external shell of diverse forms and materials. Tests of chitin are believed to be the most primitive type. Most foraminifera are marine, the majority of which live on or within the seafloor sediment, while a smaller variety float in the water column at various depths. Fewer are known from freshwater or brackish conditions, and some very few (nonaquatic) soil species have been identified through molecular analysis of small subunit ribosomal DNA.

The Paleocene or Palaeocene, the "old recent", is a geological epoch that lasted from about 66 to 56 million years ago. It is the first epoch of the Paleogene Period in the modern Cenozoic Era. As with many geologic periods, the strata that define the epoch's beginning and end are well identified, but the exact ages remain uncertain.

The test, which is up to 4 mm in diameter, is in the shape of a more-or-less flattened cone with hollow center and bluntly rounded apex. The outer wall is thick and finely perforate, umbilical side and partitions imperforate, surface smooth to papillate: aperture in the earliest chambers a simple arch, later with a single row of large openings leading into the broad open umbilicus. The test begins with three thick-walled and perforate globose chambers. followed by a few chambers about one-half coil in length. with later chambers added in cyclic series or tiers. Short horizontal and vertical partitions arising from the inside of the outer wall form numerous coarse alveoli that, in turn, are subdivided by second order partitions into smaller alveoli. Horizontal sutures formed by the chamber tiers are depressed and distinct. Alveolar partitions are evident externally only on abraded specimens.

Fabiania was named by A. Silvestri, 1924, and is assigned to the Cymbaloporidae, Planorbulinacea, Rotaliida. Fabiania is included in the Fabianiinae which also includes Eofabiania from the middle Eocene of California and Gunteria from the middle Eocene of the Caribbean region, and is distinct in having a world-wide distribution and a larger stratigraphic range.

Rotaliida order of foraminifers

The Rotaliida are an order of Foraminifera, characterized by multilocular tests (shells) composed of bilammelar perforate hyaline lamellar calcite that may be optically radial or granular.

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    Alfred R. ("Al") Loeblich Jr (1914–1994) was an American micropaleontologist. He was married to Helen Niña Tappan Loeblich and the two co-authored a number of important works on the Foraminifera and related organisms.

    Helen Niña Tappan Loeblich was a leading micropaleontologist, a professor of geology at the University of California, Los Angeles, a United States Geological Survey (USGS) biostratigrapher, and a scientific illustrator whose micropaleontology specialty was research on Cretaceous foraminifera.

    The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology published by the Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press, is a definitive multi-authored work of some 50 volumes, written by more than 300 paleontologists, and covering every phylum, class, order, family, and genus of fossil and extant invertebrate animals. The prehistoric invertebrates are described as to their taxonomy, morphology, paleoecology, stratigraphic and paleogeographic range. However, genera with no fossil record whatsoever have just a very brief listing.