First Secretary of the Communist Youth League of China

Last updated
First Secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China
China Youth League logo.svg
Emblem of the Communist Youth League of China
Flag of the Communist Youth League of China.svg
Flag of the Communist Youth League of China
A Dong
since May 31, 2023
Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China
TypeYouth league leader
Status Provincial and ministerial-level official
Member ofSecretariat
Seat Beijing
Nominator Central Committee
Appointer Central Committee
Inaugural holder Yu Xiusong
DeputySecretaries of the Secretariat

The first secretary of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China is the leader of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC). The first secretary heads the Secretariat of the Central Committee.

The Central Committee elects one first secretary and several secretaries to form the Secretariat, which handles the day-to-day affairs of the CYLC. [1] :126 The first secretary also serves ex officio as the president of the China Youth University of Political Studies.

List of secretaries

No.OfficeholderTerm of officeRef.
Took officeLeft office
1 Xin 5530706030859796700610.jpg Yu Xiusong


2 Shi Cuntong.jpg Shi Cuntong


3 Zhang Tailei.jpg Zhang Tailei


4 1938 Chinese Comintern Ren Bishi.jpg Ren Bishi


5 Guan Xiangying


6 Feng Wenbin


7 Hu Yaobang 1953.jpg Hu Yaobang


8 Han Ying

(born 1935)

27 October 197830 November 1982
9 Wang Zhaoguo Senate of Poland.jpg Wang Zhaoguo

(born 1941)

December 1982December 1984 [2]
10 Hu Jintao at White House 2011.jpg Hu Jintao

(born 1942)

14 December 19848 July 1985
11 Song Defu


November 1985May 1993
12 Shinzo Abe Li Keqiang 20191225 (1) (cropped).jpg Li Keqiang


10 May 199323 June 1998 [3]
13 ZhouQiang.jpg Zhou Qiang

(born 1960)

25 June 19986 November 2006
14 Hu Chunhua (2019-09-05) 2.jpg Hu Chunhua

(born 1963)

November 2006April 2008 [4]
15 Lu Hao

(born 1967)

April 2008March 2013 [5]
16 Qin Yizhi

(born 1965)

19 March 201320 September 2017 [6]
17 He Junke-20220421.png He Junke

(born 1969)

29 June 201831 May 2023 [7]
18 A Dong

(born 1970)

31 May 2023Incumbent [8]


  1. Doyon, Jérôme (2023). Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China. University of Michigan Press. doi: 10.3998/mpub.12291596 . ISBN   978-0-472-90294-1.
  2. ""起大早赶晚集"的人 邓小平为何放弃王兆国?(组图)". Duowei. Wenxuecity.
  3. "Li Keqiang 李克强" (PDF). Brookings Institution. Archived (PDF) from the original on 31 May 2023. Retrieved 28 October 2023.
  4. "Hu Chunhua 胡春华" (PDF). Brookings Institution . Retrieved 26 September 2024.
  5. 陆昊任共青团中央书记处第一书记. 2008-05-04. Archived from the original on May 6, 2008. 原载《中国青年报》
  6. "秦宜智任共青团中央书记处第一书记". Phoenix Television . Archived from the original on 2017-09-15. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
  7. 贺军科任中国科协党组书记. 2023-05-30. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  8. "阿东任共青团中央书记处第一书记". Phoenix Television (in Chinese). 2023-05-31.