Faculty of Theology, Aligarh Muslim University

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Faculty of Theology
धर्मशास्र संकाय
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Affiliations Aligarh Muslim University

The Faculty of Theology is a part of Aligarh Muslim University. The faculty has two departments, Sunni Theology and Shia Theology.



The Faculty of Theology is one of the oldest faculties of Aligarh Muslim University. Abdullah Ansari, son-in-law of Muhammad Qasim Nanotawi, the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband, was appointed first Nazime-e-Deeniyat. [1]

Aligarh Muslim University is the only Indian university to have distinct departments for Sunni and Shia theology. These two departments not only provide teaching and research facilities but also manage the religious life of the campus. The two are regarded as a living manifestation of Sir Syed's vision of Muslim unity and brotherhood.

Abdul Lateef Rahmani, Syed Sulaiman Ashraf, Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi, Ali Naqi Naqvi, Kazim Naqvi, Hafeezullah, Muhammad Taqi Amini, [2] Mujtaba Hasan Kamoonpuri, Fazlur Rahman Ginnori, Kalbe Abid and other scholars have served in this faculty.

Historians including Zayn al-Abidin Sajjad Meerthi have been members of the faculty. [1]

Role of Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi

Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi was appointed the dean of the Faculty of Theology in 1958. He transformed a mediocre faculty, both academically and administratively, and brought it on par with the other faculties of the university. His efforts introduced the faculty to postgraduate classes, PhD in the Faculty of Theology, is also the result of his efforts. [1] Rizwanullah did his doctorate on Anwar Shah Kashmiri under him, and it was first ever PhD thesis Akbarabadi had supervised in AMU, it was published by the university in 1974. [3]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bibliography of Darul Uloom Deoband</span>

This bibliography of Darul Uloom Deoband is a selected list of generally available scholarly resources related to Darul Uloom Deoband, a leading Islamic seminary and Muslim theological centre in India at which the Deobandi movement began, founded in 1866. It is one of the most influential reform movements in modern Islam. It created a largest network of satellite madrasas all over the world especially India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan neighboring countries in Asia and beyond, and as far afield as the Caribbean, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States. Islamic Revival in British India by Barbara D. Metcalf was the first major monograph specifically devoted to the institutional and intellectual history of Deoband. Syed Mehboob Rizwi wrote History of Darul Uloom Deoband in 1977 in 2 volumes. This list will include Books and theses written on Darul Uloom Deoband and articles published about Deoband in various journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, seminars, websites etc. in APA style. Only bibliography related to Darul Uloom Deoband will be included here, for Deobandi movement, see Bibliography of Deobandi Movement.

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<i>Anwar al-Bari sharh Sahih al-Bukhari</i> Book by Anwar Shah Kashmiri

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<i>Al-Arf al-Shadhi sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi</i> Book by Anwar Shah Kashmiri

Al-Arf al-Shadhi sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi is a multi-volume Arabic commentary on Sahih al-Tirmidhi attributed to Muhammad Chiragh Punjabi, was crafted by synthesizing the annotations and teachings of Anwar Shah Kashmiri during his teaching career. Its initial publication dates back to 1919. Notably aligned with the Hanafi school of thought, the purpose of Kashmiri, as reflected in this work, extended beyond the clarification of ideas and grammatical intricacies; it predominantly aimed at establishing Abu Hanifa's elevated stature in the realm of jurisprudence. In 1968, Yusuf Banuri introduced Maarif al-Sunan sharh Sunan al-Tirmidhi across six volumes to address any identified discrepancies within Al-Arf al-Shadhi.

Ishtiaque Ahmad Qasmi is an Indian Islamic scholar, mufti, and writer. He has been serving as a teacher at Darul Uloom Deoband since 2008.

Muhammad Ibrahim Balyawi (1887–1976), also spelt as Muhammad Ibrahim Balliavi, was an Indian Sunni Muslim scholar who served as the 6th Principal of Darul Uloom Deoband. He spent almost 50 years instructing Hadith, Mantiq, Islamic philosophy, and other subjects at Darul Uloom Deoband.


  1. 1 2 3 Syed Mehboob Rizwi. History of the Dar al-Ulum, Deoband (1st, 1981 ed.). Darul Uloom Deoband. pp. 112, 114–116.
  2. Anas Hassan Khan (July–December 2016). "Six Monthly al-Irfan" (PDF). جدید معاشی مسائل اور اسلام Modern economic issues and Islam. 1 (2): 43. Archived from the original (PDF) on 10 April 2020. Retrieved 1 April 2020.
  3. Mufti Ubaid Anwar Shah Qaiser. "Maulana Saeed Ahmad Akbarabadi: Ek Sahib-e-Qalam Shakhsiyat". Nida'e Darul Uloom Waqf (in Urdu) (Rabi-ut-Thaani, 1438 ed.). Darul Uloom Waqf, Deoband. p. 49-53.