Fadli Zon Library

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The Fadli Zon Library, founded in 2008, is a private library owned by Fadli Zon, an Indonesian cultural figure and politician. The library has a collection of more than 50,000 books, ancient manuscripts, postage stamps, kris, old newspapers, spears, swords, badiks from various kingdoms of the archipelago, coins, statues, paintings from various Indonesian master artists, long play records from Indonesian musicians or singers, cigarettes produced in Indonesia, old textiles or cloths from various regions, and glasses from several figures. [1]




Some of the book collections stored in the Fadli Zon Library include: "Amboinsch Kruid-Boek" by Georg Eberhard Rumphius published in 1747 and "Mekka" by Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje published in 1889.

Ancient manuscripts

Fadli Zon Library collects more than one hundred original ancient handwritten manuscripts using paper and palm leaf, Serat Cebolek, Centhini (1831), and Wulangreh are one of them. Pakubuwono IV's handwriting made on January 4, 1902 is some of the ancient fibers in the Fadli Zon Library collection.

Old newspapers

Fadli Zon Library has a collection of no less than 500 old newspaper publications. Some of them are the 1862 edition of the Selompret Melajoe newspaper, the 1875 edition of the Madoera-Shuu newspaper, the Kediri-Shuu newspaper (1875), the Sinpo Chinese language newspaper (1922-1960), the Kengpo newspaper (1924-1957), and newspapers published from 1930 to 1960s.

Money and stamps

The Fadli Zon Library stamp collection is collected in 4 Davo Albums which display collections of Indonesian stamps since 1949. In Addition, the Fadli Zon Library also collects tens of thousands of stamps from the Dutch colonial period and stamps from abroad. Meanwhile, the Fadli Zon Library's money collection consists of a collection of banknotes and coins numbering in the thousands.


The collection of glasses stored at the Fadli Zon Library includes several famous Indonesian figures, such as Mohammad Hatta, Syafruddin Prawiranegara, B.M. Diah, Sumanang Soerjowinoto, Rosihan Anwar, Taufik Ismail, Asrul Sani, et cetera.


There are no less than 750 paintings in the Fadli Zon Library collection which are displayed from the first floor to the third floor. Most of the paintings in the Fadli Zon Library collection are works by national painting maestros. Some of them are, View of Bali by Dullah, Ranah Minang by Wakidi, President Soekarno's Visit to Peking by Henk Nunjung.


Fadli Zon Library Sculpture Collection consists of around 300 statues by national sculpture maestros, such as Trubus, Hendra Gunawan, and Zaini. Apart from that, the Fadli Zon Library also collects traditional statues from tribes in the country.


  1. "Cerita Fadli Zon tentang Perpustakaan & Museum Pribadi Beserta Koleksinya".