Focus recovery based on the linear canonical transform

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For digital image processing, the Focus recovery from a defocused image is an ill-posed problem since it loses the component of high frequency. Most of the methods for focus recovery are based on depth estimation theory. [1] The Linear canonical transform (LCT) gives a scalable kernel to fit many well-known optical effects. Using LCTs to approximate an optical system for imaging and inverting this system, theoretically permits recovery of a defocused image.


Depth of field and perceptual focus

The object is put at the different positions whereas causes to effective focus. Larger aperture.PNG
The object is put at the different positions whereas causes to effective focus.

In photography, depth of field (DOF) means an effective focal length. It is usually used for stressing an object and deemphasizing the background (and/or the foreground). The important measure related to DOF is the lens aperture. Decreasing the diameter of aperture increases focus and lowers resolution and vice versa.

The Huygens–Fresnel principle and DOF

The observation points at two different fields Huygens-Fresnel field.PNG
The observation points at two different fields

The Huygens–Fresnel principle describes diffraction of wave propagation between two fields. It belongs to Fourier optics rather than geometric optics. The disturbance of diffraction depends on two circumstance parameters, the size of aperture and the interfiled distance.

Consider a source field and a destination field, field 1 and field 0, respectively. P1(x1,y1) is the position in the source field, P0(x0,y0) is the position in the destination field. The Huygens–Fresnel principle gives the diffraction formula for two fields U(x0,y0), U(x1,y1) as following:

where θ denotes the angle between and . Replace cos θ by and by

we get

The further distance z or the smaller aperture (x1,y1) causes a greater diffraction. A larger DOF can lead to a more effective focused wave distribution. This seems to be a conflict. Here are the notations:

In conclusion, diffraction explains a micro behavior whereas DOF shows a macro behavior. Both of them are related to aperture size.

Linear canonical transform

As the meaning of "canonical", the linear canonical transform (LCT) is a scalable transform that connects to many important kernels such as the Fresnel transform, Fraunhofer transform and the fractional Fourier transform. It can be easily controlled by its four parameters, a, b, c, d (3 degrees of freedom). The definition:

A general imaging system with two free space propagation and one thin lens passing Imaging system.PNG
A general imaging system with two free space propagation and one thin lens passing


Consider a general imaging system with object distance z0, focal length of the thin lens f and an imaging distance z1. The effect of the propagation in freespace acts as nearly a chirp convolution, that is, the formula of diffraction. Besides, the effect of the propagation in thin lens acts as a chirp multiplication. The parameters are all simplified as paraxial approximations while meeting the freespace propagation. It does not consider aperture size.

From the properties of the LCT, it is possible to obtain those 4 parameters for this optical system as:

Once the values of z1, z0 and f are known, the LCT can simulate any optical system.


  1. Most depth recovery methods are simply based on camera focus and defocus. Among those approaches, they usually fall in a depth discontinuity problem.

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